Jurassic Park Prologue

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Somewhere on an island known as Isla Nublar, a group of workers, lead by a black and gray Riolu named Moe (voiced by Chris Diamantopoulos), a black and gray Bunnelby named Larry (voiced by Sean Hayes), and a black and gray Raichu named Curly (voiced by Will Sasso), were waiting for a forklift to deliver a crate that had something alive inside. Once the crate arrived, Moe orders the man to push the crate to some sort of pen that supposed to contain something very dangerous. Curly: "Hey Moe, how come there are humans in this story?" Moe: "Cause the writer wanted to try having human characters from Pokémon to play some roles that some of us don't seemed to fit... and what did I tell you about breaking the 4th wall?!" said Moe, before slapping Curly on the face, which made the Raichu bumped into the crate, causing whatever inside to roar, before grabbing Curly by the tail. Curly: "Nah!, hey fellas!, whoo, whoo, whoo!, she's got me!" Larry: "Hurry Moe!, before Curly becomes lunch!" shouted Larry, before he and Moe went to grab Curly and tried to pull him away, while the workers were using teasers to make the creature inside the crate to let go of Curly. Moe: "Shoot her!, SHOOT HER~!" Larry: "With what?!, we don't have any guns!" Curly: "Hey fellas, pop the weasel!" Moe: "Huh?... oh I get it, Larry!, give Curly the Weasel tune!" Larry: "Got it!" it wasn't long before Larry pulls out a violin and begins playing the 'Pop Goes The Weasel' tune, which made Curly go crazy and went into the crate and the sound of bopping and roaring was heard, before Curly came out safe and sound. Curly: "What happened?" Moe: "You almost became fossil food." Larry: "I got a feeling this incident will give Mr Hammond trouble..." the next day came, and a Meowth in a suit, named Gennaro (voiced by James Carter Cathcart), came to a dig site, where a crew of fossil diggers, lead by a man named Roark (voiced by Craig Blair) were busy digging up some fossils. Gennaro: "Mr Roark I presume?" Roark: "That's right, and you?" Gennaro: "I'm Gennaro Meowth, Mr Hammond's lawyer, and I'm sure you heard what happened last night with one of the workers." Roark: "Yeah, but he's alright, I heard that Raichu is a tough mouse to kill." Gennaro: "Even so, the incident made the board nervous about the safety of the park, so they demand a safety certification, by getting the opinions of a team who are the top minds for the field... I already got a hold of Ian Malcolm, the chaos expert, but the board also wants Alan Grant." Roark: "Grant you say?, I doubt you can get him out of his dig sites so easily." Gennaro: "Why's that?" Roark: "Because Grant is like me... he's a digger." said Roark, as he finds an Amber fossil with has something like a tooth or claw inside.

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