Scrooge & Marley

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As Scrooge goes to his work place, which was the town's toy store, the Stooges followed him, trying their best to stay out of sight. Many of the workers feared Scrooge, but noun feared him more than his overworked yet underpaid employee, Emily Cratchit (played by Delia Ketchum and voiced by Veronica Taylor). Scrooge: "Cratchit!, what time is it?" Emily: "Uh... [looking at the clock] it's 10:00 AM sir..." Scrooge: "Yes... it's work time... and yet you're not working... care to explain?" Emily: "Well it's just there aren't any costumers yet... and it's getting a little cold in here... which makes it a little hard for everyone to come work or buy stuff..." Scrooge: "If they want to get warmed up, then they should get moving their bodies more, or would you or the others rather be left unemployed?" Emily: "No sir... I'll work hard..." Scrooge: "You better... for your sake..." said Scrooge, before he goes off to his desk and counts the money the store has earned so far while Emily goes over to the costumers and help them find what they want. Moe: "Scrooge was not only greedy, but he was cheap too, and puts high prices on the toys his store sells, which can be hard for some of the people in town." Larry: "Huh... I kinda thought greed comes only on humans?" Moe: "Even Pokémon are not immune to greed... anyway, it wasn't long before Mew, Scrooge's only living relative, comes to visit." Curly: "Mew?, as in the mythical Pokémon?" Moe: "Well Scrooge is a Mewtwo after all." said Moe, before, Mew (voiced by Lisa Ortiz), comes into the store and flies around in some loops. Mew: "Hi little brother!, and Merry Christmas!" Scrooge: "Bah... Humbug!" Mew: "Oh come on little bro, don't be like that." Scrooge: "Why shouldn't I?, Christmas has never done anything for me, and why must you be so happy when you're so poor?" Mew: "Well why must you be so grumpy when you're so rich?" Curly: "She's got a point there..." Scrooge: "Because unlike the people in this town, Christmas is just another work day, any fool, like either human or Pokémon think otherwise should be boiled in their own pudding!" Mew: "But little brother, Christmas is a wonderful time for everyone, the time of the year where you get to spend time with your family." Emily: "Well said Miss Mew." said Emily, before clapping her hands until Scrooge glares at her. Scrooge: "Stay out of this Cratchit!" Emily: "Yes sir... sorry sir..." said Emily as she goes back to her work. Scrooge: "Anyway... what are you doing here anyway?" Mew: "Why I want to invite you to my boyfriend's place to join me and the others for Christmas dinner." Scrooge: "You really think I would waste my time on anything that involves Christmas?" Mew: "Come on little brother, you did it a lot when Amber..." Scrooge: "Well she's not here!... not anymore..." Mew: "Oh I see... still haven't gotten over it, huh?" Scrooge: "Just go..." Mew: "Okay... I knew it was a long shot... I just thought it would have been nice to have you join the family... Merry Christmas." said Mew before she leaves the store. Curly: "Poor Mew... it's hard to believe she's related to that grumpy jerk..." Moe: "If you think he's a jerk now, wait till you see what happens when some Pokémon came to collect donations." Larry: "Where?, I don't see any." Moe: "I'm looking at them." said Moe, before he gives Larry and Curly each a little bucket. Curly: "No way, I'm not going near him!" Moe: "Stop being a baby and just go." said Moe, before he kicks both Larry and Curly to where Scrooge was, and the pair gulped in fear. Scrooge: "Who are you?" Larry: "Uh... we're just here to collect donations for the poor... and we thought you would be generous enough to donate..." Curly: "Yeah... what he said..." Scrooge: "... You want me to give away my well hard worked earned money to some lazy nobodies?" Larry: "Well I wouldn't say they're lazy... just people who had not a lot of luck as we are... and if they don't get the money and get have food or a home... they would die..." Scrooge: "Well if they're gonna die, they better do it!, and decrease the surplus population!" shouted Scrooge, which made both Curly and Larry gasped in shocked due to hearing someone say something like that. Larry: "Uh... I think we should go..." Curly: "Yeah..." said Curly, before he and Larry left the store and went back to Moe. Larry: "Can you believe that guy?, I'll bet not even the Team Rocket trio would say such things..." Curly: "Yeah... he's really heartless!" Moe: "Well... he is... but there is actually a reason for that... but we'll get to that later." said Moe, as the scene showed that time has passed and it was now closing time for the store, and everyone was leaving. Scrooge: "I'll be seeing you tomorrow." Emily: "But sir... tomorrow is Christmas." Scrooge: "So what?" Emily: "Well it's just... all the work places will be closed and everyone will be staying at home... so... I was wondering... if I could have a day off tomorrow?" Scrooge: "... A day off... fine... but if you think I'll be paying you for a day without work... then you're dead wrong... and as for today's pay... I'll be taking it as an exchange." said Scrooge, before he takes away a can of money that Emily was holding. Emily: "But sir... that money..." Scrooge: "Is the price you have to pay for a day off... so unless you want to work tomorrow, the money is mine." Emily: "... Yes sir..." said Emily, before she leaves the store before Scrooge did and both went their separate ways. The clock tower made some bong sounds, telling the town that was now 9:00 PM, and Scrooge was heading to his mansion. Moe: "Scrooge lived in a mansion that once belonged to his former business partner, Jacob Marley, who I must remind you that is dead and rotting in his grave..." Larry: "Yuck!" Curly: "No kidding..." Moe: "That is the one thing you must remember... or nothing that follows would seemed mysterious..." whispered Moe, before Scrooge goes to his front door. Suddenly, the knocker of the door started to changed into a face of a man that Scrooge knew too well. Scrooge: "Wha... Jacob Marley?" asked Scrooge, before the face of Marley (played by Giovanni and voiced by Ted Lewis) yelled Scrooge's name, scaring the heck out of the Mewtwo and the Three Stooges nearby, causing them to fall into the snow. Once Scrooge got back up, he looks at the knocker, which was back to normal as it seems. Scrooge: "... Humbug..." said Scrooge, before he goes into the mansion, while the Stooges were left outside. Moe: "To say that Scrooge didn't got scared would be untrue, but the moment has passed and things were normal again... at the moment at least." Curly: "I don't like the sound of that..." said Curly, before Larry goes to take a peak at the window, and the inside was really dark. Larry: "Wow... it's really dark in there." Moe: "Yes, darkness was cheap and Scrooge liked it... but the incident at the door made Scrooge nervous, so left with no choice, he searched his rooms." Larry: "Okay, how are you doing that?" Moe: "Do what?" Larry: "How do you know what Scrooge is doing, I mean we're out here and he's in there." Moe: "I'm the story teller, I know everything that's gonna happen." Curly: "Yeah, prove it." Moe: "Well... to conduct a proper search, Scrooge was forced to turn on the lights." said Moe, before the lights of the house came on. Larry: "How does he do it?" Curly: "No idea..." back inside the mansion, Scrooge was searching his rooms and found nothing, but was still feeling a little unease. Later, he went into his red robes and tried to have some cheese, mashed potatoes and some beef on the side, while sitting on his chair next to the fireplace. Suddenly, the door's bells started to ring loudly and wildly, until they finally stopped and the fireplace was put out for some reason. It was that moment when some glow appeared behind the door, and some ghostly figure passed though it. Turns out it was the ghost of Jacob Marley, who came to the now scared Mewtwo. Scrooge: "W-who are you?!" Marley: "In life... I was your partner... Jacob Marley..." Scrooge: "Marley?, but that can't be..." Marley: "Why do you doubt your senses?" Scrooge: "Cause anything upsetting the stomach can make them cheat... like some bad beef, or some cheese... yes, there's more gravy than a grave about you." said Scrooge, before Marley roared in anger, which scared the Mewtwo of course. Marley: "You must believe that I am real!... for your sake more than mine now..." Scrooge: "Okay!, okay, I believe... but... why are you in chains?" Marley: "These are the chains I forged through the misdeeds I committed in life, like being unkind to both people and Pokémon, and taking away their money and all that... now... I am paying the price..." Scrooge: "Oh my... but why are you here?" Marley: "I am here to warn you that if you don't change your ways soon... you will suffer the same fate as me..." Scrooge: "What?!, that can't be!, I don't have chains on me!" Marley: "You do... they can't be seen until you meet your end... however... I am also here to tell you that there is a way for you escape my fate..." Scrooge: "There is?" Marley: "Yes... for tonight... you will be visited by 3 spirits of Christmas..." Scrooge: "More ghosts?!, I already had enough of ghosts for one night!" Marley: "Without their visits, you can not escape my fate, now then... expect the first ghost when the bell tolls 1, and the second when the bells tolls 2, and the third at 3... farewell Scrooge... remember what I have told you... farewell..." said Marley as he flies through the window and went outside, while Scrooge looks out to see other spirits that have shared Marley's fate, both humans and Pokémon, which scared Scrooge enough to force him to close the window and ran to his bed and hide under his blanket. Moe: "So with that, Marley's ghost has left the mansion, leaving Scrooge alone once more. Said Moe, before seeing Larry and Curly holding each other in fear. Larry: "Oh man... that was scary..." Curly: "No kidding... nobody told me this story would involve ghosts!" Moe: "Oh stop complaining, the ghosts in this story are trying to help Scrooge, not harm him." Larry: "Help him how?" Moe: "Help him to change his ways." Curly: "Oh... so they do it by scaring him?" Moe: "That's part of it... but anyway, let's get up there and see what happens next." said Moe, before he and the other Stooges went off closer to the mansion.

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