who am I swooning after?

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I was peacefully reading a book on rainbow mist, which I found in Kaya's house. She has told me to keep it since it isn't her genre of book. Well, it's nonfiction. Purely scientifically describing the extremely rare phenomenon of rainbow mist. You would say reading such books, you need some sort of quiet. Otherwise, it is hard to absorb the information. And I'd agree. Clearly, not everyone is wired that way.

An annoyed Zoro has to make a mountain out of a molehill.

"Why don't you swoon after Usopp? He is currently just at the bow of the boat laughing with Nami." I don't move a muscle and continue reading. "I hope she's not catching him away from you." Once I finish the page, I merely look at him over the book. He looks at me, unimpressed. "Are you done?" I ask, just as unimpressed. "With today? Yes, I am. That's why I am going to take a nap now. So if you would be so kind?" He sits down a few feet to the side of me, on the other side of the door. He motions for me to leave. 

I let out a laugh. He looks at me with an attitude. Oh dear, two can play that game.

"Did you really just accuse me of swooning after Usopp, then ask me to leave, even though I was here first? And mind you, I didn't even do anything to you?" I laugh. This is hilarious. He knows he has no chance but still tries and goes for it.
"You are in my spot." He huffs. "Oh, that's funny. Last time I checked you didn't have a spot. You take you're beauty sleep literally anywhere on a ship. You don't have a spot." "My beauty sleep is important. Don't like what you see, look away." "I didn't say anything against that," I say almost confused. He is actively dodging my questions clearly because he doesn't have any answers to them. Or, because he doesn't want me to know. Well, too bad.

"So you just admitted you like what you see?" "I can read you like a book Roronoa Zoro.-" "You didn't answer my question." He interrupted. I have him now. "So did you." "You are-" "You love me Zoro," Is what I would have loved to say, but if I am wrong I won't recover from that. So, I just said "You wish it was you I am swooning about, I can tell. But you know what? I don't have time for this, Zoro. I am really into this book right now so I'm going to continue that. Sleep tight!" I make my way around the corner. I feel his stare follow me. So, I bend my head back around the corner. "I caught you! That blush on your cheeks is a fine addition, Mossball. Highlights the brown in your eyes!" He looks down and blushes even harder, maybe even lets out a little laugh, but by that time, I am already on my way to the bow.

I reach the others and chat with them for a bit. Usopp did a great job with the Jolly Roger. I am very impressed. I wouldn't let Zoro hear that though, I don't want him to think I am disinterested in him. I don't know if he knows but I kinda wish he did so he could make a move. Ugh, I don't know. Maybe he won't, so, maybe I should. I guess I'm just a little traditional here, hoping for the guy to ask me out first... well, I- "Kairi?" "Huh?" "I asked whether you are hungry?" "Oh yeah sure, I could go for a snack."

All of us gather eating the food supply we have brought along. Usually, the amount would feed five people for two weeks, but with Luffy, it's coming down to about two days. Luckily I stacked up about a quarter of the supply to a storage on the lowest level of the boat. I am hoping Luffy won't find it too soon. It was more for the other four of us to stay alive. After all, Luffy's stomach is made out of rubber as well.

After dinner, the sun starts to set. Where is everyone going to sleep? Did we split rooms already? I didn't join the tour. How many bedrooms do we have? I only saw two passing by but maybe there's more? "Hey guys, what about the rooms? Where is everyone going to sleep?"
"Well, an actual bedroom is upstairs. There's two beds in there and-" Nami interrupts Usopp. "I already claimed that room. I need space and quiet to draw my maps. The rest of you can sleep in the collective room downstairs." She smiles innocently. "Why would you be the one getting the beds all by yourself!" Zoro asks aggrevated. "First come first serve old man!" "I am only a year older than you!" "Guys!" Luffy says. "We settle this the easy way." Everyone is looking at him and listening. He starts to turn his head and looks at me. "Kairi, I'm sure you have a wonderful plan already." Got me by surprise there. "Well, I'd say the most logical way would be to go traditional and split girls and boys. Nami already has put all her navigational equipment in the room. She needs a dry and safe place for her maps. Let's not forget that those are essential for our travels. I know you don't like to share Nami, I get it. You know that I don't usually talk too much so you should have your quiet. I'll be in there mostly to sleep so I'd say this is a nice compromise to have me in there rather than one of the guys. All of them snore a lot and loudly. On top of that, they can sleep literally anywhere. Hammocks should be no problem for them. Sounds fair to anyone?" Everyone nods. "Ho would you know if I snore? I didn't sleep at Kayas." Usopp questions. "You have a long nose with thin nostrils. You have to snore. You might be even louder than Zoro when he had a beer." "Ey!" "Huh, yeah no you are right." "She always is" Nami smiles.

Sharp and Sharper. Roronoa Zoro x (fem OG) reader // One Piece fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now