it all happened so fast

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 I turn around slowly. I sit back in the criss-cross position, sipping from my glass.  "Did anything happen?" Zoro asks. "No, what makes you think that?"
"I don't know, you seem like there's a lot on your mind." "There-" "Don't say there always is. You gotta stop worrying all the time. Look at how we managed to defeat that stupid clown and the weird butler. We did that. As a crew. You are not on your own anymore." He came closer while saying that. I look down at my glass. I exhale deeply. I know he's right but it's easier said than done.

"Besides," He puts his hand on my chin to lift my head. "I'm here. I won't let anyone touch a hair on you." Oh, the way he said it so deeply and confidently. I really am swooning now, am I? Jesus, he holds the power to let me forget everything around me. He positions his hands on each side of my body onto the figurehead. If we were alone, I'm sure things would play out differently right about now.

"I don't need your protection, Mr. Swordsman, but I will accept it nevertheless." I smile at him suggestively. "Well, I'll be glad to be of service, Ms. Swordswoman." Oh god, where has my brain gone? I can't function properly anymore. For the first time, I feel like I don't know what to do. I don't want to mess this up. Ever. I want to stay in this moment.

"Lost for words?" He asks cheekily. "Don't get ahead of yourself, I saw how you've got lost in those eyes." I smile back just as cheekily. "Got me there," I think we were leaning in? Everything happened so fast.

Just as fast, we heard the door bust open. Both of us turn our heads. Just the heads, is hands are still placed on each side of my figure on the figurehead. Just now I realize how close we were.

The cause of the door was just a tired Luffy. I don't think he has acknowledged our presence. He just went to the bathroom quickly and closed the door behind him just as loudly as before. My guess is he is going back to sleep. "What an idiot." Zoro growls. "Let's continue where we left off, shall we?" 

He smiles almost devilishly, his darkened eyes telling me about the lust he feels. We move even closer. I can feel his breath on my face. It feels like electricity is surging through my veins. His eyes are closed. He takes it all in. I do so too. I feel his hands rising to my waist, brushing along my shirt on the way up. And then it happens. We kiss, just like that. It was a sweet kiss. He started the kiss but let me take the lead. He is such a gentleman, letting me go however fast I feel ready for. I put my left hand on his torso whilst my right is at the back of his neck, slowly making its way up. He smiles into the kiss, so I do too. I feel his hands make their way up too.

To our misfortune, I slowly bring the kiss to an end. I really wish I didn't have to, but I can feel that someone is about to come out and see us. I don't know if Zoro is comfortable telling anyone. Once I break off the kiss, I put our foreheads together. "I wish it didn't have to end but-" "It doesn't," He says a little out of breath. "Someone's coming," He turns around, as it is now Usopp's turn to take a quick break in the bathroom and go back to bed right after. He looked just as sleepy as Luffy did, he also didn't acknowledge our presence but shut the door quietly as opposed to Luffy.

"Another idiot," Zoro exhaled as he turned back around to look at me. I look at him for a moment before I burst into laughter. That look on his face says it all. He didn't sign up for those two being such idiots. Zoro joins my laugh. We end up laughing so hard, more because of the other laughs rather than Zoro's face being the start of it all.
"You two surely are in a good mood," Nami says suspiciously. Looking down at us from the railing.

We continue laughing "Good morning, Nami," I manage to say in between laughter. She didn't even bother to ask and went to the kitchen. 
Once the laughter has stifled down we just sit there. Me on the figurehead, Zoro on the deck leaning against the wall right next to it. 

"Wait. Where's my glass?" I wonder aloud, looking around me. "Which glass?" "I had a glass of water before you came..." "I don't remember there being any glass." He shrugs at me. Hm... I must have let it fall into the ocean. I was too busy to notice. Well, we still have plenty more, I'm sure no one will care. 

"Uhm, guys?" Usopp says. He backs down from the upper deck, running towards us. Nami and Luffy appear. Usopp is scared. He manages to say in between stutters "There's a huge Marine warship!" "THERE'S WHAT?" "ALREADY?"
"How cool!" Luffy says. Of course, that's what he thinks about it. He runs towards the stern to check out the ship that's attacking us. Everyone follows. "Grandpa?" Luffy says. "GRANDPA?" everyone shouts at him. 

"Prepare for impact," I interrupt the awkward moment. "What?" Nami turns around to me. Just that instance their cannon shoots a ball towards us. It flew just above the railing but ripped part of the one on the other side with it into the sea. Usopp screams wildly. "Relax Usopp, they won't just let us drown. "How would you know?!" "Usopp, prepare the canon!" "Oh, yeah, I can totally do that." Hm, I guess that worked. He runs down to where the cannon is. There's another one flying our way. It flies pretty high but this way once it falls it would cause serious damage to the Merry. We need to block them somehow. "LUFFY!" In that moment Usopp comes back up. "Guys, did you see the- AAAHH!" Just in time, Luffy stood in front of him and inhaled so deeply, that he turned into a ballon. That caused the cannonball to bounce off and right back into the marine ship. It hit their sail so now they are pretty much unable to move as fast as we do.
"Luffy, you saved us!" Usopp says extremely relieved. I release a deep breath I didn't know I was holding. "Zoro packs me by the shoulders. "Are you okay?" I nod. "Yeah, are you?" He nods as well. "Let's take the chance and leave. Quickly!" Nami announces.

Sharp and Sharper. Roronoa Zoro x (fem OG) reader // One Piece fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now