Chapter 6 - Stanley Moore

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Aurora's PoV

I never thought I would ever meet Micheal again. After he was adopted, we had lost contact. Who would have thought I would meet him at the university?

"Here you go. I still remember your favorite food and drink."

I chuckled.

"Thank you, Micheal. So, how's life? It seems you're doing great. Tell me, what's new and how are the couple who adopted you? You stopped writing to me."

Micheal apologize.

"I moved abroad because of my father's work. And while moving, I misplaced the address given to me by the headmistress. I was too scared to ask for my adoptive parents' help. But it turns out they're good people. I'm sorry for not making an effort to write back to you. I just recently moved back."

I smiled. Well, I can't stay mad at someone with a life to live. But I'm so glad I get to see Micheal again. We came to the orphanage at the same time. And somehow, we click. Micheal always protected me against mean kids, but when he was adopted, I was sad, and I remember crying for a few days.

"Oh, what course are you taking, Aurora?"

"Finance. However, I'm considering taking a double major after consulting the lecturers. I'll see how it goes."

Micheal was surprised before clapping his hands, gaining everyone's attention.

"Wow- we have a brainiac over here."

We laughed as we continued to talk about the orphanage.

"God, I miss the orphanage. I wonder if sister Lia still sneaks around, telling little children about the scary things in the orphanage so the children won't walk around at night."

I nodded my head.

"We have a troll in the basement and a scary mermaid at the pond that would suck the life of little children. I have to say- is a nun allowed to do that? I mean, aren't they supposed to help children feel safe?"

Micheal shrugged his shoulder.

"Oh, Aurora, are you close friends with Felicity Voltaria and Blanca Vladimir?"

I'm not sure, but they're my friends, I guess.

"I can't say that we're close. Felicity is my roommate, and Blanca is someone I just recently knew. Why, what's wrong?"

Micheal smiled.

"It's nothing, but you have to be careful with them. Felicity and Blanca are quite popular, and people are jealous of them. It would be best if you weren't the target of their enemies. I heard from my friends who went to the same school- people flock around them because of their families. While some admire them, some despise them for hogging the attention. As you can see, both of them have great looks. Beautiful people bound to have enemies."

That is true, but it seems Blanca hates the attention given to her. She often turned cold when someone tried to make small talk. It happened when Stanley Moore tried to ask her out.

"Look, everyone turned their attention to Blanca when she entered the cafeteria."

Blanca seems to be looking for someone. When our eyes met, she smiled before heading towards our table.

"Aurora- I've been looking all over for you. We meet again."

She seems hostile towards Micheal.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Blanca."

I offered a seat to Blanca and told her that Micheal and I grew up in the same orphanage.

"But when he was ten, he was adopted by a couple and moved away. We lost contact, and I was surprised when I saw him earlier."

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