Chapter 17 boys go back to school

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Pictures of boys back at school with friends

It's time to get up and ready to head to school to tell everyone that we are engaged. 18 min later we are head to school Mason and Nathen say "bye mom and dad love you both we are heading to school now."  15 min later we pick some of our friends up for school then  10 min later we arrive at school and when we get there we will get a locker by each other.  We went to our locker and they were decorated. Everyone congratulated us for being engaged. We told everyone thanks and that this is the best school we have ever been to thank Mason says even though I had a rough past few years and then I found my true love Nathen and I just want to say Nathen thank you for being by my side through this hard time and now forever. Mason your welcome I love you aww thanks love you too Nathen, ok now let get to class ok and I think you guys are the youngest kids to get engaged at 16 and Next year you guys are getting married. Omg that amazing, but know let learn about history ok 4 hours later it lunch time and we are all going out to eat . 3 hours later it was time to go home and huge out with friends and do homework with them. Ok 10 min later we arrive at home and we went inside and got snacks and drinks and study for 3 hours then we just talk for 2 more hour then they had to go home 3 hour later everyone was done studying and they were going to put all the books up and talk for a few.Then it was time for Mason and Nathen friends to go home and they said see you all later bye everyone hey Nathen I was wondering can my twin brother name Chris come over this weekend please, yes he can thanks I really miss him every secen my family move to santiago california. Yea I know because Friday he doesn't have school so that when he start his spring break ok and he off until the 21 ok then he can stay until the weekend of the 20 so he's back on time ok thanks your the best that why I love you Nathen. Ok let me call him and tell him ok calls Chris ring ring hey brother hey Mason "I have amazing news you get to come over for your spring break" Chris really I do yes yea I miss you so much and I can't wait to see you". It the next morning and Mason And Nathen is get wait for school ok hey Nathen I'm almost ready to go to school ok go start the car I got to make a call to my mom really quick, ok I will go start the car ok  calls Mason brother ring ring is this Chris yes ok this is his boyfriend hey nice to meet you same to you but here the plain you are going to come here and my mom will let you in to drop your stuff off then she will take you to the school and ask were me and your brother are and they will say in ag so they will take you there and then we will say surprise ok sound good alright I have to go and talk to you when you get here and see you very soon. Hey I'm coming Mason ok the car is ready to go alright I'm here let go to school now. Hey Nathen yes why are you so happy this morning oh because I just can't wait to see your brother tomorrow ok I can't wait either I missed him so much. We are here at school and it almost time to go to our next class which is ag and Nathen got a text and said can you pick up a box the at the post office for her and he said yes but it was really Chris saying he's here at school and I said ok wait until them to  say  that the  2 bell rang so the 2 bell rang and Chris and Mason mom was video him surprise his brother Mason, the walk down the hall to the ag room then said to the teacher can you get Mason to do something and she said yes I can. Hey Mason, yes Mis. K , can you go and organize this bookshelf, yes I can ok thanks hey guys come in ok Chris start to sneak up on Mason the in 1 2 3 surprise I'm home, Chris I miss you Mason hugs his brother Chris. We finished the school day and now it is time for spring break, we got back home and Mason said to Chris you really surprise  me I thought you won't supposed to be here until tomorrow, well Nathen call mom and said is it possible to surprise him today and of course she said yes so yea aww sweet that was amazing I love you to the universe and back. Let's go upstairs guys and talk some more. Ok hey moms we are headed to our room, ok dinner will be done in like 2 hours,  ok just yell for us when it's done ok we will have fun talking and catching up,  ok we will. 2 hours later hey boys dinner some come and eat, ok we are coming done. Hey boy how was it catching up with each other it was good but mom yes Nathen well we want to tell you both something we want to have our wedding after we graduate, oh ok that make scenes ok because we want to make sure we don't get behind on any school work, yea I know we don't want that to happen. 30 min later everyone was done eating and it was time to get ready for bed so the boys can go do their last fun activity together before Chris and Chris and Mason mom had to start heading home so Chris is back for school. Ok mom i love you both see you another time we will miss you. Mason, yes Nathen are you ok, no not really it ok you know you can call and text them, I know but it doesn't feel the same without them here with me, I know come here lay on my lap ok Nathen, yes Mason you know I love you right yes I do and it going to be alright why did they have to leave early though, well your mom didn't tell you this because she will get too sad and she told me you will be even more sad so that why  your mom want me  to tell you this, I know that you and your twin Chris are really close but he has cancer and your mom told be that they don't know if they can treat it yet that why they had to leave today. What no that can't be he looked perfectly fine when he was here yea I know but close to the time he started chemotherapy he was going look kinda weak, oh ok. Mason came here, yea you know i'm here for you and that i will do anything for you yea i know Nathen and that way they had to head back home to Texas. Let's go and watch a movie upsairts ok umm i dont really feel like going to school next week. I will tell mom and see if we can stay home this weekend. Hey your mom just texted and said that they are on the plain and about to take off ok tell them that i love them and that if they can come live here With us while Chris has cancer Oh of course we can, we just have to see what the doctor says, how the cancer is and where it is so we will  let you know what the doctor says so bye talk when we get home love you and talk to you later.

A girl and he bf having a fun life with their friends Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon