The Three Stooges Bloopers

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A light was on the stage when Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks), Tommy D Fox (voiced by Tara Strong), Gidget D Mew (voiced by Lisa Ortiz), Jokey (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke) & Jokeo (voiced by Tom Kenny) D Hyena came to the scene. Boney 10: Welcome folks, to the bloopers for the Pokémon version of the Three Stooges." Tommy: "Speaking of which, here they are." said Tommy, before the Three Stooges, Moe the Riolu, Larry the Bunnelby, and Curly the Raichu, came on stage, waving to the audience that were clapping. Moe: "Hey folks, as you know, making a show or movie is a lot of hard work." Larry: "And we didn't get it right on our first try." Curly: "You said it, like the time when Moe keeps messing up his lines." Moe: "You were no better." said Moe, before he slaps Curly on the face. Gidget: "How about we start the film?" Jokeo: "Good idea." Jokey: "Yeah, I hope it's not too long, I'm hungry." Jokeo: "Bro, you're always hungry." Boney 10: "Okay folks, start the film!" said Boney 10, before the camera starts rolling the film. The first scene shows the Three Stooges as babies, only with Curly as a Raichu with a diaper and a rattle. Director: "Cut!, Curly, you're supposed to let a Pichu be the baby version of you." Curly: "You mean I'm not in this scene?" asked Curly, before Moe slaps him in the face. Moe: "Lame brain!" the scene then changes to when the Stooges were having lunch with the Eevee girls, only to see that May had a mustache drawn on her face. Director: "Cut!, May, did you had an encounter with Jigglypuff?" May: "Yeah..." Larry: "I always wondered what an Eevee would look like with a mustache." the scene then changes to when the Stooges accidentally dropped the bell, which landed on top of Sister Mary-Mengele, who was now flat as a pancake. Sister Mary-Mengele: "One of these days... one of these days..." Larry: "Was that in the script?" Curly: "It doesn't ring any bells for me." the scene then changes again to when Jessie and James were supposed to get hit by a bus. But instead of a bus for some reason, they got hit by a stamped of angry rhinos. Director: "Cut!, who let a herd of angry rhinos on the set?!" said the Director, before they tried again, only this time, a herd of angry elephants stampeded over the poison types. Director: "Cut!, what's with the Elephants?!, this is The Three Stooges, not Jumanji!" said the Director. The scene changes once more to when the Stooges were at the Pokémon center, and Nurse Joy glares at them for using the baby water types for their fight, before Larry starts eating a carrot. Larry: "Um... what's up doc?" this made everyone on the set to laugh, making Larry very confused. Larry: "What?" Director: "Cut!" the scene change again to when the Stooges were doing some fish farming, and Curly was using a fishing rod to catch a fish from the other side of the golf course, only to hook Moe instead and the Riolu got sent flying into a lake. Director: "Cut!, there's no fishing rod on the script." said the Director, before Moe comes over to Curly in order to bop him on the stomach and head. The scene then once again changes to when the Stooges were doing the show they were in for Cleavon the Lickitung, before Curly accidentally knocks over the camera. Curly: "Oops!, sorry!" Moe: "What's the matter with you?!, don't you know better to not touch the camera while it's rolling?!" said Moe, before he bops the Raichu on the head. The scene changes again to when the Stooges see that Ritchie was sick, before the little Pichu let out a huge burp that shook the whole set. Ritchie: "Oh... excuse me... I had a big lunch..." this only made Ash and the others to laugh. The scene changes one again to when the Stooges went to the girls bedroom, only to see that the girls were not in their bed. They opened a door to see that the girls were taking a shower, who screamed when they see that they were on camera. Serena: "Guys!" Moe: "Oh sorry!" Curly: "Our bad!" Director: "Cut!, let's do this after they're done." Larry: "Yeah..." the scene then changes again to when the Rocket gang turned on the radio, which starts to play the Pokémon theme song. Director: "Cut!, the tune is supposed to be pop the weasel!" Curly: "But it's still a catchy tune." Moe: "That's for sure." the scene then changes to when the Stooges went through the bushes to see a tank engine with a number 1 on the sides, with a Blue Mew in the cabin. Director: "Cut!, you're for another story!" this made the Mew to rub the back of his head in embarrassment, realizing his mistake and telling that he was sorry. The scene changes to when the Stooges, the girls and the Pichu pair were making a run for it from the angry Meowth nun, before jumping on a group of cacti, which made them yelped in pain. Director: "Cut!, what's with the Cacti?" said the Director, before they tried the scene again, only for the Stooges, the girls and Pichu pair to jump on top of pool of skittles. Director: "Cut!, it's supposed to be bikes!" that was when the film ended, and the whole cast for the story to come on stage. Boney 10: "Thanks for reading this." Tommy: "And please let us know if you enjoyed it." Curly: "Yeah, otherwise we might end up getting canned." Moe: "Canned?" Larry: "Well you know that cartoon characters can't really die, we just get canned, like this." said Larry, before he puts a can on Moe's head, who took a moment or two to get it off, and got a little mad with the Bunnelby. Moe: "I'll put you in this can if you ever do that again." Larry: "Sorry..." Jokey: "Speaking of cans, does anyone have a can of ravioli?" Jokeo: "Try the kitchen." Jokey: "Okay." Gidget: "Well that's all for now folks." Tommy: "Until next that is." All: "Bye!"

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