Chapter 11: Secrets revealed

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"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to kiss you. You were just-"

Jungwon did the unimaginable . He kissed Jay on his cheek causing Jay to hush down. Jay looked down to see Jungwon's cheeks tinted red.


Jay couldn't help but smile widely at Jungwon's adorable reaction.

"R-Right I made food. L-let's go eat!" Jungwon nervously said.

Jay chuckled.

"Great I can't wait to taste my husband's cooking" Jay cooed.

"Jayyy!!!" Jungwon blushed even harder
"So uhm.. mind telling me what's bothering you Jay? It's been messing with me for some time now. Knowing you are suffering and I can't help you..Of course if you're not ready to tell me, I'll wait." Jungwon gave Jay a reassuring smile.

"Jungwon.. you don't have to worry alright? Im fine.."

Jay really did not want to be a burden to Jungwon. It would probably worry him a lot since he is quite the over thinker.

"You got slapped... your cheek is still kind of red."


Jay knew he couldn't simply escape by changing the subject.

"My father slapped me, because I was unable to do something and this caused some issues with the company. He also tried to force me to propose to Yeri quickly. I explained to him that I wanted to wait a bit... and it was too early for that..I also haven't slept because was trying to fix the problems I caused. It was terrible. Just as I managed to find a solution, he barged in my office.. and started screaming at me...."

"Oh my.. that seems terrible. Is there anything I can do to help you? I really don't like seeing my happy Jay sad like that."

"Well your Jay isn't sad anymore because he has his Jungwon." Jay smiled.

That obviously caused Jungwon to turn a slight shade of pink.

"Stop teasing meee" Jungwon whined

"Ah alright alright. So thank you so much for the dinner. It was really nice of you to look after me. Funny thing you know I went to see your sister before coming here, because she wanted to give me the cakes she made. She didn't notice I was having a bad time. You realized it in seconds.. It shows how much you really care for me."

"Awe, I do care for you. It was pretty obvious you weren't okay. How did she not notice?"

"Maybe she doesn't look at me the way you do."

"Jay you are a real flirt you know that." Jungwon chuckled shyly.

"Anyway, can you stay over tonight? I want to spend time with you.." Jungwon asked.

"oo that's pretty naughty of you to ask me to stay when we aren't even married yet. Didn't know you had that in you Yang Jungwon or should I say Mr Park Jungwon."

"Stopppp! Fine leave if you want to." Jungwon pouted, he almost resembled a tomato at this point."

"Im joking... Of course I'd love to stay.."

"Great lemme get you some pajamas."

"Okay. Thanks love." Jay winked.

"Wait here." Jungwon blushed at the nickname as he quickly went into his bedroom and pulled out an oversized pajama.

Jungwon ran back to Jay to see him on his phone.


"Thanks. I'll go change in the bathroom." Jay said.

In the meantime Jungwon sat on the couch and got lost in thought. His dad was pressuring Jay to marry his sister quickly. He was not happy with Jay being pressurized. He surely didn't make a big mistake, why did his father make such a fuss. Jay did not deserve this. He truly is an amazing person.

Jungwon felt a pang in his heart as he remembered that Jay and Yeri would probably have to get married soon. He was honestly scared and slightly jealous.. Once again it was his sister. He couldn't break her heart.

Something else bothered him too. Why was Jay flirting with him so much. Calling him Park Jungwon or his or even love. It really made his heart flutter. It had been a month since they met. Jungwon's feelings evolved even if it was against his own will. There was always the problem of one person, preventing him from dating Jay.. his sister. He wished he hadn't met Jay this way or that instead Jay was engaged to him..He didn't want to admit it but he fell in love with Jay and the thing that made him feel worst is that he couldn't do anything about it. Jay was bound to marry Yeri after all and not him.

"Im back." Jay's sweet voice said causing Jungwon to get out of his thoughts.

"Heyy!." Jungwon smiled at the cute Jay in his oversized pajamas. He looked like a big teddy bear that Jungwon wanted to cuddle forever.

"Anyway should we watch a movie?" Jay suggested

"Sure we should!"
"A horror movie are you serious Jay?"

"What? I love horror movies don't tell me you're scared.?"

"Yes I am scared. I don't like them!!! I cant sleep for days with that."

"Damn I thought you'd say no, like in the usuals shows. Where they say they aren't scared. Watch the movie . Freak out and hang onto their crush or something."

"Well I'm reasonable and I am definitely not risking my sleep. Wait.. you wanted me to cling to you?"

"That depends? Am I your crush?" Jay smirked.

"I- no? Me ? Have a crush? That doesn't work for me. Ever since my last relatio-"

"You dated someone before?" Jay slightly frowned.

Oh shit. He couldn't possibly tell Jay what happened.. or what his sister did..

"Ah yes but it didn't end well. He left me.."

"Oh.. i don't see why he could break a heart as precious as yours.. I promise I would never do it.."

"I know you won't.. that's why I trust you..even if we only just met."

"You literally know me more than your sister does... the only question she frequently asks me is when will I propose." Jay chuckled.

Oof. Jungwon didn't like the idea of that.

"Im curious though? When are you planning to?"

" I don't know.. i honestly don't want to... I kinda like someone else.." Jay looked into Jungwon's eyes.

Ehh? Jay had a crush? What?

And being the over thinker he always was. Jungwon obviously didn't think that he could be on the list. Always finding reasons to stress on. That's how Jungwon was.

"You have a crush?..."

"Yea.. I'm kinda scared to tell him tho."

It's a guy. Um hello Jungwon ? Does that ring any bell?

"What's his name?.."

"Curious now, are we? I think we both know the answer to that don't you think.. Mr park?"

Huh what is he talking about..why is he suddenly calling Jungwon Mr park.. oh.

That's when everything clicked.

"You like.... Me?
Cliffhanger cause I'm evil.
Thanks you for the reads lol.
I hope you liked this
Somehow I am able to write around 1000 words now. So it's better than my first chapters.

Anyway thank you<3
Have a good day/ night
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