Inspector Gadget Prologue

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The story takes place in Metro city, home to Pokémon that live and talk like humans, and in the city were some brilliant inventors. The best one in the city was Artemus the Pikachu, who was married to Brenda the Pikachu, who was secretly a Mew in disguise so she wouldn't attract unwanted attention. The couple had a daughter named Penny, who was a Mew just like her mother. Artemus had a younger brother named Gadget, who dreams to become a police officer and take down bad guys, just like his childhood idol, Chief Quimby. Another reason why Gadget wanted to be a police officer, was that he wanted to impress his childhood crush, Officer Jenny the Marill. One day, Gadget got a hold of a Thunder stone and evolved into a Raichu by mistake, and was worried that his family wouldn't recognized him, but Penny was able to figure it out as she can recognize his scent anywhere. One day, a terrible thing happened... Penny's mother passed away after a terrible car accident occurred, and it really made Penny very miserable. Hoping to cheer Penny up, Gadget gave her a Growlithe friend to play with for her birthday, which she really loved very much. Penny named the Growlithe 'Brain', cause he was very smart and all that. [Note: In this story, Growlithe play the role of pet or police dog.] with Penny's help, Artemus got a little closer on completing the Gadget program, which was supposed to be something for the police force of the city. As much as he wanted to help them on the program, Gadget didn't had the same brains as his brother or niece. Little did the Raichu knew at the time, was that he'll be a bigger help for the program in the future. The scene then shows some gears and metal coming together by some floating tools, which was when the song begins. ♪Inspector Gadget♫, Whoo whoo~, ♪Inspector Gadget♫. Then some springs and some gadgets begin to get inside the what looked like a metal C. ♪Go!, Gadget Go!~♫, Go!, Gadget Go!~♫. That was when a Helicopter hat gadget with a metal rectangle came and placed itself on the Metal C, making it look like a Metal G now. ♪Inspector Gadget♫, Whoo Whoo!~, Inspector Gadget♫... Go!, Gadget, Go!~♫. As the song ends, the story really begins.

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