Chapter 43~Protection~

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"That includes me then." Y/N looked at the Adeptus. She recognized Cloud Retainer and Xiao but not the other two. She looked towards Aether before speaking.

"What of Childe? What has he done?" Her face fierce but concerned, she only cared if the mission was completed.

"Childe attempted to take the geo archons gnosis in the Golden House. He was furious that the gnosis was gone."

Y/N laughed at Aether. "Ah he was too slow then.  Tell me Aether, what did Barbatos tell you about myself?"

Aether looked at the Yaksha. He recalled what the archon had said. "He went on about your childhood, and what your past was. He described what your powers can do alone without a gnosis."

"And do you believe the drunkard?"

"I-I can say I do. Why would an archon lie?"

"There are many reasons to lie dear." Y/N turned towards Osiral. With each step she took, her power increased little by little. "An archon can lie just as well as a mortal. I was lied to about my own life and it all brings rage. I trust you handled yourself against Childe, seeing how you aren't barely bruised. I think you can defend yourself. Now fight like your life depends on it. Cause it does now."

Y/N walked over to the edge of the platform, closer to the front to Osiral. She outstretched her arm towards the raging god. Particles started to form as a flow of hydro went around the Yaksha.

"I haven't had a good reason to use this much power, I wonder how I will fair after 500 years."

Osiral ragged on, waves crashed into the rocky shore of Liyue. Citizen cried in horror as the Mililith did their best to evacuate. All while Y/N held concentration, wanting to avoid tragedy for once in her life.

A bright light centered on Y/N. Light blue shined while the women was lifted into the air. Moving her arms in a circle motion, she lifted her arms up. The sound of water crashed high on the land, not hurting but helping.

A large wall was placed between Liyue Harbor and the vengeful god. The walls started to close in on Osiral enough to contain his anger. The god thrashed about, hitting the walls with its hydra form. Each blow took a toll on Y/N body but she was able to withstand the pressure.

While Y/N was holding the god in place, the remaining Adeptus were giving return fire. Aether help protect the Adeptus as Fatui attempted to stop the hero. As the god raged on, Osiral pushed on with his assault. Cracking sounds was heard, the platform holding the Mililith and the aduptus machine started to give away with each wave of enemies.

"Get out of there!" The white haired ordered her army for a retreat. More fire came from Osiral as one hydro orb crashed through the platform. Shattering as innocent people fell. Y/N watched as many soldiers screamed, along with Aether.

Instinct took over, Y/N broke concentration from her wall. Swiftly, she made a net just below catching those in need. She looked over to see Xiao jumping from ruble to ruble. He darted to Aether, grabbing him by his shoulder. The two then we're safe on the floating palace.

Y/N flapped her wings up to the platform. She raised herself up slowly, meeting the white haired woman eyes. Y/N's narrowed her eyes at her. The women saw the net of her men. She gentle set the men down while keeping eye contact with her.

"Thank you."

"You shouldn't be thanking me at all." Y/N released her power as the men started to get back up. "I'm only helping because this is still my own home." Y/N landed softly, taking a step forward to the women. "But I think you are a worth mortal to lead this city after Morax's death. Now what do you plan on doing."

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