Chapter 3: like or hate

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Hey this is Jay.
I asked your sister for
your number.
I wanted to check on you.
you seemed upset earlier

"I hope he doesn't think am weird for checking on him.." Jay smiled nervously. Jay waited patiently for Jungwon to respond. He waited for some time, but it didn't seem like Jungwon would answer him.

"I maybe shouldn't have sent this"

Hey this is Jay.
I asked your sister for
your number.
I wanted to check on you.
you seemed upset earlier.

"Why is this idiot even texting me I don't even want to talk to him ugh." Jungwon sighed, he really did not want to deal with him right now but a part of Jungwon felt slightly happy, Jay was really nice for checking on him, and he couldn't deny that.

'Should I respond..?'


What do you want idiot\
What do you\
Uh, hey I'm alright I guess.

Ohh you responded
I didn't think you would 😅
Well I'm glad you are alright.
I know how you felt at that time..
My dad does that often too
Makes me feel like shit.

I don't believe you
You are literally perfect
like my dad said

Well I wouldn't say perfect.
I'm not what everyone pictures
me to be. I literally hate working
for my dad.
I'd rather much play video games
at home but with my dad is always
bossing me around ,
I barely even have time for myself.

"I get what it feels. I can't even be what I want to be.. guess we have more in common than I thought.."

Yep! Totally agree.
My dad literally almost slapped
me when I told him I wanted to
be a dancer.
It must be hard for you

Ah yes! Very !
So you like dancing huh.
That's really cool😉

Yess I always loved dancing.
Anyway thank you for
checking up on me,
I really appreciate it

"Cute" jay thought, as a small smile appeared on his face.

Oh you used an emoji:0
Yep don't worry about it.
Anyway, I have to go finish all the
work I haven't completed :(
So I'll see you later.

Ah yes sure no problem.
I have to go complete
my work too.
Byee and thanks again.
See you soon\

Jay hearted your message ❤️

Jungwon smiled to himself. "He isn't that bad I guess... wait hold up...did I just interact with someone?"

I hope you like it. I kinda like where this is going😏
I know I said longer chapters. But I will write more soon.. I'm waiting for the good part😉

Forbidden to love (Jaywon)✔️Where stories live. Discover now