Chapter 13 - Feeling the difference in power

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Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.

Demian's P.O.V.

A small smile crept up his face at her advice, his next words filled with warmth. "I've known you all my life, and only now do I start to realize how amazing you are." Turning around to leave his room, he, unfortunately, missed the scene of the cute woman with burgundy shoulder-length hair blushing so hard that the color of her cheeks almost matched the color of her hair. "You charmer..." She let escape as a beautiful smile adorned her attractive face. 

Unaware of her reaction, Demian moved toward the stairs linking the two stories, throwing a gaze at the living room where he spotted Brynhild through the opened bay windows. She was standing on the balcony, her forearms resting on the covered railings, with her upper body slightly bent and her gaze facing the bustling city of Damovotsk.

As the evening was inching closer, countless shouts and car noises could be heard all around, their owner probably on their way home after their work day. Looking from their penthouse on the 10th floor of one of the tallest buildings in this seaside eastern European city, Demian could see many people going to and fro with their own lives, plunging him into a thoughtful mood as his feet kept moving until he reached right beside his older cousin.

Mirroring her position with his forearms resting on the railing, he shared the thought that sent him in a pondering mood. "Feels unreal, doesn't it? As if they're living in a fake world. Actually, are they even real?" He finished with a small chuckle. Grunting in assent, she replied with an unfocused tone of voice. "In this case, is it them or us who's not real?"

Her answer/question made him speechless as he had no answer to give her. He instead decided to state his reason for coming to see her. "Bryn?" At the mention of her name, she turned her face devoid of emotions toward him. At least, that was what he would have assumed in the past.

However, with a quick inspection, he noticed the turmoil of emotions in her gaze, increasing the guilt he felt for his prior attitude toward her. 'You can only see what you're ready to see, uh?' He thought wryly. "I..." Taking a deep breath to steel his resolve, he gazed at her dazzling icy blue eyes and said. "I'm sorry for the way I acted with you all this while. For whatever reason, I didn't understand your point of view in the past, and I thought you resented me. That you didn't like me. I... I was wrong."

Pausing for a second to check her reaction to his confession, he noticed the surprise showing slightly on her face along with some relief. Feeling emboldened, he resumed his speech. "I want to fix our relationship. Can you forgive me?" Feeling a bit embarrassed at his own words, his hands kept fidgeting while waiting for her answer.

Her reaction, however, was completely unexpected, as she started chuckling, a big smile adorning her face, while tears started flowing down her cheeks. His mind and body completely froze at the shocking scene, stopping Demian from avoiding the crushing hug that followed. Not that he would have done so if he could have anyway.

The soft sensation of her remarkable bust on his torso coupled with her arms tightly surrounding his upper body helped his brain unfreeze, prompting him to embrace her in return. Although her uncontrolled chuckles died down at his reaction, her tears flowed even harder, with her body shivering slightly, which brought a random thought to his mind. 'She's so tall and strong. But why does she feel so fragile?'

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