Chapter 10: Pain

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stop saying sorry.
It alright :)
Anyway do you want to hang out again
But this time.. just the two of us?

Jungwon stared at his phone for a good minute. Apart from the butterflies and his heart pounding like crazy. He was also quite stressed. His sister.. he didn't want to break her heart by stealing Jay away but at the same time.

His sister had done the same thing

She had stolen his first love

But that doesn't mean he would do the same..

Believe it or not, Yeri was the sweetest person. She really was..but she had done something terrible. She had stolen his college boyfriend. She even kissed him in front of Jungwon. That day Jungwon ran with tears filled in his eyes. He was awfully hurt.

It was really horrible when Jungwon found out. He was truly heartbroken. He cried several hours in his room and refused to forgive Yeri.

Yeri had regretted what she had done.. she immediately broke up with her 'boyfriend.' And tried to regain Jungwon's trust again. This was also why Jungwon was always dry to her. Deep down, Yeri knew why...

Jungwon ended up forgiving her eventually. But it wasn't the same. Jungwon loved his sister dearly before she had done it. He just couldn't see her the same way again. Trust is like glass.
Once broken can never be the same...

"Im going to go, we are just friends anyway." Jungwon sighed.


Okay sure!
That would be.. nice :)
So where will we go?

You'll see :)
I'll come pick you up
So..can we do it this Friday?

Ah yes sounds good
I'll see you soon

Jay smiled. He was really happy Jungwon accepted. He would now be able to spend some time with him... alone


btw it's a date\
btw it\
See you soon Jungwon :)

Jungwon hearted your message ❤️

Jungwon waited impatiently for the day to finally arrive. He really wanted to spend time with Jay.

And today he got to do it alone.

Jungwon was excited. Not a feeling that he would usually have, since he was always working, but it did actually feel.

And yes he was now getting ready before Jay would come pick him up by 7. He didn't even know where they were going. Jay wanted to surprise him.

He wore something slightly fancy. Wasn't too much but it was pretty nice.

After he got ready, he did feel slightly nervous, but knowing it was with someone he was familiar with, someone who understood him and someone who he cares about.. the stress seemed to vanish.

Suddenly he heard the doorbell.

He ran over to the door,

Forbidden to love (Jaywon)✔️Where stories live. Discover now