in between worlds

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With all the power I have left, I walk three steps towards the love of my life. I feel someone's touch. I can't decipher whether it's a pull or aid. I fall to my knees. I take his hand. And I just sit there. At last, I am holding his hand. Luffy is there too. But I don't know what he's doing.

I can feel him breathing. It's incredibly unsteady. Husk breaths coming in and out. I can feel his body trying to fix him up but not knowing where to start.
I feel Mihawk leaving. I reckon I could hear him saying it's too early for Zoro to die. I can hear the others coming. Let alone see them. I feel a little better.
"Luffy," He starts to speak, so I give his hand a little squeeze so he knows I'm here. "If I fail to become the world's greatest swordsman you'll be disappointed. Right?" Luffy takes a quick look at me, but I look down at Zoro. "You could never fail me Zoro. You could never fail us." 

"Never again. From now on. Until I beat him." he says with sharp breaths in between.  He wiggles his hand out of mine to take the Wado Ichimonji. He lifts it and says "To be the world's greatest swordsman. I will never lose again." Then, he loses consciousness and lets his arm and sword fall into mine.

Usopp and Luffy carry him at the shoulders, as Nami and I hold up the legs. "Easy! Easy!" Nami keeps shouting. "He's got a big head, like, freakishly big," Usopp mutters the last part, but I hear him. "It's just because he's generally pretty big." I realized as soon finished, what I had actually said, but before anyone could react Nami continued. "What's a big head having to do with anything? Where's the first aid kit?" "Oh, maybe over here," Usopp helps her look. "Zoro? Zoro.." Luffy starts to look pale and sick. He stood on Zoro's opposite side and took a step back.
The others usher me out of their way, tearing Zoro's shirt apart and pressing towels on him to stop the bleeding. My eyes are trained on Luffy. Nami put my hands on the towels as I spoke up "Luffy, are you alright? Luffy!" "Nami looks up at him and orders him to look for a doctor at the Baratie. At first, he hesitates, looking at Zoro but takes off anyway.

I can already hear Luffy approaching and based on the sound, I'd guess the head chef with his wooden leg is accompanying him. They round the corner. Along with them is Sanji, the waiter. "Are you kidding me? We need a doctor!" Nami says. "Do you want to save your friend or not?" With that she is silent. Sanji unpacks the basket he's brought along. It contains knives, a fish, and whiskey. "Is that for wound disinfection?" Asks Usopp. Reasonable question. "Hell no, that would be a waste of really good liquor." Says wooden-leg and takes a sip. Yeah, should have seen this coming.

He then starts preparing the fish. I hear Nami take a breath to further annoy the chef, so I shush her just in time. Even if it might look like it, he is not preparing the fish for eating. Rather, he carefully amputates the fish's skin. Cutting it into diverse sizes. I know where this might go.
He starts the actual operation by stitching Zoro's wounds and then continues to conceal those with the fish. "It's an old seaman's trick. Helps staunch the wounds and heals the flesh faster." Yeah, makes total sense with all the compounds but especially with its impermeability, it won't let anything unwanted get to the wound and possibly infect it.

"Is he going to be alright?" asks Usopp. "Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. He's lost a lot of blood. It might have been too late." "Or maybe it hasn't." Luffy interrupts. "The boy has his feet in both worlds right now. Try and keep him tethered to our world. Talk to him, and let him know you are there. Let's hope he'll find his way back to us." I look down, saddened. But, I know he's not dead yet. I can't really tell you how I know. I can just feel it. I do feel his faintly, though. As the chef had said. He's torn between the word of the dead and ours. I'm not gonna leave his side for a minute. I have so many stories I could tell him. So many things we've experienced together. I'll be there when he wakes up.

Sharp and Sharper. Roronoa Zoro x (fem OG) reader // One Piece fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now