The Stolen Foot

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It was a nice day in Metro city when Gadget the Raichu (voiced by Mathew Broderick), was walking down the streets, wearing a police officer outfit. Suddenly, a school bus was rolling down the hill, and inside the bus was a young Pikachu, who was really Penny the Mew (voiced by Cree Summer) in disguise. Penny: "Uncle Gadget!, help!" shouted Penny, trying to call her uncle. Gadget: "Penny?!" gasped the Raichu, before he runs after the bus in hopes to stop it before it's too late. Then he sees a tow truck, and Gadget grabs the hook and throws it to the back of the bus, causing it to stop just in the nick of time. The crowed cheered for Gadget's heroic deed, before Officer Jenny the Marill came to give the Raichu a kiss on the cheek, making him blush. Suddenly, Gadget found himself in a couch, as it turns out that he just woke up from a hero cop dream, and sees that Brain was licking his cheek. That was when Penny came to her uncle. Penny: "Hey Uncle Gadget, had another hero cop dream?" Gadget: "Yeah... every time I close my eyes, how was school?" Penny: "Good, and tonight, me and dad will be working on the foot." Gadget: "You mean that foot for the Gadget program I heard about?" Penny: "Yup, so did the letter come?" Gadget: "What letter?" Penny: "The one that will tell you if you can be a cop or not." Gadget: "Oh... well yeah... and they said that I still don't have enough experience to be a cop..." Penny: "Oh... I'm sorry." Gadget: "Don't worry... I can still do some duty as a security guard... if only that I had that badge..." Penny: "Oh Uncle Gadget, it's not the badge that matters, it's the heart behind it." Gadget: "Yeah... you're right as always." said Gadget, before seeing Penny transform from her Mew form to a female Pikachu form and heading outside. A few hours later, when night came, Penny was in a lab, working on a robotic foot, while her father was in another room. Penny: "There's no doubt about it... this chip will make the whole Gadget program work..." she said to herself, before looking at a processor chip that she just finished. Meanwhile however, there was a limousine just outside of the building, and inside it was a mysterious figure with only his glowing red eyes to be seen. The figure in question (voiced by Frank Welker) was a villain that no one knows about, and he has plans for the Gadget program. Mystery figure: "Cassidy, Butch, release the remote controlled car, it's time for me to have the key for world domination." said the mystery figure, talking to a female Zangoose named Cassidy (voiced by Megan Hollingshead), and Butch the Seviper (voiced by Eric Stuart). Cassidy: "Yes sir." Butch: "Can I do it?" Cassidy: "You don't have hands to grab it with, Biff." Butch: "My name's Butch!, not Biff ya moron!" Cassidy: "Whatever." said the Zangoose, before holding some sort of remote controller, and a black van started to drive with no Pokémon driving it. Elsewhere outside of the building where Penny was, Gadget was on duty as a security guard, before seeing the black van passing through, much to his surprise. Gadget: "Hey... nobody was driving that thing!" said Gadget, before the van started to drive forward uncontrollably as the results of Cassidy and Butch fighting over the remote. Cassidy: "Let go Biff!, let me do it!" Butch: "You always do the cool evil stuff!, it's my turn this time!, and my name is Butch!" Mystery figure: "Idiots!" shouted the mystery figure, before the black van crashes into a brick wall of the building. The back of the van opened and a group of robots came out and charged into the building. One of the robots took the robotic foot, while the other fired a laser that hit someone so they would not interfere. The robots went back into the van, before it drives away from the building. By the time Gadget went inside the lab, he sees that Penny was crying, looking down at a Pikachu that he knew too well, laying on the ground and not moving. Gadget: "Penny... what happened?" Penny: "I don't know... I heard a laser blast in here and when I came... I found him here... someone killed him... and stole the foot..." said Penny, as she continues to mourn for the passing of her father, before Gadget made a decision. Gadget: "Penny, I promise you that I won't rest until I capture whoever is responsible... justice will be served." said Gadget, before he ran off to who knows where, and went into his car and went after the van. In the limousine, the evil mystery figure was admiring the foot, when he noticed that he was being followed. Mystery figure: "Great... we're being chased by some Raichu." Cassidy: "Not for long, boss." said Cassidy, as she pressed a button, which released an oil slick on the road, causing Gadget's car to slip around until it crashes into a 'Yahoo!' billboard. The villains began to laugh at the Raichu's misfortune, at least until they see that the billboard was falling down towards them, causing them to be stuck. Gadget: "Attention you!, this is security officer Gadget!, come out or else!" shouted the Raichu, who was still stuck inside his car, before the mystery figure simply threw a stick of dynamite at the Raichu, who simply gulped by the sight of it. Gadget: "Uh oh..." said the Raichu, before he and his car blew up by the dynamite, and a bowling ball flew up into the air and landed right on top of the mystery figure's paw. Mystery figure: "AH!!!, my paw!" Cassidy: "Ow... that's gonna leave a mark..." Butch: "Should we get a doctor?" Cassidy: "I don't know if we can fix it..." Mystery figure: "Then I'll just have to replace it!" Cassidy: "With what?" Mystery figure: "I have... a few ideas..." said the mystery figure with an evil chuckle in the end.

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