The Painful Truth Of The Money

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Somewhere in the studio where the Stooges were now working in, Jessie and James were doing their best not to be seen by anyone. Jessie: "We got to get rid of those three idiots before they realize that we tricked them." James: "No kidding, never thought that they were friends with the girls during their childhood." Jessie: "Me neither, but that doesn't matter, for we need to take them out before we capture the girls." James: "Yeah, but we need to do it without any witnesses and stuff, or else we'll end up in jail, or worse." Jessie: "Yeah, not to mention that the boss will not like loose ends either." so with that, Jessie and James went into the studio, looking for the Stooges, only to meet Cleavon instead. Cleavon: "If you want an autograph from the Stooges, try another time as they're not here at the moment." Jessie: "What?!, then where are they?!" Cleavon: "Last I heard, they went to visit their home to see how it's doing at the moment." meanwhile, the Stooges went back to the Orphanage to see how it's doing at the moment, only to see that there was nobody around. Larry: "Where is everybody?" Moe: "I don't know..., are you sure we're in the right place?" Curly: "Well being that there's no other place around the place, I reckon this must be the place I reckoned, Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk." said Curly, before Moe slaps him on the face. The Stooges went into the building, before seeing Mother Superior sitting on a chair, watching TV. Mother Superior: "Boys?, what are you doing here?" Moe: "We came to check on you, where are all the kids?" Mother Superior: "Well since we're closing down, we have to move everyone out." Larry: "But we told you to wait, we were gonna get the money." Mother Superior: "Did you get it?" Curly: "Do we got the money?" Larry: "Well... no... but we're working on it." Ash: "Well at least you tried." said Ash the Pichu, who came to the scene. Moe: "Little Ash!, you're still here, thank goodness." Ash: "Well I have to, as I couldn't leave without my brother." Curly: "How is he?" asked Curly, before the little Pichu takes him and the other Stooges to the room where Ritchie was, who was very ill right now. Moe: "Oh no... what's wrong with Ritchie?" Mother Superior: "We don't know... he's been like this for a while now." Larry: "Why isn't he in a Pokémon center?" Mother Superior: "Well..." Sister Mary-Mengele: "I'll tell you why, it's because we don't have any medical insurance." Larry: "Well you should get some, just call that green Totodile guy." hearing that made the Meowth very mad. Sister Mary-Mengele: "Okay that's it!, I had it with you three!, do you really want to know why we don't have any medical insurance?... it's because you clowns have caused so many accidents over the years, there's not a center or company on this planet that will cover us until we pay the 830,000 dollars we owe for medical bills!, and that's why we're being closed down!" Mother Superior: "That's enough sister!" Curly: "W-wait a minute... you mean the orphanage is closing... because of us?" Mother Superior: "Um... well..." Sister Mary-Mengele: "Check it out, Moe, Larry, Curly, you're responsible for this, along with the kid's sickness!" hearing the truth made the Stooges feel very sad and guilty, feeling responsible for what has happened. Moe: "Boy... we really messed up..." Mother Superior: "Don't say that, you boys have been doing your best to help us, and that's all that matters." Curly: "Thanks... I wonder how the girls are doing..." Mother Superior: "You mean Serena, Dawn and May?, They came here yesterday to ask you if ya three could come to their birthday party." Larry: "That sounds fun." Mother Superior: "Yes, and Serena has become a beautiful Sylveon." Moe: "Sylveon?, is that what she is now?" Mother Superior: "Yes, and Dawn is a Leafeon while May has become a Glaceon." Larry: "Leafeon?" Curly: "Glaceon?" Mother Superior: "That's right, and they live in a rich mansion, and they have an Ekans and Koffing working for them." Moe: "An Ekans... and Koffing?" Mother Superior: "Yes, I head that they got hit by a bus, and the girls visited them at the Pokémon center where they saw you." it took only a moment or two before the Stooges connected the dots and screamed in shock and concern once they realized that the girls were in danger. Mother Superior: "What's wrong?!" Moe: "This is bad!, the girls are in grave danger!" Ash: "What do you mean?" Larry: "There's no time to explain, come on guys, we gotta get to the girls before those poisonous creeps do!" Curly: "Yeah!, whoo, whoo, whoo!" and so the Stooges made a run for it, before coming back. Moe: "Uh... how do we get to the girls' home?" Mother Superior: "Just follow the yellow path, then turn left before passing a pair of large bushes that look like Eevee." Moe: "Thanks." said Moe, before he and the other Stooges made a run for it, hoping to save their friends before it's too late.

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