Chpater 3 back to school

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we go through the days of school and finished this year and are still in the wheelchair and go through therapy every day through summer while Mason is at work. We are almost there where I don't need a wheelchair at all.that  how close I am to walking again and everyone was excited about it expressly her boyfriend. Diannah said to everyone, even her boyfriend,  guess what I can do now again Diannah said I can walk again. Amanda walk up and said can I talk to mason makayla  and Diannah alone pls and the all said yes.we are in Diannah room and they were all by Amanda and she was crying and me and makayla they said what's wrong and Amanda said my dad is slowly die and I need you guys here with me pls the said yes we will Amanda starts to cry a lot for hours then stop and we go back to the crowd. 1 hour later we are back thanks for letting us all say your welcome any time. Amanda just tell us if you need someone to talk to and we will drop everything to go and talk to you. It's almost back to school again and we are all going to be in 10th grade. I can't believe that we are getting so old but we are ready to go back. We miss everyone there and today we are going to go back to school shopping clothes and shoes and then school supply shopping tomorrow it going to be fun.the next day we sleep in until 11:40 then we will get ready to go and we first eat out then go do the shopping we first go to the mall and shop then we go to the store for high schoolers and shop there for school supplies.we are in the car going to shake in shake 2 hours later here at shake in shake  we are eating there we order food and drink now the got here and now we eat. We are done eating and going to the car to go clothes and shoes shopping. At the mall, we went shopping for school clothes and shoes. We went shopping for 4 hours then we left to go to the high schoolers school supply shopping we are here. We are done shopping at the mall and now we are heading to the high schooler store for school supplies shopping. We spent 3 hours there then we went home and relaxed for the rest of the day and got ready to go back to school tomorrow. It the morning of the first day of 10th grade and we had all of our stuff ready and we went to take first day pictures then they  went to school. Diannah of  course is still in her wheelchair and her bf will help her but when he isn't there at school  her friends will help her around. She is also scared because of what is happening at her bf house with him and his parents plus the nothing we can do but try to show proof to the principal. So we did when he didn't come to school. He had a hidden camera hidden in his shirt just to show our principal the next day.Diannah texted him at lunch to see if everything was ok and a few minutes went by and Diannah told her friends that he usually texts back by now I'm scared. * Diannah starts to cry* . The principal went up to me and said is everything ok I said no. He said ok come with, so me and my friends went to his office and sat down in the comfy chair. He said what the matter. It's my bf I'm scared because he hasn't said anything back.he usually does in a few minutes or right away but he hasn't yet I'm getting scared can someone go and check on him like a cop or something. My friend and his friends and both of us have Been trying to tell you guys this and you didn't believe us. Ok sorry but now I do we will get a cop over there as soon as we can. like do it right now or can you  tell the cop to come to your office so I can say what is happening.he said yes I can do that for you, here you go. Yes mama umm can you and some more cops go to my bf house. I'm scared that his parents are beating him and his brother. Ok we will get there as soon as I can thank you thank you soooo... much we have the papers signed to adopt them all. The cops are at the house and they are on the radio  with Diannah. We are here the said to her we are heading in slowly, the said it look like there was some fighting going on here ok start to cry yells any one what his name she said mason ok is that you mason yes help me.cops are running up the stairs in my closet ok wow we need an ambulance nooo... ok principle calling ambulance. The cop asked the boys where their parents were and they  said they went to the store but they should be here soon ok. Should one of you have to move your cars so they won't see them and they did. Let them all hide and stop dropping you stuff you're under arrest for abusing you kids. They said who told you he said umm his gf haha she knows him well and will alway do they  always take care of each other when they need them so yea. His parents are in prison now. The boys are all recovered and now living with Diannah and her bf is loving it and she is out of her cast  We are back at school form our 2 week break from school because of what happened. We were at school and we  said hey everyone we are back They are glad that we are safe and sound and don't have to  worry about them and I am really glad that my bf and his brothers are is the middle of the year but we can't go to the unicorn world camp yet because we have to wait until after school is over for the year. we can't because we have lots of  studying to do for exams, we went home every day to study for the exams and then when the exams come up we do them and we do a amazing job we all got A+++ on them all then the final day of school came up and we were ready to go to the camp. Today is the last day of the school year. We have 2 more years to go to this camp.The next day we are at school, have fun, play games and talk to friends before we go have fun for the summer and may not see some people next year. But at least none of us is going anywhere but makayla said yea what wrong makayla I know when you are not telling the truth Diannah said.Makayla said I'm move and I won't be coming to this school any more but bye I have to go now bye love you all and going to miss you a lot. Diannah's phone ring it the unicorn camp hey hi Diannah just to let you know that we are burning the place down Because the unicorn are getting old and we just want to lay them down to rest I'm so sorry guys love you guys being here plus it time for me to stop being at the camp and have fun time with me family. Diannah and the others said ok thanks for letting us know about this. I'm going to miss you guys very much when the phone call ends.

A girl and he bf having a fun life with their friends Where stories live. Discover now