The Charity Ball

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It was evening when Gadget was getting dressed for the Charity ball, and Penny was helping on on his bow tie. Penny: "Anyone special tonight?" Gadget: "Well the Chief for starters." Penny: "How about a certain Marill?, a pretty police officer that is a Marill?" Gadget: "Uh... is it really that obvious?" Penny: "Don't worry, loosen up, be cool." Gadget: "Have you been talking to the car?" Penny: "Maybe... but never mind that, just be yourself." the Cyborg Raichu nodded, before heading off to the ball. Sometime after arriving to the ball, Gadget was looking around to see not only Officer Jenny, but his niece as well. Gadget: "Penny?, what are you doing here?" Officer Jenny: "Come on Gadget, you must not forget that she's in charge of the Gadget program, so she has every right to be here." Gadget: "I didn't mean like that, I just don't remember bringing her with me." Penny: "I have my ways... like teleport." said Penny in Pikachu, winking at her uncle so he could get the message. Officer Jenny: "So... may I have this dance?" Gadget: "Uh... sure, I just hope that I still remember how to do it..." said the cyborg Raichu, before he starts dancing with Officer Jenny. Elsewhere in the ball, Moe and Larry were looking at the food, when the Riolu picks up a dinner food plate cover, only to see Curly's head on the plate, much to Larry's shock and Moe's annoyance. Moe: "What are you doing?" Curly: "Eating." Larry: "Uh... what happened to your body...?" Curly: "It's under the table." Moe: "Did you made a hole in the table to steal food again?" Curly: "Uh... would you still hit me if I said no?" asked the Raichu Stooge, before Moe slaps him. Larry: "I think that was a no." that was when Chief came to the scene. Chief Quimby: "Will you three stop fooling around?!, and Curly, get out of the table!" Curly: "Y-yes sir!" said the Raichu Stooge, before he pulls his head down to get out of the hole, and crawling out of the table just as the Chief slaps him and the other Stooges. Larry: "What was that for?" Moe: "We didn't do anything." Chief Quimby: "That was just in case you did and I wasn't around." elsewhere in the ball, Penny was watching her uncle dancing with Officer Jenny still, before a Meowth named Sanford Scolex (voiced by Rupert Everett), came over to her. Scolex: "Hello there young lady, are you Penny by any chance?" Penny: "Why yes, say... aren't you Sanford Scolex?, CEO of Scolex industries?" Scolex: "Why yes I am, and I must say you look as lovely as your mother." Penny: "You knew my mom?" Scolex: "Yes I did, I also knew your father, the three of us used to be in the same science class when we were young." Penny: "Really?" Scolex: "Yes, and I heard that you did fabulous on the Gadget program, which made me wonder... what will you do now that the project is done?, maybe you can have a place in my company." Penny: "Really?, you're asking me to work for you?" Scolex: "It's not an offer that I would hand over to just anyone, and I'm sure our research together will surly be something for the future." Penny: "Well... thanks, it would be a real honor." Scolex: "Good, see ya later then." said the Meowth, before he left the scene, just as soon as Gadget came over. Penny: "Uncle Gadget, you're not gonna believe this, but the CEO of Scolex industries himself has asked me to get a job in his company, this will allow me to do all kinds of research." Gadget: "That's great Penny, but what about your other research?, the Gadget program, are you sure that you worked out all the bugs?" Penny: "Um... well..." that was when Nurse Joy the Chansey come over to the pair. Nurse Joy: "Excuse me Gadget, but it's time for the photo." Gadget: "Oh yeah, be right there." said the cyborg Raichu, as he goes over to the other Pokémon police officers, including the chief, getting the group photo.

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