Chapter 34 ~⚠️Pathetic⚠️~

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⚠️Torture, Death⚠️

"What do you need from me then Doctor?" She crossed her arms. Her shirt was still bloody from her fight with Childe. Let alone the heart was still exposed.

"Go get new clothing. Once you get back I'll explain what needs to be done." She scoffed at his remark.

"Can't your soldiers handle any blood? What's the point if they'll faint from the sight?" She spat out while walking away.

"I agree but I need you there just in case anything goes wrong. There's spare shirts back in Y/N room." He pointed down the hall and to the left. Wasn't a far walk but Nex reluctantly walked.

She soon returned with fresh clothing on.  She smelt like dandelions and flowers. She was struggling to put the harness back on when she returned back.

"Agh what's the point of this? It's too difficult to find the right end!"

"Give it here." She tossed it to him. He grumbled while adjusted the straps as he came back. "It goes on like a jacket." He handed it back. Nex still struggled but she eventually got it on.

"All I want you to do is sit there and look however you want. I'm gonna give you a task of retrieval they will try to play keep away."

"Sounds boring." She raised her arms above her head, placing them on top. "It's a project to build a machine what's their to show."

"These are not the designers, these are the body guards." Nex wasn't interested at all. She only looked to the side and made a remark to you.

This how your job goes? Very boring. Dottore tapped his foot, waiting for her attention again.

"As I was about to say, your job is to attack the target. Would help if you stop talking to Y/N in your head there."

Nex was taken aback. "How do you know if I was talking to her hm?"

"If you were talking to yourself, you would have kept it about you, not Y/N. Do you want to help or not, I have lab reports I can make you do instead of this."

Nex raised her hands up to surrender. "Ah alright fine. Don't come crying to me if I kill anyone."

"Personal, I don't care that you do. Neither of us wants to do this." He picked up a notebook and the gem. Dottore walked past Nex as he left the lab. She followed not far behind.

Dottore gave a summary of what was going to happen. Soldiers would go into groups of 3 to 6 people, protecting a gem. Should Nex get the gem and bring it back to Dottore, then that group fails.

The only restrictions he placed on her was a minute head start in the beginning. Your task was taking the gem or kill the group.

"So you won't be completely bored. I'll have copies moving the gem back and forth between spots."

"Yea yea how many groups do you have today?"

"About 3 all with 6 in each one. I think you'll have fun." Dottore opened a door to a lobby. In the lobby was the groups he described, all were watching both harbingers steps.

"Into your groups, not explaining this twice." All the soldiers split into their assigned group. Some were taller with staffs while others were bulkier. Smaller members were skinny, some had purple on while others wore dark red colors.

"Your task is simple." He held the gem up. "Find this gem and bring it back to me." Sounds of whispers were heard as they commented on the task.

'Seems easy.'

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