Disorder In The Court

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This here is a Pokémon version of the classic Three Stooges episode, which has not only the Pokémon version of the Three Stooges, but also the cast from my Camp Disney story, I hope you'll all like this.

This story begins in a court room, where there was a Mew toon girl named Gidget (voiced by Lisa Ortiz), a toon fox boy named Tommy (voiced by Tara Strong), and a pair of hyena boys named Jokey (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke) and Jokeo (voiced by Tom Kenny), looking nervous while looking at the judge. Now the reason they were in court was that they were framed for a crime that involved the murder of Boney 10, who was a friendly demon dragon, unlike the demon trio, who were after the kids' souls for a while. The judge in question was really ScreamClaw (voiced by Mark Hamill), the leader of the mentioned demon trio, who was in disguise so he and his fellow demons, ThunderSmacker (voiced by Jim Cummings) and SpaceWarp (voiced by Frank Welker) can get their souls at last. Now ThunderSmacker, who was in a disguise as well, with a big bushy mustache, a black toupee, and a pair of glasses, came in front of the kids. ThunderSmacker: "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" Tommy: "Yes sir..." Jokey: "Uh... have we met before?" ThunderSmacker: "Of course not, why would you ask that?" Jokey: "I don't know, I feel like I've seen your face before." Jokeo: "Come to think of it, I feel like we've met before too." Gidget: "Yeah, I got that feeling too." Tommy: "That goes for me too." ThunderSmacker: "I have that kind of face, but never mind that, you got bigger problems, as you are charged for the murder of Boney 10." Tommy: "But we told you before, we didn't do it!" ThunderSmacker: "Then who killed him?" Gidget: "We don't know, but we do know someone who might." ThunderSmacker: "What?" Jokey: "We do?" Jokeo: "Yeah, those three guys we met on the night when it happened, they should be here as our witnesses." Tommy: "That reminds me... where are they?" asked Tommy, as he and the others noticed that their witnesses were nowhere to be found in the room. ScreamClaw, wearing a judge wig and long white bead, had an evil grin on his face. ScreamClaw: "If the witnesses have failed to show up, then this court will..." Tommy: "Wait a minute!, I'm sure they're here, I'll go get them right now." ScreamClaw: "And why should I allow that?" Tommy: "Please, I'll be back as soon as I get them." said Tommy, before he went out of the room and walked down a hallway, before seeing the ones he was looking for. The first one was a Riolu that was black and gray named Moe (voiced by Chris Diamantopoulos), the second being a black and gray Bunnelby named Larry (voiced by Sean Hayes), and the third be a black and gray Raichu named Curly (voiced by Will Sasso), and together they are the Three Stooges, the Pokémon version anyway. Right now, they were playing tic-tac-toe when Tommy came over to them. Tommy: "Guys, what are you doing here?" Moe: "What does it look like kid, we're playing tic-tac-toe." Tommy: "But weren't you supposed to be in the court room?, Gidget and the others are in trouble!" Larry: "Oh yeah!, I forgot about that!" Curly: "Then what are we waiting for?!, let's go!" yelped the Stooges, before they and Tommy ran off to the court room. Moe and Larry went to sit next to Gidget and the hyena twins, while Curly was standing in front of ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp. ThunderSmacker: "Take off your hat." SpaceWarp: "Rise your right hand." said the two disguised demon dragons to Curly, who at first took off the hat, only to put it back on his head when SpaceWarp told him to rise his right hand. ScreamClaw: "Take off your hat." ThunderSmacker: "Rise your right hand." said ScreamClaw and ThunderSmacker, as Curly takes off the hat, only to put it back on his head again. ScreamClaw: "Please take off your hat." ThunderSmacker: "And rise your right hand." said the two disguised demon dragons in an annoyed tone to Curly, who took off the hat again at first, only to put it back, which made the two more mad and annoyed. ScreamClaw: "Take off your hat!" ThunderSmacker: "Get rid of that hat!" shouted ThunderSmacker, ordering Curly to get rid of the hat, only for the electric mouse to put on the demon's head. Curly: "Rise your right hand." said Curly, before ThunderSmacker raised his hand, only to growl in realization that he got tricked. ThunderSmacker: "Cut it out!, now tell me that you'll swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?!" Curly: "Well truth is stranger than fiction, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk." ScreamClaw: "Oh great... another genius..." said ScreamClaw as he rolled his eyes, before SpaceWarp, who was wearing big glasses, a purple toupee and a purple beard, came over to him. SpaceWarp: "B-b-but he doesn't seem... all that s-s-smart." ScreamClaw: "I was being sarcastic." SpaceWarp: "Oh..." ScreamClaw: "Anyway... take the stand." said ScreamClaw, telling Curly to take a seat, only for the Raichu to hold up the chair. Curly: "Where do I put it?" ScreamClaw: "No, no!, take the stand!" Curly: "I got it like you said, so now where do I put it?" asked Curly, before ThunderSmacker takes the seat and puts it back on the ground. ThunderSmacker: "Sit down!" ordered the disguised demon dragon, before Curly sits on the chair, only to fall over and landed on the ground, which made Moe and Larry to come over to him. Moe: "You're in the court, not the 'I like to look like an idiot' room, sit down!" said Moe, before he slaps Curly on the cheek with his paw and went off back to his sit while pulling Larry's ear. Gidget: "Oh boy... why did it have to be them as our witnesses...?" Jokey: "Because this is parody of a Three Stooges episode?" Gidget: "Gee... thanks for reminding me..." Jokey: "You're welcome." Jokeo: "She was being sarcastic." Jokey: "Oh... what's sarcastic?" Jokeo: "It'll take too long to explain at this moment." Tommy: "I just hope they'll be able to prove us innocent." Gidget: "Me too..." said the kids, before they put their attention to the Raichu that was now in the chair. ThunderSmacker: "Now were you at Boney 10's birthday party on Friday the 13th?" Curly: "Certainly." ThunderSmacker: "Alright... did you witnessed Gidget or the other kids commit or tried to commit the murder of Boney 10?" Curly: "Well... the party started well at first, like me, Moe and Larry were playing some music while Gidget was dancing around in a showgirl outfit." ThunderSmacker: "What do you mean by that?" Curly: "Uh... maybe it would be easier to show ya." Moe: "Alright then... come on boys." Larry: "And Gidget, better get the outfit on." Gidget: "Wait... I have to wear that here?" Larry: "Well we have to show them what happened." Gidget: "But I only wore that outfit for Tommy to see." Moe: "Well the kid's here, just focus on him and ignore everything else." Gidget: "Well..." Tommy: "It's okay Gidget, you don't have to do it if you don't want to." Gidget: "Thanks Tommy... I guess it wouldn't hurt if you get to see it too." said Gidget, before she snapped her fingers, and a puff of smoke appeared that surrounded her for a minute. Once the smoke cleared away, she was now wearing a blue show girl outfit (imagined it as the outfit that Miss Kitty Mouse from Disney's The Great Mouse Detective), and the Demon trio had their jaws dropped by the sight of it, along with the hyena twins as well, as for Tommy, he blushed a little before making a gulp sound from his throat. It wasn't long before the Stooges begin to play some music with the instruments they had. Moe had a harmonica in his mouth, Larry was playing a violin, and Curly was playing a double bass. As they start the music, Gidget begins to dance around, doing her best to keep her attention on Tommy and ignoring the others so she wouldn't feel so embarrassed about dancing in a show girl outfit in front of other people. SpaceWarp: "W-w-wow... she's r-r-really good." ThunderSmacker: "Ah... I could dance better." that was when Curly accidentally sent his double bass' bow flying into ThunderSmacker's mouth, much to the demon dragon's annoyance. Larry was playing his violin, unaware that he accidentally got his bow to get snagged into ThunderSmacker's toupee, and when he saw it, he got startled. Larry: "A tarantula!" yelped Larry, while trying to get the 'tarantula' off of his bow. Curly tried to use a mallet to smack the 'threat', only to hit Moe's foot by mistake. Moe: "What's the matter with ya?!, let me show ya how to really get rid of this overgrown spider!" said Moe, before he sees a gun and begins shooting the 'tarantula' with it, much to everyone's surprise. It wasn't long before ThunderSmacker realized that it was his toupee Moe was shooting. ThunderSmacker: "You idiot!, that's my toupee you're attacking!" shouted the demon dragon, before he takes the toupee back on his head. Larry: "Sorry about that, but it kind of looked like a tarantula." ThunderSmacker: "I'll sue ya for this!" shouted ThunderSmacker to the stooges, unaware that Tommy and the other kids were taking a better look at him. Tommy: "Hey guys... doesn't he look like ThunderSmacker without that toupee?" Jokey: "Who?" Jokeo: "You know, that blue demon dragon." Jokey: "Oh yeah... he does look like him..." Tommy: "I'm starting to get the feeling that this whole court thing is a trap, made by the demon trio..." said Tommy with suspicion, before Gidget comes back next to him in her normal attire. Gidget: "I hope that I did my part well..." Tommy: "Are you kidding?, you were amazing." Gidget: "Thanks Tommy, I'm glad you liked it." ScreamClaw: "I hate to interrupt the cute moment between the two of you, but can we all get back to the case of Boney 10's passing?" Moe: "Right, now after the dance was over... I had my head behind the door of Boney 10's room, and inside was Boney 10 himself, along with three other Demon dragons." Jokeo: "You mean the Demon trio?" Jokey: "What were they doing in there?" Moe: "I don't know, but the leader of the trio was sizzling like a hot hamburger, he grabs Boney 10 by the neck... like this!" said Moe, before he grabs Curly by the neck to show them what happened to Boney 10, then he hits the Raichu on the head with a mallet, before placing the mouse's head into a letter press. Moe: "Then he puts the old guy's head into a letter presser like this one, and then he turns the wheel like this." said Moe, before he begins to turn the wheel that made the presser to squeeze Curly's head, before the wheel started to turn the other really fast, so fast that the wheel flew up out of it's place and then landed on Moe's head with a loud 'clonk!' sound. Jokey: "Did that happened too?" Gidget: "I don't think so..." Curly: "What's the idea Moe, were you trying to kill me?!" Moe: "I was showing them what happened, that's all." Curly: "Well next time, leave me out of it." said Curly, before he and Moe noticed that Larry was chewing on something. Moe: "Larry... what are you chewing?" Larry: "Just some gum." Moe: "Will you get rid of it!, we're in a court, not some candy store!" shouted Moe, which spooked Larry so much, that he blew his gum into a bubble that popped, and the gum got on Moe's nose, which made Larry a little nervous before he takes out some paper towels. Larry: "Don't worry, hold still, I'll get it." said Larry, before he grabs Moe's nose with the paper towel. Moe: "Ow!, oh my nose!" Curly: "Look, the gum's off." said Curly, as the gum was removed from Moe's nose, and Larry, for some unknown reason, started to make a Tarzan yell that surprised everyone in the court room. Moe: "Hey, you're in the court, not the jungle, Tarzan." said Moe, before he slaps Larry on the face. ScreamClaw: "Enough of this foolishness!, I shall judge these kids guilty!" Moe: "What?!" Gidget: "That's not fair!" ScreamClaw: "Shut up!, ThunderSmacker, SpaceWarp and I shall have your souls!, one way or another!" Jokey: "ThunderSmacker?" Jokeo: "SpaceWarp?" asked the twins, which made ScreamClaw to cover his mouth as he realized his mistake. Gidget: "I knew it!, you guys are the demon trio!" Tommy: "And this whole court was just another trap for us!" know that he and the other demons had their cover blown, ScreamClaw removed his disguise, revealing his true form, the other two demons did the same. ScreamClaw: "Okay!, you caught us, but it doesn't matter, you kids are gonna hand over your souls or else!" Tommy: "Or else what?" ScreamClaw: "Uh... I don't know... I didn't think that we would get this far..." that was when a voice that said 'Then allow me to help ya on your next move.' was heard. The Stooges and the kids turned around to see an elderly Demon Dragon with a cane came to the scene. It was in fact Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks) himself, alive and well. Tommy/Gidget: "Boney 10!" Jokey/ Jokeo: "You're alive!" Boney 10: "Of course I'm alive, demon dragons are immortal, the trio just locked me up in my closet after placing my head in a letter presser." SpaceWarp: "B-B-Boney 10?!" ThunderSmacker: "How did you get out?!" Boney 10: "You forgot to lock the door..." said Boney 10, while ScreamClaw glared at his fellow blue demon dragon. ThunderSmacker: "Um... no hard feelings... right?" said ThunderSmacker, before Boney 10 finds a water hose on the wall, and aims it at the trio. ScreamClaw: "You wouldn't dare..." Boney 10: "Oh I would... and I will." said Boney 10, before he fires the hose at the trio, who were in pain by the water due to the fact that Demon Dragons are weak to water. Curly: "So... Boney 10 never died?" Moe: "I guess so..." Larry: "Guys, do you know what this means?" Curly: "What?" Larry: "This proves that the kids were innocent!, so in other words, we won the case!" Moe: "He's right!, we won!" Curly: "Hooray!" said the Stooges in joy, while the demon trio were running across the room, trying to avoid the water from the hose that Boney 10 was using. It wasn't long before Curly came over to Boney 10. Curly: "Mind if I get a turn?" Boney 10: "A turn for what?" Curly: "Using the hose against the demon creeps." Boney 10: "Well..." Curly: "Thanks!" said Curly, before he takes the hose into his own paws, only to be lose his grip on the hose and water was spraying all over the room, soaking everyone else, the stooges and the kids. Why even Boney 10 got soaked, which was painful to him as he was still a demon dragon like the demon trio. Moe: "You numbskull!, aim the hose at the demon trio!, not us!" Curly: "It's not my fault, it's hard to get a grip on something when you have paws with no fingers!" said Curly, as the kids and Boney 10 dry themselves off. Boney 10: "Alright gang, time to get out of here." said Boney 10, beforehe snapped his fingers, and he along with the kids and Stooges vanished from the court room without a trace. It wasn't long before the demon trio realized that the others were gone, much to their annoyance. ScreamClaw: "... Dang it..." said the red leader of the demon trio with a deadpan look on his face, before he hits his head on a wall. Somewhere in some park, Boney 10, the kids, and the Stooges appeared. Moe: "What the... how did we get here?" Boney 10: "We demon dragons have the power of teleportation, like how a Mew like Gidget here can." Curly: "She could do that?, then why didn't she do it earlier?, and avoid being in court in the first place." Gidget: "Well if I did that, then we wouldn't have this story here." Tommy: "She's got a point there." Jokey: "So... what now?, I'm hungry." Jokeo: "You're always hungry." Jokey: "Yeah, but it's getting close to lunch time." Larry: "Yeah, I could use a bite to eat as well." Boney 10: "Luckily for you all, there's a restaurant not too far from here... I believe it's called... McDonald's." Tommy: "Alright!, they have the best double cheeseburgers and fries!" Jokey: "They also got awesome chocolate chip cookies as well!" Jokeo: "Then what are we waiting for?, let's go!" All: "Yeah!" and so with that, the group won the case, and went off to McDonald's for some lunch.


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