Chapter 17: unexpected encounter

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"That was so delicious! Like what! How come you never brought me there. I am definitely going to come here from time to time. Iseul is so sweet too." Jungwon smiled.

"I know. I wish I could come see her often. I haven't seen her for a while." Jay stated.

"Next time you come here! Please bring me. I would literally leave whatever meeting I'm in just to go see her again." Jungwon smiled.

Both boys had greatly enjoyed their lunch and had decided to stay at Han River until it was night time. They were fed up of hiding and needed some space to be finally free.

They both strolled hand in hand admiring the wonderful view and the calming sounds of the water. The fresh air blew making it an ideal temperature.. neither too hot nor too cold.

"We should come here when one of use is stressed." Jay said.

"Yes! It would be wonderful."

"Jungwon can I ask you something?"

"Sure.. what's up?"

They both stopped walking. Jay held both of Jungwon's hands and took a deep breath before finally asking.

"Can I.. perhaps.. kiss you?"

That question was out of nowhere. It was so sudden that Jungwon stood still for a few seconds before processing what Jay had just asked. Once again he felt butterflies.. he always had them when he was with Jay..


"If you don't want too that's okay." Jay smiled.

"No no. Of course I want to. It simply caught me by surprise... you don't have to ask you know, I'm your boyfriend."

"I'd feel better knowing you want it too." Jay smiled.

He slowly cupped Jungwon's cheeks and caressed them slowly, before he slowly inched his head closer to the younger. Jungwon could feel his heart exploding. He waited until their lips finally collided into the softest kiss. They both closed their eyes, enjoying the warmth. Even if it was a few seconds.. if felt amazing... Jay was the first to pull away, looking into Jungwon's brown eyes.

Jungwon's cheeks turned strawberry red. He looked adorable.

"You look so cute right now.. I could kiss you again.."

"Do it then." Jungwon said boldly. God knows where he got the confidence from.

Without any second thought, Jay once again pressed his lips onto Jungwon's. They both suddenly got startled when someone called their name.

"What in the actual fuck?" Jungwon turned around to see a familiar figure looking at him.

"Sunoo? What are you doing here?" Jungwon then glanced to the other male next to him.

"And Niki too? I thought you didn't like people?" Jay asked.

"Why are you guys kissing? Jay aren't you like married?" Niki chuckled.

"Wtf? Did you just laugh? The world must be ending!...  And no I'm not married yet." Jay dramatically said.

"Sunoo? You turned him into you!" Jungwon laughed.

"I did! I'm proud of my job. It's probably cause he spent so much time with me!" Sunoo laughed.

"Wait.. why tf are you spending time together? The Niki I know doesn't even have 'socialize' in his vocabulary." Jay asked curiously.

"Okay that's mean! That's because Sunoo here managed to find out where I work, where I usually eat at and everything about me in like one hour, by stalking my instagram. He even knows all my favourite things." Niki explained.

"Why would you say it like that. You make me sound like a creep! Anyway yea! Well I really liked Niki from the first time we met.. so I wanted to know more about him." Sunoo laughed nervously.

"Okay! You didn't even tell me you liked NIki what? Am I not your best friend" Jungwon pouted.

"Well? Did you tell me Jaywon was real?" Sunoo sassily rolled his eyes.

"Tf is a Jaywon." Jay laughed.

"Your ship name, that my beautiful self created."

"Anyway are you too dating?" Jungwon asked.

"We are going slow, but soon I guess?" Niki said.

"Soon.. when?" Sunoo blushed.

"Awe you're so cute." Niki smiled.

"Now what in the fuck am I watching." Jay made a disgusted face.

"Finally you made friends other than me and the others. I'm proud of you!" Jay joked.

"Thank you hyung!"

"Okay now you have to explain how you did that Sunoo? Teach me your ways."

"Maybe because he is just Sunoo.. I was just like Niki before.. this idiot here spent hours walking behind me trying to be my friend. I obviously gave up because Sunoo here got no chill." Jungwon laughed, earning a little hit from Sunoo.

"That was very rude. You were the one who stuck to me like glue after we graduated."

"I just like Sunoo because he was there for me when I was struggling.. and he understands me too." Niki said.

This caused Jungwon to smile. It reminded him of him and Jay. There relationship had been forged based on trust. They understood each other and that's what allowed them to overcome their problems.

"That's sweet of you. I'll leave him to you then. Please take care of him." Jungwon said with a bright smile.

"And you Jay better take care of Jungwon." Sunoo smiled.

"I will always!" Jay said.

"We should go on a double date next time.." Jungwon proposed.

"Yess! We both finally got lovers!" Sunoo squealed.

"Anyway we will leave you two alone. You may enjoy your date. I will get going now hyung!" Niki said.

"Thank you! Enjoy your date too." Jay smiled.

"Alright see you soon Sunoo." Jungwon smiled.

They bid their goodbyes and parted ways. Leaving both Jay and Jungwon back to their date.

"So what should we do now?" Jay asked.

"Let's just go sit somewhere. If we get bored waiting until tonight. We can go back home."

"Okay! Seems fair. I hope we stay here though! I don't really want to face my father right now."

"I understand. Don't worry too much okay? I'm here for you don't forget." Jungwon gave a reassuring smile.

Jay slowly pulled Jungwon into a hug.

"Thank you Jungwon, for always being my light."
Thank you for reading!
This is unfortunately going to end soon there are around 4 chapters left.
I hope you liked this!
I will be making another story of course :)

Any suggestions?

Love you 💕

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