Chapter 4: Friends?

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"Dude come on! You have been working for the past 3 hours. Let's take a break. I heard there is a new coffee shop that opened down the street. Let's go check it out." Sunoo screamed excitedly.

And yes this was Jungwon's life with a friend like Sunoo. He was always enthusiastic and a bit too energetic for Jungwon's liking. Although Sunoo had been friends with him for the past few years, he always needs to take a break from the vibrant boy. He was the only person Jungwon trusted though.

"Ugh fine. Only this time. You know how much work I have to do specially on Wednesdays."

"Take a break for once, you dumbass. It's not like don't you have the rest of the day to complete your work. The world isn't going to end right now or later is it?" Sunoo rolled his eyes.

He couldn't help but smile at his best friend. He couldn't imagine a world without him.

"Yes, but still. Let's just be quick alright?"

"Yes yes...whatever."
"So tell me.. how was your week." Sunoo asked as he took a sip from his drink.

"Ah well! It's been alright. I had a family dinner a few days ago with my family, because my sister's future husband came over. Believe me my dad kept on ruining it with his nasty comments about me."

"That old hag really has no chill huh. Anyway is he handsome? Is he your type? Are you friends?"

"Dude first of all, he is going to be my sister's husband not mine. I would be a terrible brother if i thought of him as my type. But yes, I have to admit he is very handsome, not what I expected honestly."

"Ahh! What's his name? He seems cool. I wanna meet him!"

"Soon you will don't worry. His name is Jay."

"Are you guys friends?"

"Well I guess you could consider us friends?.
He was in fact really kind to me which I did not expect. The dinner went awful because of my dad right? So I left at some point but he got my number by asking my sister. He sent me a message asking how I was after that. That was so nice of him."

"You seem to like him a lot." Sunoo winked.

"Ugh! You are so annoying. Like I said my sister would hate me if I did." Jungwon sighed. His best friend always found a way to annoy him. But that was Kim Sunoo for ya.

Right thank you for reading. Not me updating three times because I have nothing to do 💀
Anyway love you <3

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