Chapter 15: Solution

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It's been a few days since Jay had gotten discharged from the hospital. He was finally healed but the bruises were sadly still there.

"I think I should tell my mother about this. She supported me in college when I had a boyfriend.. maybe she will not mind?" Jungwon suggested.

"I think we should have someone on our side.. so yea let's should be a good plan.."

Jungwon smiled.

Jay has been staying over at Jungwon's apartment ever since he was allowed to leave. He has been completely ignoring his father's calls. He did know that his father would be able to find him soon. So they had to find a quick plan.

"Let's go see her in a few minutes. I'll quickly get changed." Jungwon said in a rush as he ran in all directions.

"Love slow down!" Jay laughed.

"Wait what if Yeri already told my parents." Jungwon panicked.

"She probably didn't since your parents haven't called you right?"

"Yea I guess."

"Jay why are you still sitting down! Get dressed you idiot."

"Yes yes im going!"
They finally arrived. They waited in the car for some time preparing themselves to take a huge risk.

Jungwon felt uneasy, he was slightly trembling. Jay saw how Jungwon was slightly shaking. He quickly placed his hand on top of the brunette's hands.

"Don't panic love.. I'm here with you okay?"

"I know but I can't help but stress.."

"Whatever happens I am absolutely not leaving you alright?"

"That helps." Jungwon smiled.

"Okay let's do this!" Jay exclaimed earning a nod from the younger.

They both got out of the car. It felt like everything was weighing on them. The world might soon by ending for them or maybe not. They might earn support or maybe not. They were ready to risk anything just for the sake of their love.. their forbidden love.

Jungwon knocked on the door and hoped that his sister wouldn't open it.

For once, luck had been on their side. It was his mom!

"Hey mom!"

"Hi Jungwon! And Jay? What brings you both here."

"We have to talk to you. I'm assuming Yeri hasn't told you anything."

"She hasn't said anything dear.. what's wrong?" She asked slightly worried.

"Is she here right now?"

"Nope, she went out with her friends. Her car is still here cause her friends came to pick her up." Ms. Yang answered.

"Alright! Great! What about dad?"

"He is still at work.. he will be coming in around an hour."

"This is great! We really have to talk to you it's important.."

"Sure come inside and tell me what's the matter."

"So uhm me and Jay.. have something to tell you.. please don't be mad." Jungwon said a slight hint of worry in his voice.

"I won't dear.. don't worry!"

"So Ms. Yang.. I-"

"Oh please call me mom now. You are soon marrying my daughter!"

"This is what it's about.." Jay said politely.

"Oh? What's wrong?"

"I want to cancel the marriage with Yeri.."

"Oh.. is there any reason why?"

"I fell in love with..." Jay gulped.

Jungwon reassured his lover by placing his hand on the older's. Jay turned around and looked at Jungwon. His heart was beating slightly.. as he stared into Jungwon's eyes. He then looked back at Ms Yang.

"I like your son..." Jay finally said.

He waited for a response. It felt like ages since waiting for Ms. Yang to respond. The tension in the air seemed to increase.

Finally she spoke.

"I- you like Jungwon? I see... Yeri did come back home yesterday looking really tired. I guess that's why... okay.. well if you two are in love I don't think I can change anything. I will obviously support my son but.. I don't know what to do about Yeri but as long as she is fine with it I will be too.  I don't think your dad will agree to this though.."

"I know mom.. thank you for supporting me. That's all I needed right now.." Jungwon felt like all the weight on his shoulders had suddenly vanished.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. My dad found out and was not really supportive." Jay smiled.

"Well I will obviously support my son.. but I'm really worried for Yeri.. she was really excited for this wedding." Ms Yang had a small smile on her face.

"I feel like I should tell you my father's intentions..." Jay said.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't have to say it Jay. It doesn't matter."

"It does.. my father is planning to use Yeri for money. I never agreed to any of this.. I got forced into this because of his greed."

"Oh dear! That's awful. I never expected that from him.. I should talk to my husband about this. He will figure out what to do.."

"Thank you mom, i love you so much." Jungwon said.

"Aw that's sweet. I love you too. But make sure both you and Jay explain the situation to Yeri. I'm sure she will eventually understand. I really dont want you to fight with Yeri again alright Jungwon?"

"Yes mom I promise. And please don't tell dad about us yet.. he might not take this well."

"Don't worry about it I won't.. I'll leave it up to you guys to tell him.." Jungwon's mom smiled before leaving the room.

"This is why I love my mom more than my dad." Jungwon chuckled.

"It's good to see you smile again love." Jay squeezed Jungwon's cheeks.

"Hwey- cut it oWt" Jungwoj took Jay's hands off his cheeks.

"Let's go on a date?" Jay suggested

"Right now ?"

"Yes! To celebrate our love being supported by one person at least." Jay smiled.

"Right! Let's gooo!" Jungwon squealed as he dragged his boyfriend out of the house.

"Let me drive I wanna take you somewhere."

"Okay fine."

"I'm gonna take you somewhere nice! We can catch up on the date we were supposed to go on last time?"

"That was a date? I thought you said hangout!"
Jungwon laughed.

"I did but I secretly meant a date!" Jay chuckled.

"That's so naughty of you!" Jungwon smiled.

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