Chapter 16 - The Bodyguard

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Blanca's PoV

It's been half an hour, but my mother still hasn't said anything to me. I'm still considering the possibility of me screwing up whatever task she's given me, but I can't think of any. I thought I did a good job, though.

It doesn't matter how old I get; I am still scared of my mother.

"Blanca, do you know what you've done wrong?"

I shake my head no.

"I think I did a great job completing your task."

My mother put down her glasses before placing them down on the table. Somehow, her office seems a little smaller than usual. I feel like this room decided to cave into me as I think hard about my mistake.

"Is that so? Then how do you explain this?"

My mother threw a magazine on the table. I didn't know the tabloid was writing about me. What's this?

"Blanca Vladimir did it again, and this time, spending a hot night in Bulgaria with a mysterious woman."

I look up at my mother, who is tapping her fingers on the table.

"I told you to take care of Aurora. Not using her like any other girls you tricked into your bed. Blanca, I swear-"

I raised both hands.

"Who said anything about tricking her into my bed? My feelings were genuine."

My mother sighed.

"Yeah- right. Anywhere, the Carmichael's have made their move. Keep an eye on Aurora. Volin will soon send someone to protect Aurora. For now, we'll do our best to keep her safe."

I was right. In Bulgaria, Carmichael has been watching Aurora like a hawk. As expected from the Carmichael's, they possessed a reliable source of information.

"I think it's safer if Aurora becomes an official Larove. If we wait until she's graduated like you two had agreed on, things might get even more difficult to deal with."

My mother got up from her seat, turned around, and looked out at the city scenery.

"Blanca, what do you feel when you see such a view before you?"

I shrugged my shoulder.

"I don't feel any particular feelings. Why? Should I?"

My mother sighed as if she was disappointed in me. What? Did I say something wrong? Should I feel anything while looking at such a tedious view of the city?

"Did you know that your ancestor and the Larove are close? The two families founded this city and built it from nothing. Today, this city is known as one of the best cities in the world for its economy, financial hub, and social development. And you, the descendants of those who built this city, didn't feel anything? Aren't you proud?"

Well, I would if I didn't know how they built this city. Before this city, known for its current achievements, it was a lawless city ruled by the Christ crime family. Did my mom think I didn't know the dark side of things?

"If you want to be with Aurora, you have to get yourself prepared. Make a foundation of yourself that makes people think you're not just the heir to the Vladimir Empire. Make them think you're going to rule their life."

In other words, my mother wants me to be just like her- a feared woman with countless underhanded tricks on her sleeve.

"Mom. I will. Give me some time. Don't worry. I am your daughter, after all."

My mother smiled before she walked towards me.

"Then stop harming yourself. Did you think I wouldn't notice you cutting your wrists? Is it because I've been away too long?"

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