The Creation Of Inspector Gadget & Dr Claw

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The next morning at a Pokémon center, Penny went to the room where her uncle was, who managed to survive the explosion, but was now had his whole body so badly damaged, that he had a whole body cast. Penny: "Oh Uncle Gadget... please be okay... I don't want to lose you too..." said Penny sadly, before hearing opening the door. The young Mew in Pikachu form turns around to see Nurse Joy the Chansey, along with Officer Jenny the Marill. Nurse Joy: "I'm sorry Penny, while you're uncle is still alive... he might spend the rest of his life in this condition." Penny: "That can't be..." Officer Jenny: "As much as I hate to say it, she's right." Nurse Joy: "I did all I could." Penny: "Not yet, there's got to be a way..." that was when a Lucario wearing a police officer uniform came to the scene. Turns out that it was Chief Quimby the Lucario (voiced by Maurice LaMarche), the Pokémon police chief of Metro city and Gadget's idol. Chief Quimby: "Hey Penny, I heard about what happened last night, I'm very sorry." Penny: "Thanks chief... at least my Uncle is alive... sort of..." Chief Quimby: "Don't worry Penny, I'll make sure whoever did this will get punished... I just hope that whoever stole that robotic foot doesn't use it for evil..." Penny: "I wouldn't worry about that, whoever stole the foot didn't get my Gadget chip." Officer Jenny: "The Gadget chip?" Penny: "Yeah, it's what can make the whole program work." Nurse Joy: "Did you named it after your uncle?" Penny: "Not really but... wait... that's it!" Chief Quimby: "What is?" Penny: "It might be a long shot... but maybe I could use the Gadget program to rebuild my uncle's body, that way, not only can the program be a success, it could also save my uncle's life!" Nurse Joy: "Um... are you sure it'll work?" Penny: "No 100%, but it's the only idea I could think of... and it might be his only chance, plus I think my uncle is the best Pokémon for it." Nurse Joy: "Well... I might not be an expert of machines, but as a nurse, I might know how to repair a body." Penny: "That's why I need your help to get this right." and so with that, Nurse Joy and Penny went to work on using the Gadget program to rebuild the Raichu's body, while Chief Quimby, Officer Jenny, and a trio of other Pokémon police officers just stood and watch. The three other police officers were a Riolu, Bunnelby and another Raichu named Moe (voiced by Chris Diamantopoulos), Larry (voiced by Sean Hayes) and Curly (voiced by Will Sasso), the Three Pokémon Stooges, who while not being the smartest, their hearts were quite big. Moe: "It's like a remake of the Pokémon Frankenstein monster." Larry: "Yeah, but I'll bet he'll be much better looking than you." Moe: "Yeah cause he's got... hey!" said Moe, who bopped the Bunnelby on the head, while Curly made a 'Nyuk, Nyuk' sound, until the Riolu slaps him. Officer Jenny: "Keep it down you three, now tell me Chief, what do we know about the case so far?" Chief Quimby: "Well so far, we got a limousine with no license plate, and a van that was remote controlled it seems, but whoever it was, they were long gone." Officer Jenny: "And they killed Penny's father and almost did the same on her uncle... just to steal a robotic foot... what kind of criminal are we dealing with...?" asked the Marill to herself, puzzled on who the villain is. Meanwhile, in a tall building, there was a secret lab where the Mystery figure was admiring his new robotic claw that was used to replaced his crushed paw. Mystery figure: "This will do quite nicely... I think I deserve a good nickname after this..." Cassidy: "How about... Mr Crabs?" Butch: "No, that name was already taken by some greedy crab that runs a restaurant." Cassidy: "Oh, I supposed that you got a better idea, Biff?" Butch told you before, it's Butch!" Mystery figure: "Actually, I have one in mind already... from now on... call me... Dr Claw!" said the Mystery figure, now dubbed Dr Claw, while snapping his claw to make his name sound more scary. Butch: "Yeah... that's a good name boss..." Cassidy: "It's perfect..." Dr Claw: "Now then... let's get to work..." said Claw, before begins to make an evil laugh. Meanwhile, back at the Pokémon center, Gadget finally wakes up, and noticed that he was resting on a hospital bed. When the Raichu tried to get up, his arms started to extend and the extended parts look robotic, much to his shock. Gadget: "What the?!, what's happening to me?!" yelped the Raichu, before a firework rocket came out of his foot, and it flew through a wall, which caught the attention of Penny and Nurse Joy. Penny: "Something tells me that Uncle Gadget is awake." Nurse Joy: "I think you're right, you better go see him before he destroys something." the Mew girl in Pikachu form nodded, before running off to the room where her uncle was. Penny: "Uncle Gadget, it's okay, it's me." Gadget: "Oh... Penny it's you... what's happening to me?" Penny: "Well... you kind of got your body badly damaged while trying to catch the crook... and I used the Gadget program to rebuild it." Gadget: "Wait... you turned me into a robot?!" Penny: "Well not really, you're still a living Pokémon, just a bit of a cyborg now... I'm sorry Uncle Gadget, but it was the only thing I could do to save you." Gadget: "Well... thanks Penny... and I'm sorry... for failing on catching the crook..." Penny: "Never mind that, I would rather lose that foot than my family... and besides, the most important piece of the program is still in my paws... well more like in yours." Gadget: "What do you mean?" Penny: "I'll explain that later, but right now I need to help ya move around in your new body, so don't worry, I'll be with you every step of the way." the Raichu couldn't help but smile, knowing that he'll be spending time with his niece, before his neck started to extend and his his head hits the ceiling. Gadget: "Uh Penny... a little help?" Penny: "Hmm... this could take a while..." she said to herself, before coming to her uncle to help him get his head back in place.

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