The Ghost Of Christmas Yet To Come

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Once the bell stopped ringing the hour, Scrooge looks around to see where the final spirit will appear. Suddenly, a thick fog appeared and covered the whole area, making it hard for Scrooge to see the area around him. It wasn't long before Scrooge sees what looked like a Pokémon called a Darkrai, which was in fact the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come (voiced by Bill Rogers) himself, coming to the scene. Scrooge: "Am... am I in the presence... of the final spirit that Marley told me would come?" Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come: "Yes... I am the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come..." Scrooge: "Spirit... I fear you more than any spirit I have yet met... but I know you're here to help me... so... I am prepared to learn... lead on spirit..." Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come: "... Follow me..." said the spirit, as he and Scrooge begin to walk together. Moe: "And so the last ghost begins to take Scrooge to the shadows that have yet to come... but will happen if they remain unchanged..." Curly: "Moe... this is getting too scary for me... I don't want to see more..." Larry: "Same here... this is too much for my heart..." Moe: "Alright... you might be right on this... sorry folks, we'll be gone for a while, but we'll meet you at the finale." said Moe, as he and the other Stooges left the scene. As for Scrooge, he follows the spirit to Pallet town, which was cold and raining as it seems, and a pair of humans, named Jessie (played by herself and voiced by Rachel Lillis) and James (played by himself and voiced by Eric Stuart) were with a talking Meowth (voiced by James Carter Cathcart), talking about someone. Meowth: "I don't know how or why, all I know that he's now dead." Jessie: "When did he die?" Meowth: "Last night." James: "Never thought he would finally be gone, that evil Pokémon has done nothing but being mean to everyone and only cared about money." Jessie: "Well he won't need his money where he is now... and now we can have his stuff to sell." said Jessie as she begins to laugh before James and Meowth joined her. Soon, they went to a Magikarp salesmen, giving him some blankets and bed curtains that once belonged to a certain Pokémon. As for Scrooge and the ghost, they watched the trio getting some money from the stuff they gave away and the trio laughed without a care in the world. Scrooge: "Spirit... I think I understand what you're trying to show me here... about how a Pokémon has been treated after his passing and I would share the same fate if I don't change my ways..." Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come: "Correct..." Scrooge: "Oh... the poor soul... but tell me... wasn't there anyone who cared about this Pokémon?" Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come: "... Follow me..." said the spirit, before he leads Scrooge to the Cratchit house, where Scrooge went inside and sees that Emily was crying, and both Pikachu and Mew were doing their best to comfort her. Pikachu: "Pika..." Emily: "Oh... I'm fine... for I know... my little boy is in a better place..." Mew: "Yeah... and maybe... my little brother too..." Emily: "Oh my poor child..." said Emily, as she continues to cry, and Scrooge had his eyes widened in realization and started to cry too as he knew what Emily was crying about. Scrooge: "No... not Tiny Tim... the poor boy... spirit... must there be a Christmas to have such a tragic scene?... how could we endure it?... and why did you brought me here?, what does the death of the poor Pokémon have to do with poor Tiny Tim?" Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come: "...Follow me... for my time grows short..." said the spirit, before he leads Scrooge to a cemetery, and points at a certain grave stone. Scrooge: "I take it... the Pokémon who's death was meaningless to others is buried here?" Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come: "Yes... look." Scrooge: "Okay... but before I do... I must know... are these the shadows of things that will be... or shadows of things that may be only... like these events can changed and a life can be made right?" Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come: "Look..." said the spirit, before Scrooge takes a look at the stone and gasped as he sees the name 'Ebeneezer Scrooge' on it. Scrooge: "No... that lonely Pokémon... was me?!... no spirit... hear me, I'm not the Pokémon I once was!, I've changed!, I mean... why would you show me all this if I was passed all hope?, I will honor Christmas forever... I will live my life in the past, the present and the future, I will not forget the lessons the spirits have taught me... tell me that I can change these dark events... tell me I can sponge out the writing on that stone... but most of all... tell me that I can save Tiny Tim!... please spirit... speak to me..." said Scrooge as he began to cry in front of the ghost, who turned around and left him alone.

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