Chapter 30~🍋Oh Gosh🍋~

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🍋Take it as you will, it's vanilla🍋

*credit to kradebii on Danbooru*


It's been about 30 minutes since I woken up. Pantalone and Dottore were still out. They are in safe hands as nothing can really happen. I was even able to write in my notebook from the past month or so.

I decided to write in my personal notebook, not the one with Aethers information. Writing about my adventures, I turned to a new page. Looking back to the open room, both were still passed out.

I sectioned the page for information on people. Only those who impacted my life in a way. One was a captain in Khaenri'ah, I lost part of the page but still able to read it. Another 2 pages was going to be about Pantalone and Dottore.

Pantalone was sweet enough to buy me a new outfit. He even understands how I feel at some point. But I don't think he fully understands who I am, unlike Dottore.

Dottore been with me since I broke free. Being a cruel man to others and even to myself. But why am I getting getting these new feelings. Never in my 500 and something years have I felt the same about anyone.

Is this what love is? I heard mortals talk about this. When someone enjoys another person's presence, or cares deeply. Surely this is a false feeling. No one can "love" a monster like myself.

At least that's what I think. I notice Dottore acting different at times. No, even if we are both monsters, no one can love that.

Third POV:

A small groan was heard, you closed the notebook quickly. You turned around to see both harbingers awake now. Standing up, you made your way to them.

"Well good afternoon. Glad your both back alive."

"Well alive yes but not in your mind dear." Pantalone was rubbing his chest. You reached a hand down to help him up.

"Don't tell me you had to kill yourself to get back."

You reached down to Dottore next after Pantalone was up. He grabbed on as you lifted him up. His hand was rather warm. Felt nice compared to the decay version. You stabilize your weight with your wings as you lifted him up.

"Pantalone here was killed by what you described the first time. A decayed version of myself." He fixed his clothing as he went to the desk.

"So you both got out by a decayed version of you? Sounds about right really."  Pantalone cleaned his glasses. He cleared his throat.

"I do hate to leave in a hurry but I must report to her majesty on your arrival. Take it easy for now, a member will get you when your presence is requested Y/N."

"Alright then, I apologize if you have to go through a lot, at least after the trip."

"Not at all dear. It was a good eye opener to what you see the world as." His smile was an actual smile. He waved as the left the room.

You let a sigh out. You didn't realize that Dottore was still in the room. He had one notebook in his hands.

"So tell me Y/N." You zipped around. "What do you see me as?"

"See you as? Care to elaborate?" You got butterflies in your stomach. Even a simple question like this made your heart race. It raised even more questions.

"While we were in the water, you were pulled down. What pulled you down was me wasn't it?" You nodded as you sat on the bed.

"I had a chat with him and he had some interesting things to say."

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