Chapter 16 boy go think about going back to school

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Pictures of the boys and their mom

It's the next day and Annie and Diannah where telling the boys that we will be back we are going to the store but scenes you guys still don't want to go outside then you can have friends over ok thanks  Nathen calls some of his and Mason also calls some of his friends he Jacob and max you guys want to come over and hang out yea we do ok see you in a bit, Nathen friends can come too ok let get the places read. Mason and Nathen clean the house before their friends get here and in about 3 hour they will be here. Mason yes Nathen, there Here ok let them in now ok  hey what you guys want to do umm let try to go outside you guys have been inside for awhile your guys need to try and go out but We know you don't want to because of the accident. Yea we know we are just scared to  we know, let just start in the back yard where your guys have a gate up ok let's do that ok .Mason mom and Nathen mom got back and they hold for us nathan and mason where are you guys out here, hey it seem like you got outside. Yea we will just try one thing at a time and we decide the sense we have a gate we will try to go out there first then we will try to go out of the house. Ok that good you one step closer then we want you guys to be. Hey guys can you help us put groceries away please yes we can. Hey mom yes sweet the boys said umm we don't know if we want to go to school yet scenes we haven't Ben outside beside the backyard, ok we understand we will talk to your teacher and principal and see if you guys can do zoom ok, alright we will do that tomorrow so can you guys go get ready for bed now we will start cooking dinner ok. Hey mason yes mom I'm going head home but tomorrow me and your dad will come over to see you before we go to the meeting ok alright love bye see you tomorrow mom. It the next day and Mason parents are here to see them and how there doing here Mason, ummm yes Nathen he is in bed still and he says he doesn't want to  he looks upset. Ok let's go up there hey Mason yea how is  Nathen doing? He is not doing well Mason said.ok you can come in, you know that you mom and dad are here yes can you tell them I don't feel like talking to them right now sure. Hey umm he told me to tell you that he doesn't want to talk to you right now but I think the little incident that happen is just getting to him so don't think he is just being mean ok. Ok well we will just leave and let you be ok thanks, hey Mason what wrong I don't I think it just got to me about the little incident and I want to go outside and to school but I'm scared aww ok come it ok I here. So how about this this week we can stay home but then tomorrow we can go to school with all of our friends together so when we are outside we are also with people we love and cared about ok. So they will meet us here and then we will head to school or whatever we want to do ok. Alright Mason I going to call our friends and tell them ok." hey everyone so it just hit Mason because he not feeling well mentally but here the plain we are going to stay home this week but next week I want you guys to come to my house before school so we can all walk together and if we go do something you guys come here first for a little and for a little while we should go to where it is an inside place until he is comfortable ok". Alright thanks for telling us that hope he feels better soon he will he just  needs to let it all out so we are just stay home and I texted his parents and told the what going on and I also said don't worried I will be there for him to take care of him and the said ok thanks for being there for him. It's Wednesday and Mason is doing a lot better than he was doing at the beginning of the week. Ring ring hey Nathan how is he doing a let better he told me that he want to try and get out of the house this weekend so since it's Friday doing you guys want to come over after school and spend the night this weekend yes we do ok let me ask my mom ok be right back, hey mom yes can our friends stay the night this weekend yes of course they can, ok thanks ok am back you guys can and my mom will talk to your guys mom ok alright see you after school. "Mason mom called to see how Mason doing" hey buddy how you doing a lot better but we are going to be heading out this weekend with friends and my friends are spending the night here to ok I know you can't come home just yet but your get close to right, yes I am love you love you too mom hey sweet yes I'm glad you getting better everyone misses you I know I miss them too."  Knock knock can we come in yes hey guys hey he hope in the shower so he should be out soon he hold on let me check ok, hey there here ok I'm done now ok here there towel love you sweet poo love you too honey boo boo. Ok he's get dressed now alright let get ready to watch a movie ok Jacob and Max can you guys go get the snacks and popcorn and drinks pls here use this bag to put them in ok, and then we will get the movie ready. ok is everyone here and comfortable, yes we are ok the movie has started.

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