Chapter 8 ~Rookie Job~

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*credit to доктор моро on Pinterest. Idk what it say so 💀*

Y/N and Dottore were officially put together by the Tsaritsa. She also wanted the duo to collect debt from a citizen. Really this task is boring but you were able to be outside for a bit.

The walk inside the palace was quiet. Dottore was thinking of something as you were walking. What of?  Y/N didn't pry this time. She just wanted to be outside for once.

Soon enough the pair made it outside. A light flurry of snow made its way down. Y/N eyes lit up as the flakes few down on her nose.  Dottore made a chuckle as he saw your reaction to snow.

"How old are you again?"

"500 something maybe 520? Why?" She caught up to Dottore as the tracks he left behind were from his coat.

"I find it hilarious that someone as old as you are is interested by snowflakes." Y/N took his words in offense.

"First of all the last time I saw snow, I can't even remember. Secondly enjoying the small things in life once in a while is nice." Y/N picked up some snow as Dottore continued walking.

She thought about throwing the snowball at him but decided against it. Instead she thought about give the doctor some information. She used her hydro ability to make a sword with the snow. It soon turned into water as she changed the state of the snow.

Dottore paid no mind as Y/N created the sword. Soon enough the sword was large as a claymore. Surprisingly, Dottore still didn't notice yet. Once you were happy with the design, she tried to get Dottore attention.

"What you think." Y/N held the claymore as Dottore ignored you. "Hello, earth to Il Dottore? Did you lose some Brian cells?" Dottore stopped in his tracks. About time you listen.

"You dare make a mockery of my brain? I advise you watch your tongue." Dottore look at you with angry as he soon saw the claymore over your shoulder. "How did you get a claymore?"

"I don't know, I wanted to show you but you decided to ignore me. I'm so hurt." A fake expression of hurt went on Y/N face. As she was doing her act, a sly expression replaced her hurt expression.

"I can show you something but you can't get mad." Dottore was still aggravated but soon was interested in what you wanted to show him.

You took the claymore and made it hover between the two of you. Turning it on its side, you placed each of your hands on each end. Stretching the molecules you made many droplets appear. Not wasting time, Y/N moved the droplets above Dottore head and dropped it.

Y/N snickered as Dottore was about to do who knows what. "Remember, don't get angry." A sigh came from his lips as you motioned his to be at your level. He hesitated for a moment, but reluctantly  crouched.

You moved you hands to make a mirror for him to see what you were doing. You took part of the water and removed it completely from existence while you fixed his hair again. Making his curls more lose and more defined edges.

Dottore was stunned as you fixed his hair. Little request were made to his liking as you adjusted what you were doing. "And done!" Y/N stepped back and grabbed the mirror to walk behind the doctor. Being a stylist is quite fun at the moment. "Thank you for attending my magic show."  Y/N took a bow to finish the presentation.

"Impressive indeed." Dottore stood back up and continued walking. "I must say what else can you do?" Dottore was fascinated as you picked up more snow.

"Honestly, I'm not too sure myself. I never really used it much. Before I was turned to stone I was starting to experiment on what I can do. I'm sure you and I both want to know."

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