blonde hair creep

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We hold at the docks. Plenty of ships are already parked up all around the huge ship restaurant of a ship. Seemingly, it is mostly pirates.
"I know what we are going to do next." "Hide the ship so no marines can catch us?" Nami asks. "Why? There's enough other pirates around." Zoro says. "Compared to those, we have already broken into a marine base, left one of their vessels immobile and the the two of you have considerably high bounties." "You are just jealous you are not as wanted as Luffy and I are." He says with a cocky smile. I grimace back at him.
"Let's get some food," Luffy announces and jumps off the boat, making his way towards the main entrance.

As the rest of us walk in, Luffy is at the railing looking down at the guests. "Welcome to the Baratie. How can I help you?"  "Where do we eat?" Luffy asks loudly. Well, I guess he didn't suddenly get manners. "Do you have a reservation?" "No... Do we need one?" "Unfortunately we are certainly full at the moment. I can put you on the waitlist." "How long would that take approximately?" I ask. "The next spot is about three weeks out." "Three weeks?!" Usopp wonders aloud. "I'm sure there's a table for the future king of the pirates." He tries and uses his charm, presenting Luffy. "And who would that be, sir?" "Monkey D. Luffy. Surely you have heard of him before." The waiter looks a little perplexed. I buff Nami on the shoulder. She nods and walks to the waiter. "You'll have to excuse them, kind sir." She hands him a few berries trying not to be too obvious. "Of course, madam, right this way." He leads us to the table.
"I might have been mistaken for a lady but it works everytime," Usopp says to Luffy. Both of them didn't realize Nami's little excuse.

Everyone hops in the booth, or at least tries to. I take my katanas off and place them behind the seats, so I have them secured. Zoro on the other hand, is struggling to get in because of his katanas. "I'd be happy to check your swords in, sir." "Over my dead body." Zoro growls. I sit next to Nami. I pat the seat right next to me, on the other side of the booth. He takes the hint and moves over to me. Here, he can sit and let his swords dangle next to the seat.

Just as we all settled, A blonde waiter broke off their fight quickly and knocked them both down. He used only his feet. I am very impressed.
"He's a good fighter," Luffy says happily. He wants him to join our crew. "Using only his feet. Fascinating." I admit.  Zoro huffs. "Don't you think?" I turn to him and ask him genuinely. "You can drool over him from a close-up he's coming our way." "What? N-"
The blonde guy places the bread he was holding while fighting on our table. "Welcome to our shitty restaurant. The only thing shittier than the ambiance is the food." That blonde hair, the way it's styled... I've seen it before. "My Nami is Sanji. What can I get for you?" Was he the one from the dream? "Any drinks? One of our signature cocktails to help you choke down your meal?" I snicker a little at that. He's giving us the hard sell. I feel a shift in Zoro's body language. He is very jealous. I'll have to talk to him later.
Sanji shifts his head following my laugh as Nami speaks. "Giving us the hard sell, huh?" He starts smiling. Did I just see hearts in his eyes? "Sorry madam, didn't see you two there. Would you care for an apéritif to start?" He starts naming plenty of unpronounceable wines and spirits. Very exotic ones at that. "You know, something sweet for someone sweet." He smiles suggestively at Nami. Wow, that guy is losing his head tonight if he is going to keep that up. And how cheesy was that?
Zoro is gritting his teeth. In order to relax him a little, I put my right hand on his thigh. I want him to know he's the only one I am interested in.

"Something wrong with your eye?" NAmi asks. "Just blinded by your beauty." He answers like it's the most normal thing ever to be said. Zoro grabs my hand on his thigh. I giggle a little again. I don't know what it is but that Sanji is cracking me up.
"And you miss? interested in one of our exclusive drinks? You know, something special for someone special." He smiles. I feel Zoro tightening his grip. "No, I'm good. thanks." I smile at him solely to stay polite.

Zoro caughs slightly to get Sanji's attention. "Waiter, can I get a beer and something for my friends?" I'm glad he did that to change the subject. "Two beers," Usopp continues. "And a milk," Luffy adds. "Three beers and a mild. Noted. Anything for the ladies?" He has that smile again. It gets a little creepy after a while.
"Water." nami and I say simultaneously. "Still, sparking, mineral? With ice or without? If so, cubed or crushed?" I look at Nami. This is a bit much with that guy, she handles people like that very well. "Regular water in a regular glass." "I'll have the same, thank you," I say quickly. "Right away!" And with that, he took off.

"I don't like that guy," Zoro says for everyone in the booth to hear. "Yeah, he seems like a bit of a creep." "I agree," Nami says. "I like him. And he is a good fighter too." Luffy says, finishing the last slice of bread we had. Luffy ate it all by himself. But to no surprise.

Sharp and Sharper. Roronoa Zoro x (fem OG) reader // One Piece fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now