Chapter 24 prepare for the party

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Pictures of Mason and Nathan having a party with friends

" at Mason house" It the next day and Mason woke up not feeling well so "he yell "for his mom coming if sweetie what up I don't feel good aww sweetie let check your temperature. Diannah  checks her son's temperature aww you have a fever so I'm going to call and say that you're staying home but you may need to postpone the part but let's see how you feel tomorrow alright. Hey mom can you call Nathen and tell him I won't be come to school today I don't feel like it ok yes I can get some rest Mason go back to bed, "At Nathan house" in Nathens room walks up and get ready for school but hear his phone ringing and see it Mason mom calling and get worried, hey what wrong is he ok what happened tell me, "Diannah talking" calm down he just sick he couldn't call you because he was too tired to do it so the party might have to be postponed until tomorrow and see if he  feel better then. Ok, alright tell him that i hope he feel better so we can have it this weekend, ok I will bye have a nice day you too. Nathen at school and see his friend hey guys, hey Nathen were Mason oh he home sick so we can have the party at my house this weekend but we have to see how Mason feel tomorrow ok guys alright so tell everyone that we can have that party this weekend and that you will let them know if anything changes ok we will well talk to you guys later we need to get to our 1 hour so we are not late to our class. It half through the day and it almost lunch time we where are taking note in 5 hour and 14 minute late 5 hour was over. Lunchtime so everyone heads to lunch but Nathen and his Mason friend go to check up on Mason to see how he is feeling. Hey guys let go we need to hurry so we are back on time ok let go everyone get in the car and we head to Mason house, "At Mason house in his room" he wake up too take medicine and to just rest and then he tells for mom, "mummy " coming I'm hurting so much ok can you get up I don't thinks so I will carry you to the car so we can go to the hospital. Nathen saw Mason's mom drive by and that Mason mom calling him ring ring ring hello what wrong is he ok "Mason mom talking" no we are going to the hospital so turn around and follow us ok bye. " pulls over and switches plaice with a friend now then they  start to drive again but a little faster but not to fast hey Nathen yes Kylie calm down he going to be a ok how do you know he so strong it mostly a gallbladder yea I know it just hard because of the past. We here let go in 5 minutes later we see mason's mom he sleeping right now.ok what did the doctor said oh he said first  calm down it not that bad Mason mom said he just has a gallbladder that has to be removed so right now they just took him  back to have surgery get it removed and they told me that it will be a 2 hour of him being in there. 2 hours have passed and a nurse came out and said how are you here for mason? We of course said we are then she said ok we put stitch in him but you don't have to come in to get them out because they will just disappear. Ok when can we see him right now only 2 people can come but he has been asking for Nathan so how Elsa you want to go with you Kylie ok let go boys hey nurse so this weekend we have a party so can we still have it yes you guys can ok thanks.knock knock  Mason yes Nathen,Kyle is that you guys how you feeling well I'm a little better just hurting a little but glad I still can be at the party yeah same here . 2 days go by and Mason can go home now but has to take it easy until the weekend so he's strong enough for the party  ok thanks hope to not see you for awhile yea same. We in the car head home so that I can go back to school after we get him settled at home 15 minutes later we arrive at Mason's house and get him settled. Hey Mason I'm going back to school we will all come by to hang and drop off your homework for you ok.

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