The Escaped Tyrunt & Team Rocket

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Once Alan's group made it to the Visitor Center, they see the fences of the Tyrunt pen have been chewed up and busted. Curly: "What happened?" Rita: "Oh no... the shut down must have turned off all the fences..." Larry: "You shut down the system?" Rita: "It was the only way to undo the virus Nedry put in, oh man... I should have foreseen this... what a kid I am..." Jessie: "How right you are twerp." said Jessie, who along with James and other Team Rocket grunts came to the scene, and it seems that Ellie, Malcolm, Hammond, Wu and Cilan were being held hostage. Ellie: "Alan!, you get the kids out of here!" Alan: "Ellie!, let her go Team Rocket!" James: "Or else what?, we got you outnumbered." Jessie: "Now hand over the embryos." Larry: "No way!" Gennaro: "You have no choice." said Gennaro, who along with Nedry came to the scene. Alan: "Gennaro?" Rita: "Yeah... turns out he was Team Rocket agent named Meowth all along... he was the one who knocked me out..." Meowth: "Yes, but don't take it personal, it's just the business of Team Rocket, now hand over the can or else." Hammond: "Don't do it Alan!, forget about me!, just get the kids out of here!" Meowth: "Oh shut up old man, your days in the spot light are over, now Team Rocket will have your park and the fossil Pokémon in it." Curly: "You mean like the Tyrunt pack behind ya?" asked Curly, before Team Rocket turned around to see the Tyrunt pack attacking them, allowing Alan to free Ellie and the others, before they all ran into the Visitor Center. Jessie: "Where did they go?!" James: "I don't know, maybe calling for help?" Meowth: "Don't worry, the phones are still out, so they can't call the mainland, now we just need to focus on catching those Tyrunt." said Meowth, before he and the other Team Rocket agents try to attack the Tyrunt pack. Back with Alan and the others, they were in the control room, locking the doors. Alan: "You think we're safe in here?" Ellie: "I think so... unless the Tyrunt can figure out how to open doors..." Larry: "Please don't say stuff like that..." Ellie: "Oh sorry..." Lex: "Hmm... is that a computer?" Hammond: "Yes it is... though it's not for playing." Rita: "Yeah, we need it to get the security and the phones to work..." Lex: "Well lucky for you, I know how to hack it." Alan: "You do?" Pikachu: "Pi?" Lex: "Yeah, it's how I was able to win many computer games." Tim: "Ain't that cheating?" Lex: "Only if it causes trouble for others, but never mind that, I just need to find the right file and I should get the security and phones back online." said Lex, before she begins to search for the file and finally found it, which restored the system and phones. Hammond: "Lex I am so proud of you!" Lex: "Thanks Grandpa." Alan: "Alright Mr Hammond, call the mainland and get those Team Rocket creeps face justice." Hammond: "I'm on it." said Hammond, before he gets to the phone and begins calling the mainland. Suddenly, after the call, Team Rocket broke down the door and Alan and his group made a run for it. The group of heroes ran to the lobby of the Visitor Center before stopping to see that Team Rocket grunts were everywhere. Nedry: "It's over... you lost." Alan: "Yeah... for you, we manage to get the phones back online, the police are on their way even as we speak." Meowth: "What?!" Jessie: "Doesn't matter, you're finished here." suddenly, a mighty roar was heard, as the Tyrantrum came to the scene and attacked the grunts. It wasn't long before the Tyrunt pack came and helped out the Tyrantrum on beating the grunts, protecting Alan and his friends. The Tyrantrum looked at Alan, before nodding, which Alan responded by nodding back. Alan: "Looks like we're even." said Alan, before the Tyrantrum let out a mighty roar of victory.

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