Chapter 11 - An impressive physical transformation (Part 1)

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Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.

Brynhild's P.O.V.

She could not help but think about what her younger cousin told her, and how different he seemed. She felt that something changed in him. 'He seems more... determined? Reliable, maybe?' Feeling a bit confused, she nonetheless decided to let it go. 'I'll just observe him and see if it's only a temporary change. If it's not then...'

As the bus stopped in front of her, she climbed into it before finding a seat to sit on, letting her mind wander as the vehicle drove on, its engine noise not loud enough to disturb the woman's thoughts.

Demian's P.O.V.

As around two weeks passed, Demian started seeing impressive results from his intensive training. Especially as he received his guitar, adding guitar lessons to his already packed practice regimen. And it was not only him who was surprised at his current physical appearance.

Turning his head from the wall mirrors in the Home-gym, he noticed with some amusement the flabbergasted looks on his muscular cousin's and his beautiful mature Aunt's faces, as their gazes were directed at his shirtless upper body. "If you keep looking at me like that, I'll blush, you know?"

A discreet chuckle escaped Seraphine's mouth at his words, probably from imagining the other two's silly looks. Of course, Demian could guess that she only acted like that because she could not witness his incredible physical transformation. Being blind had its downsides. Who knew?The noise broke the two women's stupor, the youngest returning to her usual emotionless face, however with some confusion hidden behind her stoic manner. As for Adeliya, a big smile of happiness immediately appeared on her face as she lifted her face to look at his eyes.

Seeing her reaction warmed his heart, as he knew that she was genuinely happy for him. After all, he was clearly on the right path of self-improvement, whether mental or physical. Nonetheless, he was intrigued by the twinkle that he noticed in her eyes. 'Forget it! Let's just enjoy this happiness. I'll just deal with things as they come.' He thought with a confident smile, brought by his increased physical and mental prowess.

Unfortunately, that same confidence was 'under attack' as Bryn warned him. "I don't know how you can go from having a below-average body to having a weak athletic body, in one fu*Cough* week. But you can't let it go to your head if you want to catch up to me. You better not let up on your training, or you'll stay weak."

Although he knew that she only meant well with her advice, his ego still took a small hit, making his next retort a lot sharper than he planned. "Why do you always have to put down my efforts? I'm doing my best Bryn! And it's starting to pay off, Goddamnit! Can't you just be happy for me, for once?"

As the final angry words left his mouth, Demian added "I'm gonna take a shower", before leaving the room in a hurry, not waiting for any response. As he closed the door behind him, he could feel his emotions going haywire, confusing him deeply. Unknowingly reaching the upstairs bathroom, he mechanically laid down his prepared clean clothes on the side, before undressing and entering the bright industrial-themed shower.

As soon as the running water started pouring down all over his naked body, his brain seemed to resume working. "Why am I so affected by what she said? I don't get it..." He muttered with his eyes closed, focusing half his mind on trying to unravel his confusion, while the other half was enjoying the hot water loosening up his strained muscles.

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