Jurassic Park Epilogue

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After Tyrantrum stopped Team Rocket from harming Alan and his friends, the police from the mainland, lead by Officer Jenny (played by herself and voiced by Lee Quick) came and arrested the Team Rocket grunts, including Nedry, Jessie, James and Meowth. Officer Jenny: "You don't have to worry about these characters, they'll be locked away for a very long time." Hammond: "That's good to hear... though I fear it might be too late..." Tim: "What do you mean?" Hammond: "Well... it's obvious to me now that my park is just not safe for anyone..." Lex: "It wasn't your fault, it was Team Rocket that caused this whole mess." Hammond: "I know, but I was fool to hire Nedry and have Gennaro as my lawyer... not to mention that the fossil Pokémon needed better care..." Nurse Joy: "Don't worry Hammond, I'm sure we can work things out." Alan: "Well if you ask me... maybe instead of having Jurassic Park as a theme park, maybe turn it into a Wildlife sanctuary for the Fossil Pokémon." Hammond: "Hmm... I should do that?" Alan: "Yeah, it can be better for the people and the Pokémon, plus it should prevent people like Team Rocket from hunting them." Hammond: "Hmm... you might be right... I should do that." Malcolm: "And we don't have to worry about them going extinct as we now know they are breeding." that was when Ellie went over to Alan, who gave her a big hug, surprising her at first but returned it. Alan: "Sorry... it's just... after seeing Team Rocket holding you hostage... I was scared that..." Ellie: "It's okay Alan... I know you care for me... though something tells me that you might 'like me' like me." Alan: "Yeah... I suppose so." said Alan, before Ellie went to give Alan a kiss on the cheek, which made him blush a little. Larry: "Wow... I just love a happy ending..." Moe: "Me too..." Curly: "They should have their first date at Niagara Falls." said Curly, before he covered his mouth due to realizing what he just said, only it was too late as Moe and Larry heard him. Moe and Larry: "Niagara Falls!" Curly: "Nah!" Moe and Larry: "Slowly we turn..." Curly: "No please no... not that again!" Moe and Larry: "Step by Step... Inch by Inch..." said Moe and Larry, before Curly makes a run for it as Moe and Larry began chasing him, while everyone else laughed. And that's the story of Jurassic Park... the Pokémon version at least.


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