kaya's huge mansion

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We all make our way up the hill, to a mansion a little outside the village. Nami and I walk together. "If she lives in a mansion like that, she must be rich!" I can see berry signs in her eyes. She's just as much still in her old scheme. She's about to rob Usopp's friend.
"Don't forget that she also owns the shipyard. People pay lots to park up their vessel." She squeaks excitedly. I have to laugh a little.

"Woah, her house is huge!" Luffy exclaims. "And she is living here all alone?"
"No, she is living here with her butler and a few staff." Nami's jaw dropped. I wonder if she has another bag with her? All the high valuables that must be hiding behind these walls won't fit in her little backpack and her hands.
"Little staff makes it easier for pickings." She whispers to herself, but I hear it. I shove her a bit while shaking my head at her laughing a little.

We weirdly walk past the main entrance. But I guess, he knows she might be sitting in the backyard. "If you have an invitation, why are we walking in through the back door?" Luffy asks the right questions. "I never use the main entrance. It's more of a VIP entrance back here. For special guests." He says proudly. I can hear a little nervousness in his voice, especially in her body language. He tries to cover it up with swift and jumpy movements but I can read him like an open book. He is talking shit. I wonder if he has ever even been here before? Although he wouldn't have known where to go. I am guessing, he is not supposed to be here but likes to come by anyway. I think he and Kaya really are friends.
"Having a bad feeling about this?" Zoro asks me. He knows me so well...
"Not exactly. A little maybe. I think it's just because Usopp is a liar." Zoro only hums, but his look tells me he knows I have more to say. I give in. "We are not supposed to be here. At least he is not. Why else would we be taking the back way?" Zoro looks around. "I mean VIP entrance? Please." "That's what I thought." I know he didn't think about it before, but I appreciate his attempt. "Yeah, well. Let's see where this is going.

We walk up to the backside. On the terrace are two of Kaya's staff, working. Very interesting hairstyles they have there... Usopp sees them and turns around real quick. "Actually, let's take the other exclusive entrance." The first staff member throws a little knife at Usopp. It's not going to hit him. No, it landed in between his feet. He stops abruptly in his tracks. Turning around slowly. "Usopp, what are you doing here?" That guy is furious. "You said so." Zoro leaned and whispered in my ear. I get a little bit of butterflies; my cheeks might have flashed a little pink there. "Buchi, buddy!" Usopp laughs nervously. "Kaya is awaiting me. And my friends."

So-called Buchi has come closer. He packs Usopp easily by the bibs to lift him up. That guy is abnormally strong to just be part of some rich lady's staff... "You know you are not welcome here." "There you go" Zoro whispers again. He knows what he's doing. I am sure of it.
"I don't know of such a thing!" Usopp lies. "Another one of your lies!" Buchi shouts. So, everyone knows he is a liar? He must rarely speak the truth.

"Usopp!" A fine lady walks up from the flower garden. She doesn't look too well. She is so very pale, thin, and fragile. She is not walking by herself, but being held by her butler. She struggles to make steps. "What a wonderful surprise!" She says smiling. Buchi has to let go of Usopp. He is huffing smugly and makes his way towards Kaya. "Happy Birthday!" He says smilingly. "You remembered!" Her eyes are glowing. "Of course I did." He says surely. I think these two really like each other very much if you know what I'm saying.

The butler clears his throat. I look at his face. He is pushing his glasses up in a weird way. With the part, where the palm and wrist meet. How very odd. "Usopp." He nods at him. "We had this discussion before. You mustn't show up unannounced." "You were right" I hear whispered in my ears. This time, I can't really focus on anything but the butler. He is so very odd to me. Does he remind me of someone? Hm, not exactly. The way he acts weird might just be because he seems to be a smug butler. Speaking very formally and holding a good posture. Wearing a clean outfit. But what I can't get my mind off of is the way he readjusted his glasses. Why would he do it like that? It doesn't serve any purpose. Actually, more on the contrary. You can't properly push it the way it is supposed to go, except if you have been doing it for years. Yet, this weird way of holding your hand? It's much faster to use your fingers. He doesn't even have any dirt on his perfectly white gloves.
Zoro shook my shoulder a little to let me escape from my thought process. Exactly what I needed.

I must have missed a bit of conversation because the next thing I hear is Usopp calling us his crew. We have known him for less than an hour. Luffy isn't even sure if he is talking about us. I mean, earlier he still had those three little boys.
"So nice to meet you! You all must stay for dinner." Kaya said. Our crew is looking at each other. There's no way we'd decline an offer like that!

"Please, Miss Kaya. This is a bit last minute, isn't it? I'm afraid the kitchen has not prepared for any extra guests." Well, that's unfortunate. "Please Klahadore. It's my birthday. It can't be too much trouble, can it?" She is such a sweet girl I can see why Usopp likes her. "Of course, Miss Kaya." He gives in.

"Alright. So, when do we eat?" Luffy asks. "You don't." Luffy drops his smile. "Not dressed like that." Klahadore continued. "Sham, kindly show our guests to the guest suites. You with bathe and change before dinner." "That doesn't sound too shabby," Zoro says. "A bath does sound nice" Nami agrees.

Everyone walks up the stairs to the house, following Sham. I look back to check where Zoro is. He looks back at the butler, checking one last time. I think he suspects something as well.

Sharp and Sharper. Roronoa Zoro x (fem OG) reader // One Piece fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now