The Dig Site

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Elsewhere in the world, there was a dig site that had a team of diggers unearthing what looked like the skeleton of an Aerodactyl. That was when a girl named Misty (played by herself and voiced by Rachael Lillis), takes a look at it. Misty: "Dr Grant!, Dr Sattler!, come over here and see this!" called out Misty, before the two people she called to, who are Dr Alan Grant (played by Ash Ketchum and voiced by Veronica Taylor) and Dr Ellie Sattler (played by Serena and voiced by Haven Paschall) came to the scene. Alan: "What is it?" Misty: "Well... I do believe we just found a complete skeleton of an Aerodactyl." Ellie: "You're right... it is... what a remarkable find!" Alan: "Yeah... haven't dug up those for a while..." Misty: "Hey Alan, when are you gonna ask Ellie out?" Alan: "What do you mean?" Misty: "Oh come now, I know you two dig for each other, and I'm not talking about digging up fossils." Ellie: "Misty, now is not the time." Misty: "What's the matter?, too shy to admit you like him?" Alan: "Come on Misty, I won't date Ellie if she doesn't want to, that's her choice." Misty: "Whatever... and another thing... when are you ever gonna pay me back?" Ash: "Pay you back for what?" Misty: "For the bike your Pikachu fried a while ago." Ellie: "Don't tell me you're still mad about that!" Ash: "Yeah, Pikachu didn't mean to attack ya, I mean your bike ran over his tail." Misty: "I know... but you should have taught Pikachu not to place it's tail on a bike path." Ellie: "Hey... speaking of Pikachu... where is he?" asked Ellie, before Pikachu came to the scene, carrying a bag full of sandwiches. Pikachu: "Pika!" Ash: "There he is, and got our lunches too." Ellie: "Good boy." said both Alain and Ellie, giving the electric type a good pet on the head. Suddenly, a helicopter came to the scene from the sky and landed near the dig site, and the whirlwind from the helicopter was sending dust and sand everywhere, and the digging crew had to cover up the fossils as soon as possible. That was an old man named John Hammond (played by Professor Oak and voiced by Stan Hart) came out of the helicopter and went into a trailer that belonged to Alan, who went in to see Hammond himself. Alan: "Who are you?" Ellie: "And what's the idea of bringing a helicopter here?, you almost messed up our recent dig." Hammond: "My apologies, I'm just in a hurry, allow me to introduce myself, I am John Hammond, and it's a real pleasure to meet you at last Dr Grant and Dr Sattler." Alan: "Wait... John Hammond... the famous billionaire?" Ellie: "Who's been funding our digging?" Hammond: "That's right, I see my reputation has got to you." Ellie: "Well it's a real honor to meet you in person at least... but what are you doing here?" Hammond: "Ah yes... the reason I'm here... I see I own an island off the coast of Hoenn, which is the location of a theme park/ zoo I've been building for the last 5 years... and I'm hoping to open it next year but uh... something happened during construction and the board sent my lawyer to get a team to see if it's safe... um... you wouldn't happen to have lawyer troubles, do ya?" Alan: "Well we don't really know any?" Hammond: "Well I do... and he wants me to pick you two up as you're the top minds for this field, so if I can get you to give a green light for the park, I'll be back on schedule." Ellie: "Why would they care what we think?" Alan: "What kind of park is this?" Hammond: "Well let's just say... it's right up in your field... why don't you two see it for yourselves and see what you think of it." Ellie: "I don't know..." Alan: "Yeah, we just dug up a new skeleton and uh..." Hammond: "If you come with me and see the island... I might fully fund your digging for a further 3 years in return, sound like a good deal?" Ellie: "Um... sure." Alan: "Can Pikachu come too?, I never go anywhere without him." Pikachu: "Pika, Pikachu." Hammond: "Of course the little guy can come, it would help me see how the Pokémon handle the park there, and I want both the people and Pokémon to enjoy it." Alan: "Great, in that case, let's go see it." Ellie: "Yeah, I could use a vacation anyway." said Ellie, before she, Alan, Pikachu and Hammond went out of the trailer and told the team about the news. Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Hoenn region, there was a man named Dodgson (played Giovanni of Team Rocket and voiced by Ted Lewis), who was on his way to a teen named Dennis Nedry (played by Damian and voiced by Ted Lewis), who was having lunch breakfast before he sees the man. Nedry: "Yo Dodgson!, I'm over here." called out Nedry, before Dodgson came over to the table. Dodgson: "You shouldn't use my name." Nedry: "Dodgson!, we have Dodgson here! [seeing that nobody took notice] see?, nobody cares... anyway... you got it?" asked Nedry, before Dodgson takes out what looked like a can of shaving gel, which was really a canister designed to carry something that needs to be cold. Dodgson: "Here it is... this should allow you to steal the embryos without anyone knowing, just make sure you get them in time." Nedry: "No problem, 7:00 tomorrow, and the embryos are as good as yours... now don't go cheap on me, that was Hammond's mistake, remember that." Dodgson: "Don't worry, I'm no fool like he is..." said Dodgson with an evil smile on his face.

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