Chapter 23~Play dumb~

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While you were in your room, you thought of your plan. Getting the gnosis was going to be easy or difficult.  Barbatos seemed like he really did care for you but emotions can be a façade to hide motives.

You didn't want to have emotions as they can cloud one's judgement. That's a mistake you wouldn't make again. You spent about 40 minutes writing in the notebook about the past few days.

Not only did you write about past days, you even made notes of all who treated you differently. A separate page for each. The right being for the information of each and on the left a drawing of them. You'll have to get them in front of you.

Closing the book, you started to fall asleep. Not letting a thing get in between you and a good nights sleep.

The following morning, you prepared for Dottore's departure. Really you were afraid that you would fail the remaining of your mission but you remained calmed. A knock was on your door, it was opened and Dottore was standing on the other side.

"Are you ready? We got a performance for your Favonius friends now."  You got up from your bed as you closed the door behind you.

"Let's get this over with. I have much to do while your out." You smiled softly but Dottore saw through it.

"You're nervous are you?"

"N-no. I'm perfectly capable to finish this."

He narrowed his eyes at you. "I'll leave a segment in the woods to watch your move. Shall things go south, he shall step in and pose as me."

"Like that's gonna make me feel better. That just means you'll laugh at me failing."

"Indeed. It shall be hilarious if you do fail. But no we all start somewhere and you have already done well. Now let us depart."

He walked towards the door as you followed behind him. Dottore walked past the Favonius HQ. Kayea was standing outside talking to a women in purple. A  witch hat and a book was with her. Must be a mage or a librarian.

Kayea noticed you and Dottore walking past as he held a finger up to the mage. He followed as you made your way to the front gate. Kayea wasn't the only one watching. Aether was following along with his companion.

Dottore had his hands behind his back as he walk through the city. It was broad daylight as many citizens were watching. He walked out of the gate and onto the bridge. He stopped at the end.

"Y/N I want you to stay. You have shown progress and I think you can do work here. Keep the fatui in line while I'm gone. I shall be back within time."

You stood there and bowed your head. "As you wish my lord." He chuckled. You knew he was enjoying this way too much. He walked towards the city of Liyue.

A sigh left your lips and footsteps came behind you. Turing, you saw Kayea and the traveler.

"Your not going with him?" Paimon spoke up from behind Aether.

"No. He said I have improved. He wants me to stay and do paperwork for the time being."  Aether seemed happy for you but you knew he wasn't falling for your lies.

"Tell me Y/N would you like to come with me and Aether for some fun?"

"Fun as in?"  You gave him a perplexed look.

"Some combat training. I wonder if the fatui have taught you anything really."

"Well they have but I'm not very skilled at combat. Only enough to protect from simple monsters."

Kayea laughed lightly. "Then come with us then. We are going to clear out a camp near the city." You we're excited as this is just what you needed.

"Ah sure but won't I just drag you down?"

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