Chapter 20: good news

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It had now been five months since all this happened. Jay and Jungwon moved in together and had the best life. Always waking up to each others comforting presence. Gentle kisses or soft hugs were the best of it all. The most important thing was that they were both happy.

And Jay's dad had surprising left them alone.

Jay had to admit though he was slightly worried. His dad hadn't called even if Jay expected him to.

"Jay you okay? Something on your mind?" Jungwon noticed his boyfriend being deep in thought.

"Ah yes. Am simply worried about my dad. I'm not ready to face him though."

"That's fine.. I can ask my dad to check on him if you'd like."

"No it's alright. Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?" Jungwon asked with a small smiled.

"Of course."

"Alright! Should we do something? So that we can get this feeling off your mind?"

"I think I might have an idea." Jay smirked as he walked towards Jungwon. Jay slowly picked up t Jungwon , earning a shocked reaction from the younger.

"Jay? What are you doing?" Jungwon's heart raced.

Jay then carried him into Jungwon's bedroom and slowly placed him on the soft bed. He quickly  got on top of the flurstered brunette. Jungwon felt like the world was ending. Too much was happening at once and it was a lot to process.

"Jay I-" Jungwon got cut off when Jay pecked his lips. Jay pulled away and smiled.

"You are so cute when you are flustered.  I hope you know what's coming next." Jay slowly got closer to Jungwon's ear and whispered those words causing Jungwon to explode internally.

Jay once again inched closer to Jungwon's lips capturing them. It was a sweet kiss at first until Jay slid his tongue on Jungwon's slower lip catching the younger off guard, allowing Jay to enter his mouth.

Surprised Jungwon pushed Jay back. He had never kissed someone like that before, it was new.

"I'm sorry did I go too far?" Jay asked with his sweet honey voice.

"No it just surprised me since I've never done this before.."

"We don't have to do this if you don'-"

Jungwon grabbed Jay by the collar and closed the gap between them, colliding their lips once again. This time it was Jay's turn to be surprised. Nevertheless, he kissed back. Their lips moved in sync, as they both indulged each other's warmth. They didn't want this moment to end.

Jay then slowly pulled away before immediately placing his head towards Jungwon's neck. Jungwon felt amazing as the blond started peppering his neck and collarbone with butterfly kisses and gently sucking on his skin. Jay then slowly pulled away and looked into Jungwon's eyes. Jungwon looked ethereal, his lips were slightly parted and swollen and his hair was a bit messy. Jay couldn't explain how much Jungwon meant to him.

"Please tell me to stop if you aren't comfortable okay?" Jay said placing a soft kiss on Jungwon's forehead.

"I love you.. Jay. You can do.. whatever you want... I won't stop you." Jungwon said slightly out of breath.

That's all Jay wanted to hear.
"Mom! I have some news!" Yeri announced excitedly as she rushed into the kitchen.

"What do you mean? You seem very enthusiastic what's up?"

"Jay said he wanted to propose to Jungwon and he wants our help!"

"Oh my god! Really? Finally! They took so long."

"Right?! I know! Well I might have a plan."

"Ohh well! Let's hear it!" Ms. Yang squealed excitedly.

"Let's organize something at the beach for them! It is literally the best place to propose. We can prepare everything and Jay can focus on bringing Jungwon there. We can decorate it as we want!"

"Oh my! That seems like an excellent plan! Do you know when he is planning to do it though?"

"He said around next week I think."

"That's so soon though.. will we have time to prepare everything."

"Teamwork makes dreamwork like everyone says! Let's make it the perfect proposal ever! Eee I'm so excited. I never actually thought I'd find them cute but they are literally tbe most adorable couple to ever exist." Yeri squealed.

"Alright better get to work then. Just ask Jay if he agrees to do it at the beach."

"Yes I agree.. it's best to get his opinion first."
"You okay Jungwon? You seem very flustered."
Jay chuckled.

Jungwon was obviously shy after what they had just done. He hid underneath the quilt, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Stop it's not funnyyy. I'm so embarrassed!" Jungwon complained.

"Why though, you sounded so be-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence! I will kill you." Jungwon pouted.

"Oh geez! alright!" Jay smiled.

"Anyway are you hungry? Let me cook something after I shower. Would my dear Jungwon maybe want to come shower with-"

"JAY!" Jungwon screamed.

Jay burst out laughing as he walked towards the bathroom.

Such a tease! Jungwon grabbed his pillow and screamed.
Updating three times a day? I am crazy frfr!
Sorry I didn't write smut..
I hope you liked thiss :)
Love you!

I decided to add like 2 or 3 more chapters. So yea.


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