Chapter 13: Heartbreak

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"Dad.. we need to talk."

"What is there to talk? Do you really have the guts to tell me anything right now?"

"Please hear me out..." Jay begged.

"Look! I don't want to hear you out. You are going to ruin all of my plans. If you don't propose soon. I'm sure the M. Yang will probably cancel the wedding if you take too long."

"But.. he never said any of that."

"You don't know how he is. I've know him for so long. How can you say that? If he cancels, we won't be able to get any more money!" He sounded very irritated. His voice was full of anger and it really startled Jay. He hated it.

"You're selling me off for money? Are you serious? You are giving away your own son's happiness for money?!" Jay couldn't handle his father. He was truly disappointed and disgusted by his father's evil behavior.

"Again with your happiness shit?! You think I'm happy? I've never been happy. Happiness doesn't last long. You've witnessed how all mine has disappeared in a matter of seconds. Money stays.. fame stays.. at least when everything else is gone. You can resort to money and power.

Jay did slightly feel bad for his father. Losing your first ever love. He couldn't even imagine being without Jungwon. He deeply cared for him.

"I understand you dad.. but still I don't want to marry Yeri. I like her brother?!" Jay instantly regretted his words.

"You like what? His brother? .. that is absolutely disgusting! You like guys?! No I don't accept this! This will destroy my reputation." Jay's father spat with anger.

"I figured you would say that....and I'm not gonna let you use people for money. That's the worse thing someone could do. You're using your friend's daughter for money.. please dad I thought you were better than this." Jay pleaded.

"Shut up and do as your told?! Is that so hard to do?! You know what! I was being nice by giving you until the end of the week. I gave you at least 9 days from today. You had enough time. Do it today.. I will make sure you do it today!"

"I expected better than you. I wish you were the old father I knew. The one I could confide in, the one who actually LOVED me. You changed dad and not for the better. I'm leaving.."

"You brat! If you don't propose I will make sure Yeri's brother gets punished."

"What can you do.. after all you are only the second richest.. power you might have but it will always be less than theirs. Mark my words." Jay's voice slightly broke.

"How dare you?! You are nothing without m-"

"I'd rather be nothing. Than have a father like you."

Jay thought this sentence would affect his dad. But it didn't seem to have any effect or even faze him the slightest. His heart once made of pure gold had been turned to stone. He was no longer the father he once loved.

As Jay was about to leave. He felt a harsh tug on his shirt causing him to fall heavily. His father had thrown him on the floor. It hurt.

"Look I've had enough dealing with you. You will receive the punishment you deserve. And Your dear little lover will face consequences."

"You are evil. I hate you." Jay spat.

Jay could see his own father hitting him. Sending him powerful blows and kicks to his stomach. It did hurt. Blood oozed out of his wounds getting deeper by the second. Jay coughed up blood. Jay never thought his dad would do this. As much as he wanted to fight back he couldn't. He just sat there taking all the blows. It was terribly painful but he knew his father was simply lonely and broken. He couldn't possibly hit his father.

He continued feeling pain and suffering until everything went black.
Jungwon was trying to focus on the work he was doing on his laptop. But unfortunately he couldn't seem to. His thoughts constantly drifted to his lover. He did feel an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Suddenly his phone rang. He quickly grabbed hold of it only to see it was his sister. He sighed as he answered the phone.

"Omg Jungwon! You won't believe what happened."


"Jay, he sent me flowers this morning and a box and guess what it had!"


"It was a ring?! He sent me a ring. It's so beautiful!"

"I.. good for you sis!" Jungwon's voice slightly broke.

"Thanks!! Im so happy he finally proposed. I have no clue why he didn't ask me in person though kind of weird..."Yeri said.

"Ah.. I see..he proposed...I have to go I have some things to do."

"You don't sound very happy for me? Are you oaky?"

"Yes I'm okay! I have to go now byee."

"Oh okay bye.."

As soon as Yeri hang up. Jungwon fell to his knees.

"He proposed? What didn't he say he didn't like her. Was he maybe playing with my feelings..? No he wouldn't do something like that.. there is something wrong with all this... maybe that's why he didn't do it in person?" Jungwon felt his anxiety increasing by the second.

Millions of thoughts went through his brain at the same time. He felt sick. He didn't know what to believe. This was really messing with him..

"Jay did you really do this... I thought you liked me? Or is it someone who did it for you.. only one way to find out."

Without thinking any much longer, he grabbed his phone and dialed in Jay's number... as he pressed the call button.. he felt nervous and stressed. His hand were slightly shaking.

"Pick up you idiot, I'm trusting you haven't done any of this.. please answer.."

No response

Even if he called 12 times.

He waited and waited but there was nothing.

Something was definitely wrong.

"What happened to you Jay?"
I'm bouta whoop someone's ass. Frfr anyway I hope you like this.
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Trying my best to update frequently even with school. :)

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