Chapter 38~Work....~

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The next day was a drag. The whole day was nothing but paperwork. Really simple task but still very dull. You sat at a desk on the upper level, out of the eye of whoever walks in. Childe was out and about while you were stuck inside.

Many of the paper work were the same. Request on bank statements, meeting with a bank teller, even withdraw request. There was a stack of papers for each category. Grabbing the next paper, it was a letter from Pantalone, it was addressed to you. You started to open it but someone was approaching you.

"What can I do for you." Looking up, a female agent bowed in respect.

"Excuse me for interrupting you Lord Nex but Childe has request your presence."

Looking back down, you gritted your teeth. "Send him in then."

"As you wish." The agent bowed and walked away. It was about 5 minutes later that the ginger walked upstairs.

"Hey N-"

You cut him off by throwing a knife close to his head. "You dare come back when there is work still? Next time I won't miss your head.

"Harsh coming from a lady." You narrowed your eyes to him.

"Get to the point. I'm busy here." You set down the letter. "If it's asking for more time off out and about with Zhongli then I will keep your ass here and you will help with the paperwork."

"Now now, neither of us want to do paper work but hear me out." You crossed your arms, leaning back in the chair.  "Zhongli actually requested you to come along with him today. He wanted to get to know you more."

You sighed lightly. "I can't leave with this much work. Even if it's just you here, there's too much."

"Then what if I helped in a way." Steps was heard as you could see the top of Zhongli's head. "What if we both helped."

"There is no need for that Mr. Zhongli. Really this task here is Childe job." Picked the note up again, you ripped it open. Childe was talking, but you ignored him while reading the letter.

Dear Nex,

I hope that your time in Liyue is going well. Since you been gone Dottore been more deranged since you left. Signora has been assigned to check in with Childe within a week of this letter. She has also been assigned to Inazuma for the Electro Archon gnosis.  Your orders are still the same. Please tell Childe that a new regiment is on the way to Liyue. Train them for the Liyue area, help him if you see fit. Hopefully you haven't tried to kill him yet~



Childe was laughing when you stood up without saying a word. He looked at your expression as your brows were together. You laughed lightly, facing Childe.

"You have a new assignment with your current one Childe." You gave him the letter, his expression told you what he felt.

"Aw come on. Why send them here, can't they wait till later. Or train them in Snezhnaya?!"

"Orders from her majesty, get to it." 

Childe went to argue with you but decided against it. "What about my schedule today."

"What do you have then?" You took the letter from Childe, folding it again.

"Paper work and clearing a old ruin factory in the mountains."

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