Chapter 6 ~First Impression~

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*credit to meestiie on danbooru*

"5? Like 5 minutes?!" Y/N turned shock as she wasn't ready for the news. Man talk about no warning at all. "I'm assuming I will be accompanying you or am I stay down here?"

Dottore thought for a moment. "That's not a bad idea. I can see how you work with bodies. Way better than going to this meeting." Waiting by the door be tapped his finger in his chin. "While I do want to get research done, her majesty request that you are here."

Y/N walked to the door, past Dottore. "Are there any rules you wish for me to know or not make a fool of myself?" That would be an embarrassment if someone like yourself embarrassed yourself in front of an archon.

"Just stay by me and keep your trap shut. No doubt all the other harbingers will look at you, with or without your additional parts." Dottore closed the door and locked all 6 locks. Making a fool of yourself would be great. Embarrassment for Yaksha. How pathetic.

Dottore lead the way up a staircase. As you ascended the stairs, the temperature dropped quickly. Cold. How refreshing. Short memories passed as you remember your last known assignment. Nothing other than hunting down a thief.

You were cut out of though as you reached the top of the stairs. Stunned at how beautiful the interior is compared to downstairs.  Tall walls with an icy blue colors. You thought the walls were made of ice as the light reflected off the walls.

"Come on, we'll be late if we don't hurry. Be a bad first impression for you." Dottore quickened his pace. You were able to stay with him but your legs couldn't match his pace.

You both stop at a large door as Dottore reached for the handle. He stopped and look at you. "Remember, stay close and don't talk at all. Only speak if your spoken to, especially to the Tsaritsa." Y/N was confused. How will I know who she is.

"You'll know when we go." Dottore grabbed the handle and pushed the door open. Don't make a fool, stay close, don't speak easy enough. Right?

As the large door opened, all eyes fell onto the pair. Dottore ignored the stares as he knew it wasn't for him for once. He walked to his chair as he sat down. Pulling out a notebook and pen. He was writing something. 'If you need any information just think. I'll explain once we are out of here' was written on the paper.

A total of  four harbinger looked at you. A ginger, a tall women with her left eye covered. She was wearing a beautiful dress. Another was a shorter male, a large hat with dark purple hair. The last one is taller than the last one. Wearing glasses and a welcoming smile. Nothing was really sticking out as the Tsaritsa sat at her throne at the head of the table.

Her presence was overwhelming. White hair as her icy blue eyes looked at her harbingers, then to you. A smile went across her face as the meeting started. Everyone's names were called. What was the point of it? Nothing made sense as the meeting was starting.

"All 11 harbingers are here your majesty." The ginger sat back down as all the harbingers look to the archon. So she is the archon to this current day? Dottore was writing your thought as he was confused himself. Was there another archon before her?

"Now, a few meeting ago we acquired a statue. Dottore, do you have a report?" The Tsaritsa and the harbingers all looked at Dottore. You don't like the idea that everyone was looking at your general direction.

Dottore stood up and flipped to the page about you.
"It took about a month to figure out if the statue was alive or not but it is indeed alive." A few harbinger eyes looked at you as they assumed it was you.

"I was able to restart her heart and she broke free. What I know as of now is that she served the king of Khaenri'ah as she was caught in the cataclysm." Dottore closed his notebook and waited for the Tsaritsa response.

"Thank you and does the little Yaksha speak?" The Tsaritsa looked right at you as the other harbingers did as well as Dottore. You're heart started to race as everyone one was waiting for a response.

Y/N took a deep breath. "I can speak for myself your majesty." Y/N looked at the Tsaritsa. "Oh dear you don't have to call me majesty, you can call me Tsaritsa. Formalities are not required for you." That made you relax as you didn't really know what to call her. "What is your name dear?"

"My Yaksha name is Nex but please call me Y/N. Nex is a name I only use when on the job really, or did have one." Your eyes went down to the ground. "I'm sure you have some questions about who I am and my past. I have a memory loss to a point."

The Tsaritsa looked at your figure as she recalled that you were smaller than before. Some of the other harbinger were thinking the same thing.

"Pardon for me asking your majesty," the ginger stood up as she looked at the Tsaritsa. "How can we make sure that this is a Yaksha. For all we know, she could be a spy." All eyes landed on the Tsaritsa, waiting for her response.

"If I recall from the last time I looked at the statue, it was a figure with wings. Do you have those requirement?"  You looked at Dottore as he nodded at you in approval.

Stepped backwards you sighed. You really didn't want to show your wings as it was a hidden card most of the times. You had to this time, to prove your identity.

You took a sigh as you relaxed your shoulders. Your wings came forth as your wings spread to there full wingspan.  It was rather large for your body size as you were about medium size compared to a human.

Dottore couldn't look away as the color of your wings were mesmerizing. The other harbingers looked as most believed you were lying. You relaxed your wings as they fell to your side. Returning back to Dottore side you waited.

"See how you are a Yaksha, confirmation will still be needed before anything else. Dottore, I will send her back down once we are finished here." The Tsaritsa looked down at you. "Dear Y/N would you accompany me for a bit?" Dottore wrote on his paper and you saw 'go to her' written on it.

Following the orders you went behind the gentleman with glasses as he followed your movements. Stopping beside her you didn't know what to expect. The Tsaritsa stock her hand out in a handshake. Y/N smiled shook her hand.

"It's an honor to meet a Yaksha in my nation. I hope we can get along." She let go of your hand. "The honor is mine cryo archon." Pleased with the interaction you stood still as the meeting was wrapped up.

All the harbingers took their bows and left. Dottore was last to leave. "Dottore you stay for a bit." He grumbled as he stopped and turned around. "Yes you're majesty." The room was silent as the Tsaritsa look at you.

"Y/N how have you been since the cataclysm? I knew you wouldn't fall that easy." Your eyes opened wide as you heard 'I knew'. She knew, she knows who I am?

A/N: thank you for reading, I forgot to note in the before you read section that this is somewhat based on the archon quest in genshin impact. I will give warnings of spoilers before the chapter starts
Oh the next chapter might be longer than normal not to sure yet

Have a good day❤️❤️

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