Chapter 49~A nucance to herself?~

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Surely they don't plan on sending off to find this damn brat. Can't they send Childe to do so? Dottore and I have much to do and the Tsaritsa wants me to find The Balladeer? Pathetic really.

For the past 3 months a lot has happened.The fair lady was sent to Inazuma for the Elctro Archons gnosis but she never returned. Intel says that Signora challenged Aether to a duel, a fools mistake to do so. Especially with that type of duel in front of the Shogun. An embarrassment to the rest of us.

"An embarrassment you say?" Dottore snapped me out of my train of thought.  "She was valuable sure but even so, she served us well."

"It was her own fault to fight to the death. Even with our eyes all over Teyvat, gathering knowledge on him, she still was a fool."

I watch Dottore set up another experiment with a human body. Not sure what he was doing but he needed my help keeping the man awake. This man was in the verge of dying and yet he still screamed. Each breath he took drove me closer and closer.  Till ops! He's dead. One long sigh came from the doctor.

"Can't you keep your murder intent in your body for at least 5 minutes?" The tools weren't even dirty enough for any cleaning but he started cleaning. "Ever since we return from your heart filled reunion, you completely changed. Your temper is what I think is wonderful but the others expressed other things."

"It doesn't matter what they think. This is who I was 500 years ago really. Ruthless maybe but I have some what of a heart at times. Cold as it may be, empathy is something I have always lacked."

A smile was all I could see. It warmed my cold heart, no I never had a heart warm. What is this fuzzy feeling? Never in my life have I felt this but has she?

She was much kinder than I. She is also closer to the doctor but ever move I made, they have been denied. It's like he knows it truly not her speaking.

"Now why do you want me in Sumeru with you? This calls for more business than most. I'll only frighten the sages."

"That's exactly why I want you to come. The Sages will need a shove soon and the Academia will follow. Maybe the General Mahamatra will go along but I doubt he will, let alone the Scribe you saw."

Looking back on it now, he did seem like a rule follower but not really. Someone I'd love to met for sure along with this general. Not like they'll enough my presence.

"As much as one would love to go with, I'm assigned to retrieve Scaramouche. Unless you have a valid reason other than a scare tactic, I'm going to refuse."

"A pity dear. Your task is getting the brat and bring him to the Academia. He will serve his purpose."

"Whatever the purpose is, I'm just doing my duty. The sooner he's caught, the sooner I can do whatever." I leaned against the operation table while Dottore was focused on a new experiment.

His notebook was open, just in view. He was writing a lot for one page. He caught me starting only to close the book. His expression changed to a distant look. Something not right.

"Anyway, you do what you must, I'm finding this child." Dottore didn't say say words, only a nod as he was cleaning his tool. Sure it pained me but my emotions are nothing. Leaving the lab, a carriage was waiting for me. Unfortunately her powers don't work as I hope, some of her abilities are locked up.

Back in Snezhnaya (Dottore POV)

Three months have passed and things have changed.  Y/N's mood swings are more consistent along with her emotions. She was tasked with finding the Balladeer but she didn't seemed thrilled. I sure wouldn't be thrilled but there are more pressing matters.

As of the last month, Y/N been more how does one put it, not herself. Everytime I try to complete my work, she has to have her say in it. Pantalone has notice these changes and she is completely cold to him.

I kept records of these events to show to Pantalone really but she is aware of my actions. Just before she left, her eyes started to wander to my notebook. Prior to her being in the lab, I had a clone go find Pantalone. Took the clone a while but he soon returned.

Pantalone seemed worried from this meeting.

"So what did you find?"

"Not as I hope. Grant it for her majesty its great."

Pantalone gave a cold look. A man full of joy I'll say, I've only seen him get upset, truly upset once.

"I do not care if the Tsaritsa wants her as a weapon. This has gone on for long enough."

"You were ok with Scaramouche being used as a tool so why do you care?"

"I do not mind him but she is irreplaceable! Not to mention should your hypothesis be correct, what will happen to our home?!" The unthinkable happened, his eyes were open, sharp and cold. "I may be the 7th Fatui Harbinger but I know damn well that you don't want this either."

I do admit, having her around has been salubrious. Even if we lost everything, it can be rebuilt in time. Normally as the economic man, he would defend with a financial statement but his own selfish interests are at play, just like my own greed for her. Every time he surprises me.

"Speak your mind, you must have something in mind to save her from this things demise."

It is true a plan has been written but my inconsiderate self only wants to have her, not giving her to the Tsaritsa.

"We speak of death in the highest form, are you sure?"

A wicked smile wasn't from me this time. Pantalone never has had this type of smile. This would only keep us and her safe.

"If it means helping a friend, that going against her will. So be it, we're all not completely loyal to her."

"Then we must be quick. We only have 5 days maximum before she returns. I hate to say it, but we must talk to another Yaksha. Maybe even a fossil."

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