Robo Gadget On The Loose

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After the ball, the Chief has sent Gadget to do some cases, which were really just crossing guard duty or helping little cat Pokémon out of trees. Gadget: "I don't think the Chief is taking me seriously." Gadget Mobile: "Well what are you gonna do about it?" Gadget: "Well I'm gonna talk with him for starters." said the Cyborg Raichu, before he enters the Chief's office, where the Chief himself was at, drinking some coffee. Gadget: "Um Chief, I need to talk to you." Chief Quimby: "About what?" Gadget: "Well... it's just that... as much as I liked helping kids crossing the street or helping cat Pokémon get out of trees, I want to solve the case of the my brother's murder, I won't rest until I put the murderer to justice." Chief Quimby: "Look... I know this is personal for you Gadget, but the thing is, that case needs to be in the paws of a real police officer, and no offense Gadget, but you're not a real police officer, you're just a publicity stunt we have to pull off." Gadget: "That's not what Penny told me." Chief Quimby: "I know, but the thing is... you're not ready for a real case yet, but I will promise you that we will find the murderer for you." Gadget: "Okay..." said the cyborg Raichu, who walked slowly away with his head down, which made the Chief to feel guilt inside. Meanwhile in Claw's lab, Cassidy and Butch were fighting each other again, at least until Dr Claw, who was still in the shadows with only his eyes and claw being seen, showed up. Butch: "Hi boss, any luck with the Gadget program?" Dr Claw: "Yes indeed, I managed to get a hold of Penny's files and stole her research to recreate the Gadget chip." said the mysterious figure, before showing his henchmen the copy of the Gadget chip. Cassidy: "So what now?" Dr Claw: "Put the chip into my newest invention... the Robo Gadget." said Dr Claw, before the henchmen turned around to see a robot that looks like Gadget on some lab table. Butch: "How long was that there?" Cassidy: "Never mind that Biff, I'm more curious on why it looks like that Raichu we almost killed?" Biff: "Do I have to change my name or something?!, it's Butch!" Dr Claw: "Never mind that, watch and witness the awaking of my new evil creation... the Robo Gadget." said Dr Claw, before he pressed a button on his namesake to extend like how Gadget's arms do, and placed the chip into the robot, which brings Robo Gadget (voiced by Matthew Broderick), to life. Cassidy: "Whoa!" Dr Claw: "Greetings Robo Gadget, you are my creation, what are gonna do now?" Robo Gadget: "I'm gonna kick some butt." Cassidy: "He might look like that Raichu, but he sure acts like an evil version of him." Dr Claw: "That's the whole idea." Butch: "It looks so real." said the Seviper, before Robo Gadget punches him in the face, which made both Cassidy and Dr Claw to laugh. Meanwhile, Gadget secretly went to he police file room to try doing the case by himself. He managed to find a piece of metal that the police managed to get from the robot that killed his brother. When Gadget went to use his magnifying glass gadget, he sees two letters on it. Gadget: "Hmm... 'S I'... I wonder what that means..." a few moments later, Gadget went outside of the building, still trying to figure out what the S & I stood for. Suddenly, he sees the Three Stooges getting attacked by someone who looked just like him, much to his surprise. Gadget: "What the?, who is that?" that was when the Stooges see Gadget, and they were surprised. Larry: "Am I seeing double?" Curly: "I didn't know Gadget had a twin." Moe: "He doesn't, one of them must be an imposter!" Gadget: "I was thinking the same thing." Robo Gadget: "So there you are Gadget, you have an appointment with Dr Claw." Gadget: "Really?, I don't remember setting up an appointment with someone named Dr Claw..." Robo Gadget: "Just come with me, and I'll stop picking on these three." Gadget: "Fine, I want to have a talk with him on not picking on cops." said Gadget, as he follows his evil twin to where Dr Claw was located, leaving the Stooges very puzzled. Moe: "Should we call the chief?" Larry: "Don't look at me, you're the one with the brains." Curly: "And we don't." Moe: "Fair enough, so in that case, let's tell the Chief about this second Gadget." Curly: "And this Dr Claw guy?" Moe: "Yeah that too." back with Gadget, he and his evil twin arrived to the Scolex Industries building, and once the cyborg Raichu sees the 'S' and 'I' in the company name, he realized something very important. Gadget: "So the 'S' and 'I' stood for Scolex Industries!" Robo Gadget: "So you are a detective... slow though." Gadget: "Wait a minute... if Scolex was the one who stole the foot... then he was the one who murdered... oh no... Penny!" gasped the cyborg Raichu, before Robo Gadget used his extended arms to wrap him up, and then a mallet comes out of his hat and hits Gadget on the head, which knocks him out cold. Meanwhile, Penny was looking around the building of Scolex Industries, when she sees Robo Gadget dragging her uncle to an elevator, much to her confusion, made her decided to change into a Pichu in order to get into the air vents in order to investigate without being spotted. When Gadget finally woke up, he finds himself strapped to a table in some sort of lab, before Scolex, who turns out to be Dr Claw himself, came up to him, with some voice changing device on his mouth. Dr Claw: "Greetings Inspector Gadget, oh wait... [removing the voice changing device and clearing], that's better, anyway, happy to have you in my lab." Gadget: "You... so it was you who killed my brother and blew me up!" Dr Claw: "So what?, you crushed my paw with that bowling ball of yours, so we'll call it even." said the Meowth, before showing the cyborg Raichu his bowling ball. Gadget: "Oh, I was wondering where that went... but never mind that, we are far from even, and whatever your plan is, you're never gonna get away with it!" Dr Claw: "Something tells me that you've been watching way too many Saturday morning cartoons." said Dr Claw, before he and Gadget break the fourth wall as they looked at where the viewers were reading the story, much to the confusion of both Cassidy and Butch. Gadget: "What's wrong with watching cartoons?" Dr Claw: "Nothing really, but that's not the point, what I mean is that this is the real world, things don't always go well for the good guys." Gadget: "So what's with that other me, and why are you doing this?" Dr Claw: "Simple really, I have always dreamed to rule the ultimate robotic empire, and world domination, once I heard about the Gadget program, I knew that it was the key for my dream to come true, and I was not gonna let anything get in my way." Gadget: "Even if it means killing innocent Pokémon?" Dr Claw: "Don't take it personal, I just couldn't let anyone know my plans until it's too late for them." Gadget: "Yet you're telling me about it?" Dr Claw: "I'm telling you this cause you're about to... how do I put this... go offline as I know that you can't function without that chip of yours... so ta ta." said the Meowth, before he takes out Gadget's chip, causing the cyborg Raichu to shut down. Dr Claw then pressed a button on his claw to crush the chip, making sure that there was no way for the Raichu to turn back on. Dr Claw: "Cassidy, Biff, dump this idiot into the city's dump." Cassidy: "You got it boss." Butch: "Oh... why can't somebody get my name right..." Unaware to the villains, Penny saw the whole thing in the air vents, and she was horrified by what she saw.

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