Chapter 22: yes or no?

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Before he could say anything. Jay got down on one knee.

"You're kidding!" Jungwon's mouth dropped.

"Jungwon.. being your boyfriend for almost 6 months has completely changed my life. Waking up to your adorable face or even being with you is truly my only source of happiness. You are the light of my life and I think I love you enough to take this next step, making you my husband and...for real this time."

"Jay.." small tears formed in the corner of his eyes.

"Will you marry me?" Jay said with a smirk.

"Of course you idiot! How can I not?" Jungwon smiled brightly as Jay gently placed the ring on Jungwon's finger.

"Woah! This is so pretty!" Jungwon said with a huge smile. He couldn't contain his excitement. He was not capable of even explaining how he felt.

Jay then lifted him up in the air and spinned the younger around.

"stop! You're making me dizzy!" Jungwon burst into laughter.

Jay slowly placed him on the ground.

"Thank you so much! I'm literally going to start crying. I love you so so much Jay." Jungwon quickly tip toed and pecked Jay's lips.

"Well there is one more surprise waiting!"

"OH! What is if?"

"Wouldn't be a surprise if I told you right?" Jay raised his eyebrow.

"Ugh come on! I hate surprises! Makes me impatient and you know how patience is barely in my vocabulary."

"I know that wonnie! Anyway brace yourself you are going to witness something magical! Not now though.. we are going to have dinner first."

"The people are supposed to arrive here in like 10 minutes so let's go walk on the water!" Jay suggested. He slowly took Jungwon's hands and dragged him to the sea.

It really was beautiful, specially at night. The cool breeze blew the and the stunning sea, glistened under the moonlight.

"This is really the best day of my life." Jungwon said.

"Mine too! You're finally gonna be called Jungwon Park. Sounds great." Jay teased.

"I've heard this way to many times now!" Jungwon chuckled, as he cheeks turned slightly pink.

"Well at least now it's true." Jay smiled.

"So... when did you organize all this?" Jungwon asked.

"Well for a while now... Your mother and sister helped me! It wouldn't be possible without them."

"I have to thank them for this later.." Jungwon chuckled.

"Me too!" Jay smiled.

"Come here. Sit between my legs."

"I- okay." Jungwon blushed and did as Jay said.

Jay then wrapped his hands around the younger and placed his head on Jungwon's shoulder.

"You're so soft." Jay said causing Jungwon to blush.

"Wait it's time for the surprise!" Jay said as he checked his watch.

"Oh finally!" Jungwon said excitedly.

"Look up in the sky!"

Jungwon shifted his gaze to the sky and waited impatiently. What could Jay be planning?

After around 3 minutes, Jungwon spotted a plane from afar. There also seemed to be drones following behind it.

"Woah!" Jungwon said.

Forbidden to love (Jaywon)✔️Where stories live. Discover now