Chapter 5: Sleep over plans

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The bright sky was cloudless that day. It was really the perfect weather. Not too hot or too cold. The temperature was just right. While some people were enjoying the amazing weather, Jungwon sighed every few minutes. He had been trying to figure out how we would be able to finish all the unfinished work. It was all due to the distractions these last few days that he was unable to complete his work.

Unfortunately, it wouldn't be the last time that he would be distracted this week. Indeed after a few hours of Jungwon rapidly rummaging through the files, trying to complete as much as possible. His sister called him again..

" What does she want now? She always finds a way to distract me. Ugh such a nuisance." Jungwon huffed. He was irritated he could burst at any moment.

"Now, what the hell do you want? Have I not been helpful enough coming to that family dinner and getting roasted by dad the whole time?"

"Damn, Calm your ass down. Someone pissed in your cereal or something.. geez"

"This is the second time you are disturbing and probably for something not important I assume. Are you really not aware how busy I am?"

"Look Jungwon, I know you are a very busy person. But still you need to take a break sometimes. You are really gonna lose it. Anyway I wanted to ask if your free this Saturday."

"Why would u need me on a Saturday?" Jungwon asked.

"Well Jay is coming for a sleepover and he asked if we could invite you over. Ah well not like you would accept anyway, the dumbass you are." Yeri sighed.

"Ugh I'll be there. Just don't call me again alright? Now if you would excuse me, I have better things to do than do deal with you right now so bye." Jungwon said before ending the call.

"And yet another distraction. Why did I even agree to this?" Jungwon sighed

A few hours later, Jungwon was able to finish most of the work and thought it would hurt to take a break. It was quite silent so he decided to take a thirty minute nap. Just as he put his head on the table a ringing sound was heard.

This caused Jungwon to jump slightly before grabbing his phone to check who had texted him.
He smiled upon seeing who it was.

JAY :)

Heyyy! How are you?
We haven't talked in a while.
Your sister told me you were
coming for the sleepover on Saturday.
I'm excited to see you again:)

Oh Heyy there.
Yea I agreed to come only because
I couldn't refuse my sister .
Plus I've finished most of my
work so I guess it's okay
if I spear a few hours.
   Anyway I'm excited to see you too \
Anyway I'm excited \

Ah that's good! It sure is hard being
the richest CEO's son.
I still have some work left but I'm feeling
lazy :,)

That's funny haha!
I'm just taking a small break for now
I'll continue in a few

Oh! Alright then mind if I
keep you entertained for some

This had completely caught Jungwon off guard. He could feel the heat in his cheeks as they turned slightly pink.

"W-Why would he say it like that, that idiot."

Jay waited for Jungwon's response. Jungwon seemed to be typing but it was taking a while.
"Maybe I shouldn't have said that. He thinks I'm weird now. Geez I really gonna think before I do something..." Jay blushed at his stupidity.


sorry that was very corny
of me🥲
I apologize for that

Jungwon chuckled. Jay was really cute. He couldn't help but smile at his adorable behavior.


I agree that was very corny.
You are so cute\
You are\

Sorryy :,)
Anyway we should hang out sometime.
Don't you think?

Ah yes of course.
That would be fun:)
Anyway ima finish my work.
Talk to you later

Right! I'll see you on Saturday
Bye Jungwon :^)


Right! I'll see you on Saturday
Bye Jungwon :^)

Jungwon hearted your message❤️

Jay smiled to himself. Jungwon really was an amazing person.

Some progress 😏
anyway hope you like this
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Forbidden to love (Jaywon)✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora