Chapter 43 - Scaramouche

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Third Person POV

"We shouldn't — take that money. We- we shouldn't-"

Alex, one of the supposed bodyguard that should have protected Aurora from any aort of danger said before he vomits a considerable amount of blood. Alex was force to take some sort of liquid before Svetlana leave. And now he felt like his guts are melting inside of his body.

Robert, who had one of his feet and finger amputated turned his attention to Alex who covered the floor with his blood.

"Alex —- did that woman fed you poison?"

Alex look up to Robert before nodding his head.

"What about you, Paolo? Hansen? What did that bitch did to you?!"

Robert screamed at his friends.

"I — I got my hands crushed. Hansen got his tongue pulled out. It won't be long till we die from this. I can't take it anymore. Why didn't that bitch kill us already?"

Paolo said as he tried to hide his pain as he moves his crushed hands.

"Because that bitch wants us to feel pain. We shouldn't take the money even if it worth five months of our salary. We shouldn't have. And now we made that devil mad. She's going to kill us- she's going to feed our corpse to the pigs! We shouldn't disobey her! We shouldn't!"

Alex couldn't hide his fear as he continue to tak gibberish.

They were all shocked when they heard the door that leads fo their holding cell was open. When they all look up, they saw Svetlana smiling at them.

"Your meal is here. You all should be happy that even someone like me have the heard to feed animals like you."

Svetlana snapped her fingers and asked the servants to place a glass of what looks like a smoothie in front of the guards.

"Drink up. Ah- I should help one of you since your hands got crushed."

Svetlana reached out to help Paolo and force it down his throat. Paolo who were overwhelmed by the stench and taste vomited all over himself.

"What the fuck is that?!"

He asked as he look up to the smiling Svetlana.

"Robert's finger and feet. I asked the servant to blend it together with apple juice to make it easier for you guys to drink it."

Alex, Robert and Hansen all vomited as Svetlana laughed at them.

"You waste such a good source of food."

Svetlana grabbed Paolo by the hair and force him to lick his vomit.

"Don't be shy. I know you're hungry. Lick it all up. You all deserve this right? You did obey my orders after all. Lick it all up!"

Svetlana continue shove Paolo's head while she laughed. After she had her fun, she told the servants to keep an eye on them.

"Make sure those traitors lick all of their vomit back. If they puke yet again- let them lick it again."

Svetlana leaves the room and went to see Blanca who handed her a towel.

"Stay away from me. You reek of puke and blood."

Svetlana rolled her eyes before smiling at a group of people who was brought here by Blanca.

"Which one of Camellia?"

Svetlana asked while cleaning her hands. Blanca pointed at a brown hair woman who seems to be crying from fear.

"I- I did it all for you! Why would you treat me like this, Blanca. I love you. Please let mr go. I- I was only making sure that no one is tarnishing your reputation."

Blanca raised an eyebrow. Svetlana sighed before she grabbed Camellia by her chin.

"What makes you think you can hurt my girl like that? Not only you hurt her but you kill the child in her womb. Does that make you the hero? Does it feel good to be a murderer? How do you feel about killing an unborn life? It must be exciting, right?"

Camellia suddenly laughed before nodding her head.

"I wish I could do more that day. I should have kill that bitch for touching what is mine. To think that woman is pregnant with another man's child- she is obviously using Blanca for her own selfish reason! I did a good thing by killing that unborn bastard!"

Something exploded deep inside Blanca the moment she heard the word bastard. She pushed Svetlana away who was about to punch Camellia's face and scream-

"That unborn child is ours! How- how dare you called that unborn child a bastard! How dare you! You—-"

Blanca grabbed Camellia by the neck and said coldly,

"I will make sure your famkky suffers the same consequences as you are right now. I will destroy your family with my own two hands- you —- you deserve to die a painful death!"

Blanca was set to choke Camellia to death but Svetlana stops her before Camellia lost her ability to breathe.

"Jesus- what a sight for me to see, dearest one. You shouldn't get your hands dirty for something like this."

Damian IV came into the warehouse together with Diana.

Svetlana pushed Blanca to where her mother is and told Diana to keep an eye on Blanca.

"She is emotionally unstable. To think that woman was about to give this bitch an easy death."

Svetlana sighed.

"Damian, I expect the police will not intervene with what I'm about to do."

Damian IV nodded.

"I've talk with the superintendent myself. We played gold together after all. Beside, if he break his words, pictures of him sleeping around with prostitute and his family illegal involvement with the cartel will be exposed."

Damian IV explained while slapping Camellia's face to make sure she is alive.

"She's beautiful. Why don't let her work for me as a prostitute?"

"You're not seriously considering that, Damian."

Diana immediately interruptes.

"What the fuck is happening?! Why is everyone so work up for that orphan?! Open your eyes! You're  being used! Camellia was only trying to help!"

Svetlana turned his attention to a man next to Camellia.

"Your name is?"

"His name is Lionel Bronze."

Blanca said as she tried to calm herself.

"Lionel- let me tell you a secret that no one except for us here knows. Aurora is not a simple woman with no background. She is the true heir to the Larove conglomerate. And your friend over there killed the next heir of that great family. She is also Blanca's and my girlfriend. Yes, you heard it right- we have such a sickening relationship that we are proud of."

Svetlana placed both hands on Lionel's cheek.

"Not only Aurora is the heir, she is also have backers from the Volin, Vladimir and Christ family. I'm sure you understand now why we are upset. Your friend hurt our precious and innocent woman. You all hurt her."

Blanca suddenly stood next to Svetlana.

"I will hang your family right in front of your eyes. It doesn't matter if it's a child or an elderly person. I— will — kill then all-"

Diana placed a hand on her daugther shoulder.

"You scared them enough. Now let's go. Let's Svetlana and Damian handle the rest. If you stayed, you would go back to your old habit."

Blanca didn't react as much until her mother hand to grabbed her chin.

"Aurora needs you. Now let's go home. She is waiting for you. And Svetlana, don't stay out too long. Aurora needs both of you now."

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