Chapter 2: meetings

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"UM Heyy! Sorry to be late. I had a few difficulties arriving on time due to the traffic."

And there he was, Jungwon never thought that he would be so good looking.. His blond hair was made elegantly and he had the most genuine smile, Jungwon had ever seen. Jungwon did not even notice that he was staring.

"Uhm excuse me.. Are you alright?" his voice sweet as honey asked.

"Ah yes! Sorry for spacing out. You may come in." Jungwon said with a slight smile. He nervously chuckled before slightly moving to the side, to enable the blond boy to enter.

"Ah hiii! You must be Jay. Nice to meet you dear. You look very handsome!" Jungwon's mother said. Soon after a squeal was heard. Yeri got up from her chair and ran towards Jay.

"Oh my god!! You are so good looking. You are exactly my type."

"I.. uhm, thank you for the compliments. Also, my parents will not be able to be here. They are quite busy." Jay said. Jungwon could feel that he was slightly uncomfortable. He looked really nervous.

"Don't worry, it's alright. I know how busy they are. Come sit down, let's get to know each other." Jungwon's dad smiled. All his anger had seemed to vanish in an instant. "I suppose you should come sit down as well Jungwon."

"Alright.. I'm coming.." Jungwon slowly walked towards the table. This was going to be a long night...

Everyone was silent. The tension was almost too thick to break with a knife. Such situations always made Jungwon extremely uncomfortable.
Finally someone broke the silence. "So Jay, tell me about yourself." Jungwon's father asked.

"Ah well, I graduated at the age of eighteen so that I could help my father for his business which he built with his own hands. I like video-"

"I know, your dad is a very ambitious man, no one is able to stop him. I've know him for years! It's impressive you have graduated this early. Jungwon here graduated around 2 years after you." a small smile appeared on his face

"There he goes again, spouting useless stuff about my life, how is this related to Yeri's marriage anyway?" Jungwon pouted as he whispered to himself.

"Anyway, I wanted to know your opinion. Do you want to marry my daughter? Or have you been forced by your father?"

"Ah well! It was not in my plan to get married right now but I guess if it helps my dad, I'm up for it." Jay said with a slight smile which Jungwon obviously found fake but no one else seemed to notice.

"That's really nice of you, Jungwon always refused to do anything I want him to do. He really irritates me sometimes. I was hoping as he grows up he would change but I guess not." M. Yang said with a sigh.

"I see." jay laughed nervously.
The atmosphere had become awkward. Jungwon's mother and Yeri were silent, they preferred not interrupting, fearing to anger M. Yang.

"Dad, Can you stop involving me in this, I don't understand why you are even bringing me in this. conversation. How is this even related to the wedding?" Jungwon finally lost it. He got up from his chair causing everyone except Jay to frown.

"I'll be out, I hope you enjoy your dinner." Jungwon then left as he slammed the front door.

"See how stubborn my son is? It's a relief you aren't like that." Mr Yang dad said.

"Jungwonnie is so stubborn sometimes, I guess that's just how he is." Yeri sighed. "I'll call him later to check if he is alright."

"Right anyway, Ignore him. Let's get back to dinner."

"Ah yes.."
Poor guy, Jay thought. He also really despised being compared to someone else so he understood the brunette pretty well.

After dinner was finished, Yeri and Jay went to the garden. M. Yang thought it would be a good idea to leave them alone so they could get to know each other better.

"Im sorry about my brother. He has been really stressed out lately, I'll try my best to talk to him."

"Ah that's okay. Anyway do you mind giving me his number so I could try to be friends with him?"

"Ah yes! That's a good idea.. He could use a friend, he only had like one friend his whole life." Yeri sighed as she typed in Jungwon's number in Jay's phone.

"I'll text him later. Thank you." Jay smiled.

"Ah don't mind. Anyways tell me about you.."

Idk if this is good. Lmao
Thanks for reading:)
Have a good day/ night
I know this isn't exactly a long chapter but I think it's easier this way.


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