Chapter 14: Truth

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Jay woke up with pain all his body. He slowly tried to get up. He was in a hospital... he lifted his shirt carefully only to see some large bruises. His dad had lost control again.. it wasn't the first time he had been hit. He use to be hit when he was younger but it was never severe.

Jay sighed. He tried to look for his phone. It was nowhere to be found.

"Where did my dad keep it!" Jay looked around. He tried to get up from the hospital bed but ended up tripping and falling.

"Ouch...." Jay said in pain. It really hurt.

"I need to find Jungwon.."
"Yeri!! I need your help!" Jungwon explained.

"Well that's new." Yeri joked.

"It's not the time for jokes! After Jay proposed did you call him?"

"Yea.. but there was no response?"

"Okay.. well I feel like something happened to him.."

"He is probably just working why are you so worried for?" Yeri sighed.

"I wanted to... uhm..congratulate him for proposing to you.. yes! But normally Jay takes his phone immediately it's always with him because of work."

"That's really nice of you to congratulate him but he doesn't actually always answer quickly, maybe that's just me i don't know?"

"Okay not the time for that! Help me find him."

"You seem really worried. It's weird?"

Shit.. Jungwon has to calm down. Yeri is going to suspect something.

"He is my second friend after all. I can't not worry." Jungwon tried to make up an excuse hoping his sister would fall for it.

"Right.. I guess you have a point? Anyway let's go check his apartment."

"Good idea."

Jungwon and Yeri quickly drove there and tried knocking several times, but it was useless. No one would answer. They even tried to see if he was at work.. but it was in vain.

And now was when Yeri started to stress.

"Ugh where is he!?" Yeri was frustrated and slightly scared.

"I think we should try calling hospitals to see if someone called Jay is there.."

"What do you mean. He might have.. been in an accident because this morning when he-"

Jungwon shut his mouth. He couldn't possibly tell Yeri that Jay spent the night at his house? It would make it even more obvious. It was true that Jay left Jungwon's apartment looking awfully stressed. He couldn't risk telling Yeri..

"When he what?"

"Nothing I missed."

"What are you not telling me Jungwon?"

"Like I said it's nothing, it's just last time he told me he was stressed because of work. And I feel like he has been stressed for the last few days."

"Why didn't he tell me..."

"He didn't want to worry you about it."

"Ugh he is really stubborn.. your idea seems valid. Let's call a few hospitals in the region.

And as they said they took almost 1 hour trying to gather a maximum of hospitals. They then each tried calling and asking but it seemed to be useless. The receptionist would always reply 'let me check. No sorry.' Or even 'there isn't even one person named Jay in the hospital.' They also had to state how they were related and some wouldn't even believe them, which took on additional time.

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