Chapter 22 ~Friendly Vist~

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When you left the tavern, it was about 3pm. You still had your own task at hand anyways. Dottore wanted you to go get materials but he didn't specify what type.  You walked to the left down some stairs and out the city gate.

You know little of this area. Walking around as a timid assistant was easy. Staying in character while outside of public eye is still a concern. Eyes are everywhere, even in the middle of nowhere.

Walking across the stone bridge, you scared away some pigeons. A small boy was making a fuss, saying "you meanie! You scared them away!" You apologized and took off towards a large tree.

The walk to the tree wasn't very far. Maybe 5 minutes at most. The area was open with grass and wheat look like Windwheel Aster. They turned as the wind started to pick up.

A statue was at the base of the large tree. On too had a figure of Barbatos holding an orb. This was his form that you remember. So where could he be really. He would stick out with those wings.

Taking your notebook out, you started to sketch the statue with the tree in the background. That way if anyone questioned what you were doing then you had a solid explanation.

About half way through, the wind went from a light breeze to a harsh one. You held on to your notebook as the current went through. It died down soon enough. Once the wind stopped, light footsteps we're approaching you. Calm and gentle.

You turn to what looks like to be a bard. Mint green for his clothing and a cape that was fashioned nicely.

"Ah hello there!" The bard spoke up.

"Hello." You stood up fixing your clothing as the bard came closer.

"You don't look like your from around here miss. May I ask what you are doing out here by yourself?"

"Oh just sketching for my mother. If there's an issue I can leave." You closed the book and started to leave but the bard stopped you.

"You do look very familiar. Are you sure this isn't the first time you've been here? What is your name?"

"Ah my name is Y/N, and your name sir?"

"Venti, Venti the bard." He giggled with glee as he walked to your side. "I've heard many rumors about you, and I just want to say, I'm glad your back Nex."

You turned to look at Venti with confused look. "Nex? I'm not sure if I know who this person is."

"Oh don't play dumb with me. I heard of your little song about a month ago, only happens when you are releasing karma. Plus, I'd recognize your eyes anywhere."

"I'm really not sure-"

"VVVEEENNTTII!"  A high pitch voice was heard on the path way. The first figure was small, white hair and floating. The second was larger than the first, long blonde hair with it braided.

While you were looking, Venti lifted you and himself up high in the air and in the tree. It was high enough that no one was going to see you. You were about to speak but he hushed you.

"Ah that tone deaf bard didn't come this way. Paimon told you so."

"I guess not, but that H/C girl came this way. I wanted to ask her if she knew about my sister since she isn't from this nation."

"Paimon thinks you'll get your chance. She is an assistant. At least that's what Paimon has heard."

The man was in thought. This floating creature named Paimon was looking across the open field. She tried to get the man attention but couldn't.

"Aether! Can you hear Paimon!?"

He soon stopped thinking as he apologized. "Sorry I was just thinking of where either of them could be. We can't go to where she is staying, that's fatui grounds."

Detained Soul DottoreXF!ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora