New Suit & The Gadget Mobile

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Back in Dr Claw's lab, the evil mastermind was trying to make a robot move by using the tech he stole from the foot, but so far no movement. Butch: "Should it do something by now?" Cassidy: "Well it's not... like you in a way, Biff." Butch: "Hey!, first off, I do something, and second, my name's not Biff!" Dr Claw: "Silence you fools!... it seems that something must have gotten left behind..." Butch: "You mean we're missing something?" Dr Claw: "Yes... but the question is... what does the Gadget program have that I don't...?" asked the villain to himself, while looking at the motionless robot. Meanwhile, Penny was showing her uncle an image of the Gadget chip on her computer. Penny: "This is the Gadget chip, a super powered processor chip that allows you and your body to function." Gadget: "What happens if I lose it?" Penny: "Well... you wouldn't be able to move or anything, now any other questions?" Gadget: "Not really, this is just something... I'll learn to get used to." Penny: "Good, and allow me to give you the manual to study." Gadget: "Manual?" Penny: "Yeah, it's supposed to show you what gadgets you have and how to use them." said Penny, before showing the Raichu a book that had a whole lot of pages, and Gadget only looked at a few pages before putting it away. Gadget: "Okay... extending legs and arms... helicopter hat... I think I'm all set." Penny: "Oh almost, let me show you something... your new suit." said the Mew girl, before opening a closet door and shows her uncle a police inspector suit that was now his. Gadget: "Whoa... that's a nice suit... is it really mine?" Penny: "Yup, and to activate your gadgets, you simply say 'Go Go Gadget', and then you named the device." Gadget: "Okay... let's see... Go Go Gadget oil slick?" said the Raichu cyborg, before a hose came out of the bolt shape tip of his tail, shooting toothpaste out, and Gadget couldn't stop. Penny: "Uncle Gadget!, you can stop now!" Gadget: "I don't know how!" Penny: "I guess that I still have some work on you." said the Mew girl, before she went over to her uncle and pressed a button on the arm that finally made the toothpaste to stop. Gadget: "Why do I have toothpaste in my body?" Penny: "You always forget to get some, so I put that gadget in ya." Gadget: "Oh... right, thanks." Penny: "Oh and uh... I was saving this for your birthday... but I think now would be a better time." Gadget: "What is it?" Penny: "Follow me, I'll show ya." said the Mew girl, before she leads her uncle to a garage room, where a futuristic car was parked. Gadget: "Wow... that's quite a car... where did you get it?" Penny: "I built it myself, it's called the Gadget mobile, and it's for you." this made the Raichu to gasp in surprise, before coming over to the car. Gadget: "You made me a car?!, the only thing anyone has ever made for me before was a sweater..." Penny: "So you like it?" Gadget: "Are you kidding?, I love it, she's beautiful!" Penny: "Actually, it's a he." Gadget: "Huh?" Penny: "You'll see... just say Go Go Gadget Mobile." Gadget: "Wait... Go Go Gadget Mobile?" said the Raichu, before the Gadget Mobile (voiced by D.L. Hughley), got turned on and seems to have a mind of his own. Gadget Mobile: "Good morning Metro city!, hey who's in my seat?, I work alone!" said the Gadget Mobile, before he drives by himself away from the garage, with Gadget trying his best not to fall out. Gadget: "I don't think the car likes me!" Gadget Mobile: "Who are you calling car?, I'm a crime fighting machine." Gadget: "Yet, you're breaking the speed limit law here!" Gadget Mobile: "Speed limits are for cars, not the Gadget Mobile." Gadget: "Wait... are you talking to me?" Gadget Mobile: "Speaking of laws, you should have a seat belt on." said the car, before a seat belt was strapped onto the Raichu. Gadget: "Uh could you slow down a little?, I get car sick." Gadget Mobile: "You know what makes me Pokémon sick?, a rookie who thinks he's good enough for Penny." Gadget: "What are you talking about?, Penny's my niece." Gadget Mobile: "Oh... well this is awkward." Gadget: "What's wrong with me being her uncle?" Gadget Mobile: "Nothing really, it's just you don't look much like her." Gadget: "Penny's mom was a Mew while her father, my late brother, was a Pikachu." Gadget Mobile: "Why didn't you say so?" suddenly, a trio of robots burst through a wall of a bank, carrying bags of money, being chased by the Three Stooges. Moe: "Come back here, you buckets of bolts!" Larry: "And give me back my wallet!" Curly: "And mine too!" Gadget: "Looks like we got a robbery." Gadget Mobile: "And what are you gonna do?" Gadget: "Simple... Go Go Gadget coils!" said the cyborg Raichu, before a pair of coils came out of his feet, and he started to bounce around while trying to keep his balance. Gadget Mobile: "Something tells me that his choice of gadgets was not the best one." said the Gadget Mobile, while Gadget was jumping around until he gets stuck on some wet cement and he used his tail to wrap up the robots, stopping them at last. Gadget: "Wowser!, did I get them?" Moe: "You sure did, thanks." Larry: "Hey... aren't you Penny's uncle?" Gadget: "That's right, now what's with these robots?" Curly: "They were prototypes to Penny's Gadget program before you, and we thought that we could use them to fight crime." Larry: "But then they went crazy and started robbing us and the bank." that was when Officer Jenny came to the scene. Officer Jenny: "Those prototypes were locked away for a reason, Penny could never get their programming right, so she locked them up so they don't cause more trouble." Moe: "Well they were taken care of, thanks to Gadget here." Gadget: "Oh it was nothing really..." Officer Jenny: "Well you certainly did the job well, and it's good to see you're moving again." Gadget: "Yeah." meanwhile, Dr Claw was watching the news when he sees Gadget capturing the rogue robots. Dr Claw: "Well... if it isn't that annoying security guard that owned that bowling ball..." Cassidy: "And it looks like he's gonna be invited to a charity ball, at least that's what the news say." Dr Claw: "Hmm... Biff, get my tuxedo ready, tonight promises to be quite an evening..." Butch: "Yes sir... and uh... the name is Butch sir..." said the Seviper in a sad annoyed tone, while Dr Claw just laughed in an evil way.

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